Has is been 2 months already? My, how time flies. Well, it’s been a busy few months since April. We’ve had a lot of people join us, a lot of people get promoted, and a lot of competitions and other fun activities to divert ourselves from real work. Time to crack on, then.
Welcome back to our returners, and commiserations to those leaving us.
Welcome all of you! I look forward to seeing you all make your homes here!
Congrats to all of you! Keep reaching up the ladder!
Well, there have been a lot of reports out, so I’ll go for the most recent from the Grandmaster; Our Consul; House Qel-Droma and House Galeres. Make sure to cast your gimlet eye over them, and keep on the look out for their new reports which are sure to come out soon!
We have quite a few competitions going on in the Brotherhood at the moment, as can be seen from the staggering competition listing. So many that you have no idea what to pick, right? Well, struggle aimlessly no longer! Here’s my recommendation of the month, especially for you journeymen looking for a quick competition to satisfy your competition requirements! This month, I’m recommending the [Dozens of Games][DoG] Series. It’s an event run by our own Rhiann and Andrelious made up of a different flash game each week, something fun and simply you can quickly do in half a lunch break.
That seems to be all the pertinent points covered. In closing, I’d like to point everyone of DJK and above looking to mould the future minds of Arcona to fill in the Master application form. I won’t reach out to you until you fill in the form, so do fill it out in full.
Have a good month, everyone, and next time, it won’t be so long between reports. Journeymen, Clamber that Ladder, and you’ll reach DJK in no time!
Nikola Valtiere
Rollmaster of Clan Arcona
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great report
Great report! <3
Nice report!