Hello Scholae Palatinae! April is quickly coming to a close, so you know what that means. Another fact filled Consul Report!
One of the first things I want to cover in this report, is that there are several lovely positions open for application in the club. While I certainly don’t like seeing members leave the clan, I certainly can appreciate the great opportunities these leadership positions can give, and all of them would have you working with some fantastic people.
First up our wonderful and amazing Headmaster Bubba, has decided to step down from his long and impressive run on the Dark Council. Specifics about what Sarin and Mav are looking for in applications can be found here.
Next up Yacks has stepped down as Taldryan’s Consul. In his stead, Howie has been selected as the new CON, and is opening the position of Proconsul to applications. You can find those details here.
Finally, off in the land of Clan Plagueis, they are looking for a new head to House Karness Muur. Details on that position can be found here.
This month marked the passing of one of the long standing “holidays” we have in the club, Exodus Day. For those of you who have no idea what that is the Exodus was a split of the DJB from The Emperor’s Hammer back at the dawn of time, many years ago. This day has since been one of two major days of the year the Grand Master hands out Seals of Loyalty. If you were sitting on of the clan rosters for Day of the Fox back in November, you will have received one of these. Traditionally however, they are awarded to a handful of people selected by the GM, and then one from each member of the Dark Council, and two picked by the Consuls of the clans.
This Exodus, Seals of Loyalty were awarded to Delak Krennel and Lexiconus Qor! Many congratulations to the both of you, and thank you for your continued massive efforts for the clan, and the brotherhood as a whole.
That said, this was the last Exodus day this club will be celebrating. While an important aspect of our history, we have bigger and better things ahead of us. Sarin has outlined much of the reasoning for getting rid of our old holidays.
He has also announced the new official holidays for the club. The first of these is a day recognized by much of the Star Wars Community, May 4th, aka Star Wars Day. The second is more club specific, being the day the first Covenant was ratified, on December 16th.
Once a quarter, Mav gathers information reported on the website and compiles it into a spreadsheet that gets sent to all the clan leaders. This quarter’s statistics have now been publicly released on the website.
Overall I’m very pleased with how our numbers turned out, and with how well overall the entire club is doing. There are a few things I want to point out however.
Our clan roster, has taken a bit of a dip, but this isn’t anything to be alarmed about. We’ve had some great new members join, and some just fizzle out. Such is the way of the club. But if you are out there and seeing this we certainly want to make your experience here the best possible! Related to this, some of our strongest members, have come result of direct recruiting, so if you have some nerd friends, point them here. :D
The second thing I want to point out is our awesome competition numbers. On top of the most competitions run for the quarter, we were averaging 6.84 participants per competition. Give the massive and wide array of competitions that get run, that level of average is fantastic! But, it is also something I hope to see go up. We’ve got a feud coming up, and as always, have a constant stream of competitions available. If there are certain things you find particularly interesting but don’t see a lot of, let us know! We can only gauge off how many people participate, so if there is something you aren’t seeing, speak up!
First off, I got the Subterfuge Wikipage done!
Now that is out of the way. Yes, the feud with Clan Naga Sadow is coming. We have a tentative start date of May 16th for it to kick off. Yes it is going to be big, yes it is going to be loud, yes we will kick major ass in it.
Some basic things to be aware of, there will be a handful of event long running competitions. However, the feud will be split into two main sections, with an “off” week in the middle. We are going to have a ton of stuff put out there as this launches. It’s always a major undertaking to get two units in sync for a big event, so thank you for being patient getting to the launch, and preemptively, thank you for being patient when I inevitably screw something up.
And yes that is all I’m teasing you with. :D
Lexiconus asks: Is Clan Scholae Palatinae living up to the mission of the Emperor himself? What fictional plots could we include to appease him and you?
Lexiconus asks: What progress are we making on our military assets and management?
Xan asks: When are the next major DB-wide competitions? (GJW, etc)
Wally asks: Who wins in a fight in a battle of wits: Kvothe the Bloodless or Kelsier, Survivor of Hathsin? Similarly, Sanderson or Rothfus for #1/#2?
Reiden asks: Soo..did we adopt Wally yet, or what? :P
Reiden asks: when shall Crazy Xen make his debut, like when everyone realizes he's totally lost it? And just how crazy will he be?
Lexiconus asks: Concerning the statistics from our Deputy GM Mav, we have a loss in knighting. How do you wish to improve that? Can we improve the demand to join the Palpatine Clan?
Elincia asks: If you could be any Pokemon, which one would you be and why? ^_^
Another great month for CSP, and a lot of awesome stuff coming at at us soon. And even though I know you’ve all already seen it, I leave you with the trailer for Rogue One!
For the Empire!
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Great report boss man!
I don't know about the rest of Scholae, but personally, I'm pretty excited to see what's in store for us when the feud launches. Keep up the great work, Xen!
I feel great buttkickings coming someones way! Looking forward to the Feud and enjoying some awesome competition again! Both Clans are gonna rock!