Regent Supplemental #4.1: Maintenance Start


Regent Supplemental #4.1: Maintenance Start


This supplemental is to announce that we are entering Maintenance Mode for the following store:

  • Arx Starship Acquisitions

During this window which we expect to last into tomorrow, members will be unable to purchase personal ships. At the same time, we will be enacting the changes necessary to fully implement Space Vehicle Upgrades. You will see your current modification aspects removed and replaced with a new version. At the same time, any other aspects relating to weaponry, performance, and systems will be removed and replaced with slots. These slots will be related to the new upgrade store which will be opened when the maintenance window ends.

Additionally, we have created a Regent Staff Google group for ease of communication, ensuring the staff is fully aware of all conversations and queries. That Google group can be seen on the Dark Council roster page, in case you ever lose it, but you can save it now as: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Thank you for your patience! Talk again soon.


Thank you for reading and remember: any questions relating to the Possessions system, item mechanics, or features can be emailed to Regent Staff at [Log in to view e-mail addresses].




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