Hello Scholae Palatinae! June has come to a close, and it is time for another Quaestor Report. We’ve had some big changes in the house so lets dive into it.
Intel: Brotherhood Wide
The ACC Fading light tournament is still underway, with the third round judging underway. Matches are becoming even more excellent as the participants continue to work toward being crowned the winner. You can check out the Ladder here. Evant is at the moment the only HSPer left in the tournament, with his battle against PLA CON Aabsdu awaiting judgement. If you’ve been on the fence about the ACC, check out these battles to see just how awesome it can be. I know it seems intimidating at first but it really is fun. I’m always available to help you if you have questions on how to qualify for the ACC, something I hope every member of the house does. We are hoping to have enough House members qualified to incorporate the ACC into the last round of the Looking Home Campaign. If you are qualified and are hesitant to challenge someone, Kor Vaal opened a HSP Challenge Discussion on the forums. I of course am always down for a match as well.
There has been a call for some DJB work opportunities. Mav and Sarin are asking for applicants for ACC Judges (obviously being qualified and having a decent understanding of the ACC will help there). Muz is also asking for any graphic artists who can help out on the new Alchemy and Hand to Hand guides.
Soccora’s newest Herald Report had some exciting news. The long awaited ribbons, the Crusade participation reward have been ironed out. Different levels of “decoration” will go on each ribbon based on your participation. You can also see what the “display case” will look like in the preview image of the ribbons. The request form will go live following the final round of the Fading Light Event.
Intel: The Imperial News Net - Leadership Changes
Earlier in the month, our long standing and hard working Aedile, Xantros, decided it was time for him to resign. He has been a tremendous force for HSP, and we are very much better off from his great efforts.
Evant Taelyan has been selected as our new Aedile. Evant was the brains behind the beginning of the Looking Home Campaign, which began on Ptolomea. He had a lot of very good ideas for the house, and I know he will work very hard along side Koryn and myself as we continue to strengthen the house.
One of these new ideas was a bit of a restructuring regarding the Battleteams here in the house. Dorimad Sol, is now back to being an open unit of the house under the leadership of Dante. Taking over for Acclivis Draco is Lucyeth. Eetherbiail is still BTL for Caliburnus. This obviously means people were moved around a bit in the teams. They are a bit smaller and more focused now. The reopening of Dorimad Sol is going to be linked to the next planet of the Looking Home Campaign. Caina was the long standing traditional home of Dorimad Sol.
You will start seeing Battleteam specific competitions and house wide, Battleteam focused competitions. That means competitions based around the different fictional uses of the different teams, so you all can get a taste of what each one brings fictionally. If activity down the road is good for all three teams, we would like to even have a competition between the different teams. We are also going to start implementing team Sergeants, not something we’ve done for a long time. Expect further emails about it all from your individual team leaders.
Intel: The Imperial News Net - Looking Home Campaign
The wikipedia follow-up to the last round of the LHC has been uploaded to the DJB Wiki. The Antenora Rebellion, breaks down the lead up of the event, the fictional outcomes of each competition (not including Trivia), and what that means for the House and Planet moving forward. While we successfully managed to end the rebellion on the planet, the Glyph Priests did escape into the wilderness. As well, Fias Zhan, continues to elude our attempts at finding him.
Trouble on Caina is rising, and it is where we will be focusing next in the LHC. Issues with the mining operations and more meddling by the mysterious Fias Zhan await us there.
If you have any feedback on the LHC so far, or suggestions for things you would find especially interesting to work on please let us know. We run these things to be fun for you guys, and we can’t adjust unless we hear from you. We hope to improve on the experience of the LHC with each round so don’t be shy if there is something you have to say. We don’t bite. Usually.
That is it for this report. For those of you looking for an even greater immersion into the club, check out this 12-hour Star Destroyer Ambient Engine Noise video. Because that is definitely something we all need apparently.
For the Empire!
Xen'Mordin Vismorsus
Quaestor of Scholae Palatinae
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A whole 12 hours of a star destroyer engine? Thank the gods, that paint I was watching has just about dried.
Definitely looking forward to the battleteams being pitted against each other, can see some great narrative coming from that.
Woot! Grats, Ev!