Greetings Sapphire Squadron,
Hello, everyone, Happy New Year to all.Hope the new year is treating you all well. And on with the report.
My Sergeant Mactire Chemel, and I are working on an event for February.Keira Viru is stepping down from Quaestor, if you would like to apply is the link with info.
Some important reports you may want to read.
Here are some Fun Competitions you might find fun or interesting:
A lot of new Competitions out there, some to do with festive holidays and what not check them out.
Operation Cobalt, run by Locke Sonjie, Cethgus Tiberius Entar, Keira Viru, Sanguinus Tsucyra Entar, Marcus Kiriyu. Has two fiction competitions, a graphic and gaming competition.
Bentre Stahoes, has two competitions going on now, one with Leeadra Halcyon
Qyreia Arronen has a poetry competition going on
There Once Was a Sith From Naboo
Below is a link to many other fun Competitions on the main page.
Link to main competition page.
[Malik Sadow]
-5 Clusters of Fire -
[Shi Long]
-1 Clusters of Ice -
[Scarlet Agna]
-Dark Maven - Leadership - -1 Crescent with Amethyst Star - -1 Crescent with Sapphire Star - -1 Cluster of Ice - -Docent Halls Cryptography 101 - -Department of CORE Studies Dark Brotherhood Basics - -Department of Lore Studies Races and Species - -Department of History Dark Brotherhood History I - -Department of Leadership Studies Leadership Competitions - -Department of Leadership Studies Leadership Rewards -
[Mactire Chemel]
5 Pendant of Blood,
Hello, everyone, it's me your Battle Team Sergeant Mactire. I know that you are all busy but I hope to influence you into trying to become more active in the Clan and the Squad. First off this month I am planning on a four-part competition with our esteemed and talented leader Scarlet. I hope that you all enter it and have fun with it. If any of you have any plans or ideas for events please let me know so that I may add them to my weekly reports. Also, if there is anything that you would like to see happen in the Squad in the future please let me know and we will see what can happen. I hope to hear from all of you soon and I also hope that everyone is having fun in the Clan. May the Force be with you, and for our Sith may darkness guide you.
As earlier, I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New year. Curious to see who our new Quaestor will be. And as always, If anyone needs to reach me, you can through email ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) I’m also on IRC and Telegram Daily, always here to help you. Those who celebrate Turkey day, please have a fun and safe holiday and don’t eat too much.All and All a very good month. This concludes the November 2015 Report.
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Let's get that activity flowing my friends! Wooooo!
Lets do this