Greetings Sapphire Squadron,
Hello, everyone, the year is almost over and I must say been a great year, with the Dark Brotherhood. I’m looking forward to what the coming year has to bring. Well on with the report.
Sapphire Squadron now has a new Battle Team Sergeant, Mr. Mactire Chemel. Congratulations Mac and hope you enjoy being a part of Sapphire Squadron.
The December event is going on now, join in the fun. Lots different kinds of Competitions.
Some important reports you may want to read.
[Consul and Proconsul Report]
[House Shar Dakhan Report]
Here are some Fun Competitions you might find fun or interesting:
A lot of new Competitions out there, some to do with festive holidays and what not check them out.
Aexod and Kula have a fiction competition
Sang has a Fiction competition on improving yourself.
Bentre has a competition on cracking a code, ends today so get your entry in before it’s too late.
Below is a link to many other fun Competitions on the main page.
Link to main competition page.
[Malik Sadow]
30 Clusters of Fire,
[Shi Long]
2 Clusters of Ice,
[Roxas Buurenaar] Changed path from Dark Path to Gray Path
[Scarlet Agna]
1 Dark Cross Awarded, 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star Awarded, 3rd place in [Day of the Fox] Herald giveaway!
[Mactire Chemel]
1 Pendant of Blood, 2 Clusters of Ice, Appointed to Battleteam Sergeant of Sapphire Squadron, Transferred from Marka Ragnos to Sapphire Squadron, Docent Halls: Cryptography 101, Department of Combat Writing: ACC Qualification, Department of Leadership Studies: Leadership Competitions, Department of Leadership Studies: Leadership Management, Organized Havoc Squads Flash Point Challenge, Organized HUTTS LOST CARGO ON HOTH, Acolyte Mactire Chemel vs. Knight Aexod Burgoo in ACC, Reaching Max Level (Star Wars: The Old Republic) reported by Hunter Mactire Chemel
[Zarax Grim Bishop]
Transferred from Shar Dakhan to Sapphire Squadron, Transferred from Naga Sadow to Shar Dakhan, Transferred from Rogue to Naga Sadow, Trial of Identity
[Mactire Chemel]
Promoted from Acolyte to Hunter
[Zarax Grim Bishop]
Promoted from Apprentice to Novice, Promoted from Initiate to Apprentice
Hello everyone, I'm your new Battle Team Sergeant Mactire Chemel. I hope to be working with all of you to improve your skills, and get you move involved in the clan, house and squad activities. If you have any questions or concerns about things that are going on please feel free to ask me. I can be reached by mail or on Telegram. Hope that you all are having fun. May the Force be with you.
I want to wish a very Merry Christmas and Happy New year. Hope the coming year is good for all.It was a great Year.And as always If anyone needs to reach me, you can through email ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) I’m also on IRC and Telegram Daily, always here to help you. Those who celebrate Turkey day, please have a fun and safe holiday and don’t eat too much.All and All a very good month. This concludes the November 2015 Report.
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Keep hammering away at it Sapphire Squadron!