A pretty good month from Plagueis - we finished third overall in Fading light which wasn't bad, but of course, could have been better. As mentioned in a previous report, a few of our members knocked out all five entries for Nicht Ka and some have been awarded Seals of Loyalty. In the report this month, there are lots of awards to list, some new faces and of course some promotions for certain members so bear with me while I get all this information from my new tracker!
- SBM Kz'Set - CoIx5, LoS, SotCx6
- SW Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr - SotCx6, SoL, CoIx2
- GRD Misium - CoIx2, PoB, SotCx2, Cr-1r, SC
- JH Kul'tak Drol - SotCx2, CoIx9
- OE Callus Bo'Amar - SotCx3, CoIx5, SC
- SW Taranae Rhode - Pendant of Blood, SotCx6, SoI, SoL, CoIx2
- DJK Marduss - SotC
- SBM Teylas Ramar - SotCx5, SoL, CoIx4, PoB
- KPN Koth Rai'Hakk - SotC
- KE Selika Roh - SotCx6, LS, CoIx2, PoBx4
- OP Furios Morega - SotCx4, LoS
- OE SIlent - SotC
- OE Tra'an Reith Di Plagia - SotCx3
- PRT Kelly Mendes - SotC
- APP Avedis Philly - SotC
- GRD Azmodius Megalex - SotCx3
- JH Ra'gnar - SotCx3, DC
- SBL Vivackus Kavon Di Plagia - SotCx5,CoIx3
- DJK Octavia Morgan Obrie - AC
And so, a shout out to the special award winners, Brimstone (SoL), Teylas (SoL), Furios (SoL), Ra'gnar for his Dark Cross and of course, Octavia for the Anteian Cross! Well done everyone! Took a fair amount of time to get this from my tracker with all the awards this month.
Firstly. a shout out to our new members!
- Malik Sunfell
- Avedis Philly
- Xyre Weltmon
- Olivier Sais
And the Promotions...
- Kul'tak Drol to JH - well done Apprentice! One more rank to go.
- Taranae Rhode to SW
- Kelly Mendes to PRT
- Malik Sunfell to NOV
- Avedis Philly to APP
- Azmodius Megalex to GRD
- Xyre Weltmon to NOV
- Olivier Sais to APP
Congratulations all on your promotions - good to see the new recruits climbing so quickly. We'll make Dark Jedi Knights out of you yet!
Shadow Academy
- Kelly Mendes to SA II
- Xyre Weltmon to SA I
Keep hitting those exams everyone!
Grand Master's Royal Guard
- Brimstone to GMRG II
- Misium to GMRG IV
- Kul'tak Drol to GMRG I
- Furios to GMRG VIII
- Ra'gnar to GMRG II
Shadow Academy Courses
Wow - you new guys really love the SA don't you? I'm sure everyone grading the exams has their work cut out for them this time around...
- SW Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr - Hand-to-Hand Combat, GMRG History, Sith Core, HTML Primer, Fading Light Trivia.
- NOV Percy Ryun - Essentials 1: History, Essentials 3: Paths & Orders, Essentials 2: Departments, Essentials 5: Organization,Essentials 6: Medals, Dark Pundit - Essentials, Comms 1: Discourse Forum, DJBWiki: An Introduction, Gaming 103: Submitting Gaming Activity, Gaming 201: Pazaak.
- JH Kul'tak Drol - Gaming 101: Setting up & Finding Matches, Gaming 103: Submitting Gaming Activity, Gaming 201: Pazaak, GMRG History, Leadership Reports.
- SW Taranae Rhode - Fading Light Trivia.
- SBM Kz'Set - Fading Light Trivia.
- OP Furios Morega - Fading Light Trivia
- PRT Kelly Mendes - Essentials 1: History, Essentials 2: Departments, Essentials 3: Paths & Orders, Essentials 4: Ranks, Essentials 5: Organization, Essentials 6: Medals, Dark Pundit - Essentials, DJBWiki: An Introduction, Dark Brotherhood Basics, Krath Core, Consular Core, Obelisk Core, Tor Basics, Philosophy I: Views, IRC Basics, Races and Species, Mandalorian Studies.
- NOV Malik Sunfell - Essentials 1: History, Essentials 2: Departments, Essentials 3: Paths & Orders, Essentials 4: Ranks, Essentials 5: Organization, Essentials 6: Medals, Dark Pundit - Essentials, Vendetta 1: Foundation, Vendetta 2: Submission, Vendetta 3: Fiction and Graphics, Dark Pundit - Vendetta, Comms 1: Discourse Forum, DJBWiki: An Introduction, Gaming 101: Setting up & Finding Matches.
- NOV Xyre Weltmon - Essentials 1: History, Essentials 2: Departments, Essentials 3: Paths & Orders, Essentials 4: Ranks, Krath Core.
- GRD Aalcem Novec - Alchemy Studies, Races and Species, Cryptography 101, Astronomy Studies.
Phew - so many to list..
Tips For Ranking
As always, communicate. If you find yourself at a dead end as to what to do next to gain that elusive rank, speak to either your BTL or in some cases your Master. They will give you guidance on what to do next. Failing that, contact either myself or a member of the summit who can also help.
BTLs please report to me once a fortnight with an update on your members' progress, and Masters please report once per week, Friday on both counts will be fine.
So far I have received one report from Octavia. Help me to help you - I am trying my best to keep the tracker updated, and updates from yourselves help me to achieve that and be as efficient as possible!
Relevant Reports
Relevant Competitions
Nicht Ka is over, now we look forward to the event beginning on Wednesday. All I am privy to is that this will be fiction regarding our home, the Anchorage, and the unexplored lower depths in an Alien-esque kind of setting. I, for one, am looking forward to this, being a big Aliens fanatic. I know a few people such as Viv and Furios are setting up teams or you can get together with others and create your own for the event. If you do want to set up your own, I suggest you let Viv or Furios know so they can make sure everyone is ok. Good luck Plagueis - this should be fun!
Congratulations to all the promoted, the shiny winners and everyone ranking up in the SA or GMRG. You're doing Plagueis proud so keep up the great work! As Montresor once said, "Do Work, Son."
I am, your servant,
Sith Warrior Taranae Rhode
Clan Plagueis Rollmaster
SW Taranae Rhode (Sith) / RM / Clan Plagueis [GMRG: V] [SA: III] [ACC: Q]
ACx3 / DCx2 / GN / Cr:1R-3S-3E-2T / PoB / CFx479 / CIx10 / DSS / SIx4 / SoLx2 / S:11Cr
Useful Links
By far the longest and best report you have done, my apprentice.
Congratulations on on the awards and promotion winners.