Hi all, My name is Nikola Valtiere, your new Rollmaster, though I’d rather you all called me Will. I’m taking over from the previous Rollmaster, Sight Nortorshin. Everyone congratulate him on what he did in the role, and wish him luck as the new Aedile of Galeres.
Now, onto myself. I’ve been in Arcona for a few years now, as a BTL, Aedile and as a Quaestor. I’m looking forward to taking on this new role, so I’m hoping to help you guys get to knighthood.
I’m always just an email away, and I’m always happy to help out with anything. My door is always open. I’m quieter than some, yes. Don’t be surprised when I’m not shouting out on IRC every day. But I’m always there, ready to help out. My real life job actually involves teaching student nurses, so I can use all the touchy-feely rubbish from that to make it sound like I know what I’m talking about.
Taking charge, I need to build up a list of people who want to have a hand in moulding the future generation of Arcona. Being a Master is a rewarding experience, and I recommend it to anyone of DJK or above. If you feel you have something to give to our Journeymen, then use this handy Master application form. I can use it to pair masters and students to get a good fit, so you both get the most from the experience. I’ll be emailing all the Journeymen without Masters to find out about them and introduce myself, so keep those eyes peeled.
Though we have lost a few members, we got a transfusion of new blood and a returning veteran as well. Welcome everyone! And good luck to those who left!
Our new Consul, Abby, has released a report, detailing her vision for the Clan in our newfound peace. The House summits have also released their reports: Qel-Droma and Galeres. Make sure to read them to know what’s going on within our Clan.
There are a load of competitions out at the moment, take a gander at the competition listing here. Competitions are key to advancing in the Brotherhood, and they add little letters to your dossier to make you feel better about yourself.
In closing, I’m your new RM, I want everyone who can become a Master applying to be a Master. Some people have left, some have joined, the great flowing river of life continues plummeting towards the waterfall of infinity. Peace graces the Brotherhood for a time, so we all need to work together to bind as a unit, and develop ourselves. It’s a golden time to be a Journeyman, as all the opportunity is there for you to take, to develop yourself, find out what you enjoy, and excel.
Nikola Valtiere Rollmaster of Clan Arcona
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Wonderful first report as Rollmaster, Will. I know you, and the rest of my new summit, will do spectacularly.
(Form filled out too ;) )
Good job, Will.
Enjoy the new position. <3
Good report! I can make you a header like Sight had if you need ;)
Great report! Can't wait to work with you on our Journeymen.
Ernor - Do eeet!
Great stuff!