Our latest event is live! Yes, that’s right: with the Great Jedi War on hold, we have had time to write the beginning of Satele Shan’s new arc that will tie into the Clan’s larger arc. In terms comic-readers will be familiar with, this means that our new stories will be akin to a tie-in series, such as the Screaming Citadel (Which I heartily recommend for those following Marvel’s wonderful new stories - you won’t be disappointed!)
I’m a huge fan of comics, which is the reason that I’m far more inclined to create something that can have continuity with other stories, as well as something that can be written cooperatively (with the Summit, in this case.) With that in mind, do note that I am also giving you, our members, a chance to write official stories that can be featured at the prologue of an event alongside stories written by the organizers. However, do know that while we will do our best to make something fit as canon, whether in mentions or direct features, some things might not mesh well with the overarching theme. To that end, I’ve included disclaimers where relevant in the competitions for the event. Don’t be discouraged from this to break the mold, or coming up with crazier stories - I want to read them. All of them.
Artwork commissioned from frufury at frufury’s DeviantArt for Morgan B. Sorenn, Kasula Daegella and C’ree
House Event Artwork from our very own Chrome
In the cold vacuum within the nebula, all was silent aboard the Kesaret. “Just another milk run” was among the most common phrases uttered within its halls and cabins. Chief commanding officer, Lortan Sib gazed into the gold-teal expanse with a cup of steaming caf for the millionth time - though in truth he’d long lost count.
“Maintaining a sublight speed of 50 megalights, Chief. Want me to dial it back?” Lortan’s executive officer asked without disturbing Lortan from his morning caf. She knew better than to waste words on formalities around Lortan - he was aging, and would sooner fall over than listen once again the the ramblings of technical jargon he was all too familiar with.
A Sullustan himself, Lortan’s assignment was to no one’s surprise - he was gifted with a sense of direction above that of most of his species, well enough that he often had little use for the navigational charts through the nebulous maze between Daleem and Kiast.
Blowing on his caf to cool it down before testing its temperature, the Sullustan gave a one-word response to his executive officer before returning to nurse his favoured beverage.
Read the rest of the fiction here.
As a reminder, if you're interested in running a competition or just have an idea you like to see, don't hesitate to bring it up to your summit!
Good morning House Satele Shan. First off I want to give a big thank you to everyone who has wished me well on this opportunity. My goal here is to be here for you the members. I want to help each and everyone of you have fun and engage your House and Clan as much as you can. We realize everyone has real life and that always comes first. However the DJB is that great escape from our normal day to day lives where we can enjoy ourselves, make lasting friendships, and generally just have fun. At the end of the day we are happy if our membership is happy.
We received some really good feedback from the polls we sent out in regards to activity. With the House event set to run through the month I am excited to really get more competitions and fiction around developing the House lore. If your that individual who enjoys to write and would like to help please let me know.
The wiki project for the House is currently a work in progress. Talis and leadership are in the drafting phase to help build some new areas fictionally in the wiki. If you would like to be a part of that please let us know. As stated earlier there is a competition currently ongoing for the COU wiki. It’s a great way to be apart of history and add to both your Clan and House lore. It is also a great way for us to submit for promotions, or bigger merits if you are close as well.
I will be listing the activity for the membership below, but as always if you have questions, or ideas. Please do not hesitate to send them my way. It doesn’t matter if you’re the most senior member in the House, or new guy/gal on the block. Every idea could be one that could help inspire new fun and activities.
Each month I will try and highlight a members fiction for the month either through winning entries, or even well written pieces not submitted to a competition. This month the fiction comes from our very own Hyle Alihandross. He submitted a piece that was well written and even allowed him to place in the competition. Many congrats to him. Read below for the fiction.
Preparing for the Showdown
It had been a busy month. Most of Hyle’s days had been spent in meditation, strengthening his connection with the forces, refining his technique. He now had some control over his abilities, and the nightmarish visions that had plagued him for years seemed to have abated.
He slung his kitbag over his shoulder and boarded the shuttle, deep in thought. He was sorry to be leaving the Village, it had acclimatised him to living on a planet if nothing else. The sounds of wind and water were less strange to his ears now. He had received his new instructions, it seemed he would once again be living on a space station. Even that felt strange, living in one place, having spent all his adult life living and working on ships. It was connected to the planet by a space elevator, so he could still visit the surface.
He barely heard the comm exchange clearing the shuttle for approach, only registering his arrival at his new home as the shuttle touched down at the landing platform. When he stepped off the shuttle, into the hangar, he was mildly surprised to be greeted by his new master in person, a short, dark haired Miraluka some years older than himself.
Click Here to read the rest of the fiction on the discourse from Hyle Alihandross
Great job Hyle! I look forward to fictions from all members. If you’re interested in being featured just send me an e-mail.
That is all from my corner. Depending on how well this report is received with the dual use format, we may continue combining the QUA and AED reports so we do not throw at you too much repeating information each month. I just want to say I am excited for the future growth this House can attain. I truly believe we have the best Clan and many of the best members here. It’s not always about the activity when it comes to making a House an enjoyable part of our daily life. It is always the intangibles that you the members bring. We can make competitions and activity till our faces are blue. Without the great work and welcoming family attitude you all bring to the table then this House and Clan would not have become what it is today. The sky's the limit and I’m excited to help bring us all there together. My door is always open. Please feel free to reach out to me anytime. Have fun in the House event and I know it will be a fun and morale building event. Go out, do the things, and claim your rightful place in the future House history. Until next time brothers and sisters of House Satele Shan.
Signature Banner Artwork from our very own Chrome
July was a great month for the House. We had two transfers with Chrome and Drake Starfire. Also we had two new joins with Ladytuna and Nil Sal. Please give them a warm welcome when you see them. Many of them have already been active in telegram forming relationships and chatting with other House members. I wish you all luck here and I know you will enjoy it!
Many of you have done great things and are active. I try and list the top performers each month to highlight their achievements during the month. As a reminder, the following activity only covers the month of July. I look forward to seeing continued activity and adding new names to recognize each month. Keep up the good work!
Garza's Pathfinders is is in need of fresh soldiers for its ranks!
I have been in contact with Tamashi concerning the Battle Team's direction, and we have decided to re-establish its place according to Tamashi's observations. Tamashi first came to me with the suggestion of creating a concept Battle Team - one that would branch it off in a direction unique to Garza's Pathfinders instead of mirroring the House on a smaller scale. This could be one of several things, whether creating a community for writers, creating a fictional task force or a sub-unit of those working for the Sentinel Network. Until then, keep a look out for more news regarding this, as well as a call for recruitment in the near future!
Until then, check out the Garza's Presents series of competitions that Tamashi is running for some light fun this month!
As it turns out - the lack of the Great Jedi War turned in our favour as we have found the time to run something long asked for - a new House event. This took about a week to create with the assistance of Maximus and Tamashi, who contributed to the planning and will contribute to the running of this event. Something I have seen interest for since my time as Consul (and now Quaestor) was the overwhelming interest for lore that can be molded from our members’ efforts. In the past, this has come with a caveat: how do we present a product that our members can consume, as much as create through doing so?
It is in our best interests to present this event as the answer - I’m a fan of features (as someone who likes being on the receiving end,) and I assume that most of our members feel the same. To that end, I want to feature you, the members as much as possible - whether through mentions or full-fledged submissions-made-canon.
Though this is meant to be a laid-back event, I encourage each of you to participate in as many of these as possible. Remember that entries can be made canon, but don’t burn out - there’s lots to choose from. In the end, we’re all here to have fun, and develop our stories or foster friendships along the way.
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Good Report!