RM Cool Report #1 - No sooner spoken than broken


RM Cool Report #1 - No sooner spoken than broken

RM Cool Report #1 - No sooner spoken than broken


I go by the name Frosty. I’ve been a member of Clan Tarentum since forever. I recently, like 3 weeks ago, I’ve replaced Farrin as Rollmaster of Tarentum. I don’t know what your expectations are of me but I’m here to score chicks. It’s already easy for me because I have the looks of Han Solo and the charisma of Lando Calrissian. And I also have a license to kill. But seriously, I’m here for Tarentum’s Journeymen.

Tarentum’s Journeymen

I treat Tarentum’s Journeymen just like my kids. I have no kids yet, but if I did I would make them work as soon as they can walk. Oh how I love my Journeymen and my Journeymen love me. Tarentum has 12 Journeymen (JM) that are pretty high in numbers on the upper ranks than the lower ones. And boom! Here’s an unnecessary but beautiful pie chart for that! I like that and my goal is to help all of you get to at least DJK if not DJM.

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Xenna and Vordhall came in.


Viper Zapain left for the Rogues.


Chewaky to ACO

Xenna from APP to NOV.

Vordhall from APP to NOV to ACO to PRT.

Itshim from PRT to GRD to JH.

Alexander Drago from NOV to PRT.

Garloaf to DJK.

Congratulations to you all! You make me proud.

Shadow Academy Report Card

Vordhall passed: Dark Brotherhood Basics, Freighters/Transports Studies, Combat Tactics II, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Advanced Lightsaber Studies, Lightsaber Studies and Combat Tactics I.

Vordhall also bagged himself a Dark Maven in Combat.

Itshim passed: Combat Tactics II, Combat Tactics I, Galactic History III: The Ascension of the Sith Empire, Galactic History V: Saga of Revan and Malak, Galactic History IV: The Great Sith War, ACC Fundamentals, Leadership Rewards, Leadership Competitions, Advancement Survey.

Itshim also earned a Dark Maven in Galactic History.

Alexander Drogo passed Dark Brotherhood Basics.

JM of the Report

The Journeyman of the mount is … drums rollingItshim. Itshim is a good soldier and I’m proud to have been able to promote him. He’s gone through the ranks very fast and was only held back by the mandatory time requirements.


Like the saying goes: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” So there you have it, the competitions link, it should list only the ones relevant to you: https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/competitions. What I like to do is subscribe to the ones I’d like to do and keep tabs on them via the calendar on the website.

I’d also like to mention two in particular:

[Tarentum] RM Report Puzzle

Every report will contain a word that is an anagram. That anagram will be the answer or related to the info in the report title. Solve the anagram and send in the correct correct answer. First three to send in their answers get rewarded. Use the text submission form to send in your entries.

[Tarentum] RM Report graphics

I need a cool graphic header for my reports. Send me your best shot at a graphic header with no text and I will reward the best three entries. The header must not be too big and in a image file format (I'd prefer png or jpeg). The header can contain the words "Tarentum - Rollmaster report" or none at all. It can also be a screenshot of movie scene or game or some sorts. Have fun!


I plan on keeping my JM in check and aiding them as best I can. All JM should receive an email from me over the weekend with a promotion guide towards their next rank. I also plan on keeping the Master/Student pairings up to date and get regular follow ups. So far our pairings are in order and all Masters are doing their job just fine. I would also like to update and add to Tarentum’s Journeymen guide when I have time. I plan on using as much of the experience I have into this one.


That’s about it for my first report. Make sure you find the answer for the puzzle; it is easy and fun to do imo. Also I think it should be common sense but I’ll say it again: if you have any questions, ANY questions, just email me or contact me via Telegram. I’m always here to help.


OE Frosty Romanae Tarentae

Rollmaster of Tarentum

Cool report indeed, best RM I ever had (it doesn't matter you're the only one I ever had). I especcialy like the part about.... Me :p

Excellent report. Keep those JMS rolling along.

Thx guys! :)

I wanna participate in the puzzle! SO jealous.


You can send me the answer if you want to check yourself. :)

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