Unknown Location
Orian System
Activity bustled all about the Miraluka as he sat amongst a crowd of pillows comfortably arranged about his seated form. He was completely at peace here, despite the noise, his mind lost in the flowing energies of the galaxy as his legs were crossed and arm rested in his lap. Much had been changing recently and the fires were begining to be stoked as the lumbering giant of Naga Sadow would be woken. The calls had already begun, Malik publicly denouncing those who did not seek a united Orian was but a step. The Heirs to Naga Sadow's great Empire would rise, and they would conquer as was their destiny. But first, they needed to heed their Consul call.
"Sir?" came a voice from his side, one of the younger members of his team but a resourceful and talented member of the Warhost.
Methyas breathed deep, a sigh of relief as he recalled himself to his immediate surroundings, a pressure building in the room for a moment as his strange Force signature pooled around him briefly. The Miraluka's sight took a moment to recover as he adjusted before he responded, "Yes? A status report I take it?"
"Aye, sir. Equinox Station is nearly fully operational and I have ensured that the new arrivals from the Shadow Academy have settled in where you requested."
"Excellent work, I assume Lady Teu has welcomed SebazMed and Walletto into her fold quickly. I suspect she'll be pleased with the return of Miraak as well."
"Yes, m'lord. She did seem pleased at the additional manpower, and the recruits seem eager to advance."
"Then we shall show them the paths they must walk, prepare a shuttle for me, I feel I may be needed soon."
Greetings ladies and gentlemen of Naga Sadow, and welcome to the first official report of the Loremaster. You'll find that this is a strange and unusual title compared to what my actual title of Rolemaster and that is for a few simple reasons.
Historically the position of Rolemaster is one which deals primarily with our Journeymen, a prestigious position which I still intend to maintain to the best of my duties. However, with the inception of the Grind Path and various other advancements in the Brotherhood, my duties have become lessened. As such, I've worked with our Consul and Proconsul to develop the role of the Loremaster, a sort of extension of my existing knowledge and talents within Naga Sadow.
For those of you who don't know, alongside Xanos I have become a bit of a historian and lorekeeper for Naga Sadow. People often come to me for help when it comes to our long and varied history, for help with the Wiki, or simply when they want to write fiction be it a personal story or run-on. With this in mind, I have simply added some duties to my role, primarily writing a monthly fiction alongside whatever run-ons we may have, as an actual canon story for Naga Sadow. In addition to this, I will be maintaining and updating the Wiki pages for Naga Sadow as quickly and as often as I can.
Now that that is out of the way, lets get into the bulk of the reporting.
I will be running monthly competitions for the perceivable future in what I call the Loremaster Series. The competitions involved in the Loremaster Series will follow four Paths: the Path of Conquest, the Path of the Force, the Path of Knowledge, and the Path of Self-Discipline. Each path will have a specific theme relating more to what sort of competitions are involved in them, for example, the Path of Knowledge is more than likely going to revolve around writing fiction or perhaps the Shadow Academy and the purpose for this is what happens at the end of four months.
At the end of every quarter with the Loremaster Series, I will announce a Paragon for each path, this will be the person who took the most wins in that given path. But the other reason for this is related to the monthly fiction. You see, as an added incentive for your participation, I will be writing your character into the monthly fiction for your successes as a way to keep you more involved in Naga Sadow and its history. For this month, starting today none the less, your Loremaster Series competitions are as follows:
In addition to these competitions, I want to do a little extra for each and every one of you who want to get a little more involved in our fiction. Starting today, I will be issuing Loremaster Challenges to anyone who wants to develop their characters in a way to really get involved with the creation of the Orian Assembly and Naga Sadow. These challenges will obviously vary depending on what specific skill sets your characters have and what you prefer to do within the Brotherhood, but will also net you a chance to get a spotlight in the monthly fiction. For those of you who have been around for a while, this will seem familiar to the Arconan/Antei Contract Bureau and that's by design as it helps to cater to your audience when you want to get them involved.
I can already see you asking, "Well, Methyas, how do these Challenges work?" I'm going to use one of our summit as an example here as it was in a recent fiction.
Jeric Cyrin wants to develop his character as an Enforcer for the Assembly and asks for a challenge and that he'd prefer a fiction. I quickly work up a prompt for him, there's a target for him to eliminate on Aeotheran in Seng Karash, we've given him full clearance to take out the target as soon as possible but it needs to be done cleanly with no witnesses. From there, I'll set up the private run-on for him on the forums and let him have at it, taking as short or long as he wants to get the job done. Once he's done, I'll integrate the events of his personal storyline into the monthly fiction in a way to gives him a bit of a spotlight and provide a link to it for people to read if they want the details.
The Loremaster Challenges, unlike the Loremaster Series, are not designed to give you any sort of reward like Crescents or anything (for the moment being), other than to develop you character and to get them noticed in a canon setting within Naga Sadow, and hopefully one day, the Brotherhood at large.
Lastly, if you guys need any help at all within the Clan, Brotherhood, or just want to know more about the competitions and challenges I'll be running, don't be afraid to shoot me an email and ask away!
For Sadow,
Methyas L'eonheart, Son of Sadow
Rollmaster of Clan Naga Sadow
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Excellent work, Methyas!