Hello everyone,
As some of you may already be aware (and I can't remember if this was previously mentioned under Atra's tenure, but it needs to be said again as it seems to be a recurring incident) there is a glitch with combat droid weapon slotting that we are unable to rectify from our end. When selling a normal, store bought weapon with your droid you are automatically reimbursed the cost of the weapon with said sold droid. For specialty weapons (like sacramental awards, and society weapons such as the SA Sith Sword and INQ Sith Dagger) with no credit value assigned in the system, they are simply sold into nothingness until awarded to the next person. meaning you will lose the item in question with zero benefit to your credit account.
A fix is being worked on to prevent the sale of these weapons, and whether it takes the shape of a hard block or a warning that pops up I cannot say because I'm not familiar with the website coding. As of now there is no ETA on this, and no fix that the Regent Staff can deploy on its own. Until such a time as a fix can be implemented, I am asking everyone to please triple check that there no specialty weapons slotted in your combat droids when selling them, as all these weapons are hard earned.
Anubis Taldrya
Regent of the Brotherhood
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Is it impossible to make such weapons available in the store for 0 Credit cost but with two requirements: The relevant rank in order to have been awarded the weapon in the first place AND not owning one already? I suppose it might be even preferable to just allow people to buy several of the weapon/equipment if they've reached that rank. I think this would be a very easily implementable quick-fix that would alleviate the issue while a more permanent solution is devised.
We will These are singularly items that are either awarded one at a time, or awarded only once when earned. They do not belong in the store and will not be added to them. It takes two seconds to double check these items are not slotted into your combat droid before selling it.
Thank you for the suggestion.
We will not be doing that.*
Unexpected, but an understandable oversight. Thank you for being open about this.
This has been rectified, and you can no longer sell a droid slotted with those weapons