Satele Shan Aedile Report - Archrivals


Satele Shan Aedile Report - Archrivals


Nilgaard Sector Kiast
Voraskel Palace
Guest Chambers

"That was some speech, Major," the familiar voice called out softly from behind her. Alethia turned. The Empress and most of the dignitaries had made their introductions and slipped out over the past few hours, but Gwen Henymory had held back, observing the entire soiree with a dispassionate red glare. Now the trader was almost alone with the Aedile, save for the two Jedi and the handful of Vatali military officers who had cornered them into a discussion about airships.

"How kind of you to say so, Captain Henymory," Archenksova answered as she curtsied. "It's such a pleasure to see you again."

Gwen's face contorted into an amused smirk. "Charming," she said flatly. "Now you will tell me about my brother."

Alethia glanced over her shoulder at her bodyguards and the Sephi, immersed in whatever tedious detail they were discussing. Turning back to Henymory, she leaned in close, her voice barely above a whisper.

"His aim's improved."

"What?" Gwen's smirk started to fade.

Alethia smiled, drawing so close the women's faces were almost touching, her eyes fixed on the other woman's. "Honestly, even for a child it's unacceptable that he missed the fatal blow. It won't happen again. And if I have reason to so much as suspect that you will ever set foot on one of my vessels again, I will ferret out every last one of your fetid hiding holes and burn them to ash. I will melt your ships down and I will own your crew, mind, body, and soul." Even without the Force, Alethia could feel the rage and hate boiling over in Henymory. With Gwen's face frozen in the awkward remnant of a smirk, her body started to tremble with anger. "And nothing," Alethia continued, still smiling, her voice still filled with quiet serenity, "Nothing, not the Force and certainly not the Vatali, will come to save you when I rip that pretty red gem out of your worthless skull."

"Major?" Mar was there, at her side, scowling as Korroth tried to corral the remaining Sephi out of the room. No doubt Gwen's anger practically screamed at him through the Force.

"Of course, Councilor. I believe we've made our point here." With that, the Aedile turned walked for the door, smiling all the way.

Once again, Gwen Henymory was left alone with her hatred.

Introduction and News

Hello, everyone. May proved to be a very tough month for several of us, but so far it seems that the outlook for June is much sunnier. However, I do have to admit that I was hoping to have a little more meat in this report than I do. New planet? Progressing well, but not quite through final approval. House comps? Postponed. Military? Well received, but behind schedule. My pretty new character commission? Currently just a sketch. For the time being you'll just have to trust me: great things are on the horizon.


Currently it looks like the House event is being put on hold to leave space for a Clan event at the end of the month, however I don't have any details about that to announce at this time.

Disciples of Baas

Satele Shan

Clan Odan-Urr


Arch’s Special Corner

There was a very brief spat in the COU Telegram channel a few weeks back about a controversial RL subject. Everyone comported themselves well and the subject was dropped almost immediately, but there was one statement that caused me to raise an eyebrow: "Don't I have freedom of speech?"

To put it bluntly, no, you do not.

I strongly encourage everyone to educate themselves on the club's rules, either directly through the Dark Covenant or indirectly through the SA. You should apply the IRC Guidelines to Telegram as well as IRC. But the tl;dr is that the Clan Summit determines what is and is not acceptable in Clan chat, with the Justicar intervening if things get really out of hand. If you are asked by anyone to drop a subject, please do it. If you really feel that it needs to be open to discussion, take that up with the Summit - that's what they're there for.

We have a very active and close-knit community on Telegram. People chat about the Brotherhood and Star Wars, of course, but we also have people opening up about serious issues in their lives. COU has been a very supportive environment for many of us across issues with our jobs, our families, and our relationships. This is a great thing, and it works because this isn't a community where people talk to win. We have the entire internet to argue with people. COU chat should be a refuge from that. If a topic gets heated, please just drop it or take it to PMs or another channel.

Tl;dr if you want to pick a fight, PM me.

Please, Dear God, Help Me Pad This Report

Tisto asks:

What is the role Shan will play moving forward

Like the rest of the Clan, the next several weeks will be devoted to settling into the new system and developing our new planet. From there, it's war.

Alethia views the world as a conflict between order and chaos, so if left to her own devices she'd approach things that way. The Disciples of Baas would take point in shoring up the Vatali and any other current or potential allies. As for the Brotherhood, well, it's not exactly hard to tip the Sith towards chaos. Our enemies are prone to paranoia and infighting, and that's something SeNet should be encouraging wherever possible.

Of course, Alethia doesn't run the House; Mako and the Council might have different plans.


Go forth and be smashing!

Alethia Archenksova
Aedile, Satele Shan

I'm dissapinted by your lack of Thornberry. Good report though !

I'm dissapinted by your lack of Thornberry.

Oh, he's there, lurking in the shadows.About five times, actually.

Nice report, as per!

"Don't I have freedom of speech?" To put it bluntly, no, you do not.

I just want to clarify one thing here. Members do have a guaranteed freedom of expression in the Dark Covenant. D.Cov 2.01 provides:

Members of the Brotherhood have a right to free speech and expression, but must also have respect for and protect the rights of other members and members who are minors.

So just as in the real world, rights come with limits and responsibilities. You have a right to express yourself, you do not have a right to post vulgar, harassing or discriminatory content. Leaders are tasked with balancing members right of expression with other member's right of peaceful enjoyment of communication channels. The banhammer is not something wielded lightly or in an arbitrary manner. Odan-Urr has a long history of discussing real world or sometimes sensitive issues in a civil manner with only sporadic need for leader intervention. Differences of opinion =/= arguing. People can have different positions and discuss them but only in a civil manner. It's a fine line, but as I said leaders must balance the rights of all members. I will not tolerate leaders enforcing blanket censorship on topics that are not vulgar, harassing or discriminatory but I also trust their judgment to know when to cut off a conversation that has become too personal, heated or emotional. Balance.

This discussion raises an important point, absent an egregious violation of the Covenant Clans are free to make and enforce their own standards within their own channels. We, as a summit, owe you the members a written policy on standards of conduct in our channels.

Turel's good at this - you'd almost think he was a lawyer or something.

I will not tolerate leaders enforcing blanket censorship on topics that are not vulgar, harassing or discriminatory but I also trust their judgment to know when to cut off a conversation that has become too personal, heated or emotional. Balance.

If I gave the impression that we're going to - or even want to - regulate the content of conversations, that was a failure on my part. What we're interested in regulating is behavior to make sure everyone is treated civilly and respectfully. If you can have a non-heated, friendly conversation about abortion or whatever, go nuts. But keep in mind that debates about religion and politics tend to degenerate quickly, especially over the internet. If it gets to the point that the conversation is not fun and friendly anymore, then it should move on to PMs or another channel.

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