Welcome to another Proconsul Report, coming from you through the crappy hospital internet that I’m currently connected. I hope everyone is doing well and been enjoying the change in weather, seasons, and time over this past month. I’m still strongly opposed to this daylight savings time switch…And if you are one of the few that thinks we should keep it - I hope you enjoy being wrong. :)
Anyways, I planned on releasing this earlier in the week; however, I’ve had a bit of a rough a week. In short, some of you may remember last Nov/Dec I was in the hospital for a study on my epilepsy. As things stand now, my seizures aren’t controlled (happening once every 2-3 months despite medication) and I wasn’t able to produce one for them to map in the study - so now I’m back. And this time the doctors are being aggressive with their testing. So I’m being put through the ringer(sleep deprivation, fasting, light stimulation, exercise, etc), so while I thought I would have time earlier this week - turns out I didn’t. But I promise it sounds worse than it is: just in here to map a seizure and get out. There is some risk involved, and both the Clan & House summits have been prepped on my stay and how to contact me or family if necessary. However, I don’t expect more excitement and it’s just a waiting game now.
I do apologize for the delay, I’m not trying to make an excuse for it. However, I did want to be clear of the reasons for it.
That said, there’s a couple different sections I’d like to tackle today relating to overall activity, what Proconsul does and my initial focuses, a discussion on the last gaming survey, and some competition updates. So let’s dive in - and if you want some music to enjoy while you read; here’s the first song in my gaming soundtrack :D
Since my report got a bit long this time and Eli’s is coming out shortly - check his report out for a summary of news. Otherwise, check out this month’s achievers below.
Braecen Kaeth
Bale Andros
Rasilvenaira Isatri’Zara StormRaven
Mako Henymory
Elincia Rei
Shadow Nighthunter
Raiju Kang
Lexiconus Qor
Mune Cinteroph-Palpatine
Alara Deathbane
Derek Cinn
Jorm Na’trej
Reiden Palpatine Karr
Jason Hunter
Aylin Sajark
Dek Ironius II
Calindra Hejaran
Ayden Dane
So for awhile now, we’ve had this article on the wiki that goes over the roles and responsbilities of the House summit teams - specific to the Imperial clan. If you’ve never had a chance to read the article, I highly encourage you to check it out; because it provides a sense of structure to what our daily roles are as representatives of the unit we serve. To be clear, while many QUAs/AEDs/BTLs in the Brotherhood have similar roles; not all unit situations are equal and many positions pick up additional duties or roles that relate to the needs of their unit.
However, as you read that article you may notice that it is missing the clan summit positions; something I had every intention to fix upon becoming Proconsul.
However, we are currently in a holding pattern. And the reason for this is simple - with Mav taking over Grand Master: one of his areas of focus is on clan structure. We’ve been informed that there is going to be a redefining of the Consul’s role so that everyone understands what the Dark Council expects from Consuls and their clans - and this will redefine everything underneath as well. This also includes a stronger emphasize on the position of Quaestor - which you may have noticed these positions are now listed on the Clan Roster. So once these expectations and redefinings are done by the Dark Council, expect to see not only a clear outline of what what the Dark Council is expecting but we will update these Summit Role article to how they impact the Imperial Clan as well.
That said, I can’t just do nothing until this comes out….right? Of course not. Elincia is not going to just let me kick my feet up...pretty sure that’s listed under his duties in the contract I signed.
However, if you are interested in what the current wiki definition of the Proconsul is (and what I’ll be operating from in the meantime) - you can find it here. Additionally, I’ll be helping Eli and Mune with their projects and focuses while bringing forward many of my own.
Speaking about projects, I’d like to share with you a running list on ideas/concepts/projects I’m working on. Below is a list of the initial focuses I have, with a brief description of what they involve. Everything listed below has openings for volunteers So if something tickles your fancy, let me know.
It might be considered my first love in the Brotherhood. Like many who join the Brotherhood, our gaming platforms serve as a recruitment vein for the club - and it was what first brought me to the Brotherhood. That’s not to say it’s the only, or even the best, place the club gets new additions. However, it’s one of the club’s oldest and most important communities.
Yet, Scholae Palatinae has been noticeably absent in the gaming community.
While I would like you all to get out of your shell and mingle with others and join this community; most importantly, we would love to see you guys actively engaging each other as well - but this isn’t happening. And this is concerning. Because a game can be fun to play by yourself or against strangers on the internet - but it’s such a better experience when you can throttle your friends and rub it in their faces later.
And the real shame is that, historically speaking, Scholae Palatinae has had a strong presence in the gaming community with members like Dante & Archangel - but we’ve lost this. So I’d like to make an effort to bring it back. And thankfully, I’m not the only member.
We are lucky as a clan to have so many talented people, and in this particular case; we are lucky to have Mako. When we had that large discussion on the clan mailer regarding gaming and especially TOR; it was Mako that challenged the clan as former M:Fist and said if we were to change things we had to get organized. And to get organized, he made a survey for everyone to complete so we can figure this stuff out. And it’s been passed on to me to look over and there’s a few things I’m learned from this exercise which I would like to share with you all below:
Thankfully, we had no one select they weren’t interested in a gaming night. To be honest, I don’t believe this fully reflective of the clan - the realist in me believes that if someone wasn’t interested in gaming nights they wouldn’t have filled out the survey to begin with. However, it’s good to know that we have seven(7) people firmly interested in a gaming night and an equal number that are possibly interested. That gives us a solid core group that is interested with some floaters to help balance it out and the potential for others to join in later if the trend sticks.
Similarly, we had a pretty even spread of availability regarding day of the week. For some reason Tuesday was lowest; but understandably the weekend is the best for people’s availability. This definitely makes sense in my mind - given work, family, school, and personal schedules. However, with a group that is so diverse we do have to consider the time as well so we have to understand the shifts in time zones. So pairing it on the weekend certainly makes sense.
All gravy at this point.
However, the hangup is the type of Gaming Night to have. Understandably so, not everyone has the same games. As a Star Wars club, it’s not surprising to see that the Star Wars games are largely popular. And the huge initial interest, and it’s free nature now, makes TOR a common game between us. But I’m gonna put a pin in that for a sec. Aside from TOR, we have several different common games but it starts to cut into the numbers, with only 5 or 6 people having a common game - and not all of them answered as a core interest in gaming nights.
So I’m gonna ask for a bit of patience & effort from you all - and ask for a little luck from the universe. To make this a success, I need a core group of members willing to work together to make this a success and champion this forward with me. It’s likely not going to be an overnight success, and if you show up the first night and there’s only a couple of us - I need you to commit to keep trying. The data shows were aren’t heavy in one area, day, time, or even game. So this is going to be a trial and error attempt to figure out what is best for our community. And we will keep trying until we pound out the proper formula. But I need your help, effort, and patience through the growing pains.
With all that said - look to have our first CSP Gaming Night on Saturday, April 28th.
Remember in the early new year when we had this massive discussion about TOR on our clan mailer? We had people with pitchforks saying the DJB needed to do more for the community, that people we all excited to get this going, and we’d start making an effort to get the gaming going again.
Then Pazaak closed, and many wondered if TOR was closing. And several people asked in the clan TG channel if people wanted to get together and we discovered those previously interested; weren’t interested anymore, didn’t have it installed yet, or were lacking a computer to play now.
I don’t bring this up to be mean, but I bring the above up because this is the struggle with TOR and revitalizing it within the club. Unfortunately, we often see a lot of talk calling for something to change. But people don’t put it in action. And unfortunately, that’s about equal to spinning your tires. The thing is, as the Fist himself said on the mailing list - he’d put resources and times into the platform if there was a strong push from the membership. So it’s not like the club is against this development. They just want to see individual investment first before we put time and resources into it. However, every time individual members attempt this - it s stalls out.
And I’m starting to think it’s simply a cycle of nostalgia. It’s like when I play Pokemon Blue - probably once a year I get this intense desire to play the game and I launch all my energy into it. But then I beat the fourth gym and my desire just drops off and I don’t finish what I started. I get this feeling with TOR too, and what really made it great was playing with others so when others are talking about playing I get this really intense desire to play...but then it dies off after several weeks of playing….
So when I look at how people answered the TOR question, I wonder if this isn’t the same. People didn’t answer overwhelming YES they wanted to play. If you look at the question of interest on the TOR survey, you will noticed that only 21.4% of people answered yes to being interested. Flying in the face of my realist stance from the last survey, just as many people said no to bringing back the gaming night. But overwhelmingly people answered they would “if others play”.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t speak too highly of the game to me. It feels like its an answer of nostalgia - people not really committed to the game but rather the play with others. And I fear it will only take one crappy month of bad attendance to influence others to think the party is over.
So I’m gonna make this offer: We will run THREE(3) TOR-focused Gaming Nights. Scheduled in advance, with lots of hype & promotion. And how these nights fair will determine further investment of the Clan Summit into this platform.
If we get a good size crew going, we will continue to provide time and energy to the project and look to own it as a feature of CSP. If we don’t, the focus goes onto a different game. It’s that simple, and I believe fair to those who requested leadership support on this topic.
This past week saw the conclusion of the first quarter of 2018. I have to say, I was incredibly excited to see Mako Henymory announced as a guardsmen: placing 4th overall with 1190 clusters. He’s gone ahead and selected to guard the MAA, getting assess the that sweet MAA-specific item. Please join me in congratulating him on this achievement!
For those unfamiliar with the Grand Master’s Royal Guard it is our gaming community’s society - where once you have earned your way up to rank 10 you have eligible for Guard Assignments to the Dark Council - giving you access to that councillor’s specific item. Every quarter, guard assignments change - meaning starting this week you can now start playing towards the next assignment. Placement is determined by a combination of Clusters of Earth and Cluster of Fire (which count as x2)
Personally, I was surprised to see the numbers. I always thought the top 10 would have thousands of clusters and making it unobtainable for a casual gamer like myself. However. Ranks 5-10 where all under a thousand. Last place being only 362 clusters (and see the comment below for how long it took Kordath to do this!). That seems obtainable to me, even as someone who games once a week. It doesn’t have to be a grind, just hop on with some friends and enjoy some silly matches and within no time you could be placing as a DC guard.
With the push for CSP Gaming Nights, expect to see me out there attempting to place in the next quarter - and let me know if you have a similar goal so we can team up and make this happen.
Last bit about gaming; this month’s Gorefest is scheduled for April 14th & 15th.
An announcement went out earlier this morning that Live Trivia is returning today to the clan Telegram channel. This is going to be pushed by myself to become a weekly event, however - I can’t host them all by myself. If you are interested in running a session of Live Trivia - let me know and we will get you scheduled in. Day of the week and time doesn’t have to be the same - in fact, I’d like to see it happening at different times so all members can a chance to fit it into their schedules.
A reminder, today’s trivia starts at 1pm EST.
With the jump from a House of 18 people to a Clan of 49; I decided that it would be a great idea to run an Ask Me Anything session to get to know me better, see what my plans are for the future, and just in general have some fun. If you missed the session this time, no worries! Every report going forward I will use #AskTheNautolan so through in a question at any point and I’ll answer when I’m next available.
Xantros asks: #AskTheNautolan Why the Nautolan? :)
Answer: Honestly, I always get bored of "playing" human in rpg settings - so I avoid making human characters like the plague. However, Raiju wasn't always nautolan. When I first started the character I imagined him as Ryn, as the character I was going for was a Jack Sparrow type and felt that the oppression they faced pushed them towards lifestyles like this (especially the criminal/underground lifestyle I was associating him with). However, Ryn's are known to stink - so didn't want that for my character.
So I picked Nautolan as a likeable species I could corrupt
Aylin asks: #askthenautolan how does Raiju celebrate the Star Wars version of Easter?
Answer: Doesn’t observe it. Raiju’s not big on religion - I had considered it for him, making him really motivated by earning a spot in the Whills: but I’m gonna use this concept for my Alt. So Raiju is more anti-religion and lacks immediate family so will just be participating in what CSP events there would be
Derek asks: #AskTheNautolan have you ever taken your head tentacles and pulled them down over your mouth and pretended you were Davy Jones?
Answer: Raiju’s lost several tendrils, the closest to the front, so this likely isn’t possible anymore...so No.
Kylex asks: #askthenautolan space weed.
Answer: Heavy user, check my CS :)
That wraps up this report. Should you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding the material above, please contact me directly at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
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(Last place in the GMRG came in at 362 points, I know because it was me beating out 11th by 2 points, and that was two weeks of gaming :P)
Indeed! Not sure how I buggered that number, will fix.
But see, 2 weeks of gaming for a DC item - definitely obtainable. And Congrats Kordath.
tldr; but yeah... shave 30 minutes from daylight savings and stop playing with the clock!