Seventh Shar Dakhan Report of Archpriest Quentinshadows


Seventh Shar Dakhan Report of Archpriest Quentinshadows


The Fallen Star

Archpriest Quentinshadows, Quaestor of Shar Dakhan, sat in his office atop Mount Dakhan, a serene place of contemplation. Mount Dakhan a sentinel overlooking the sprawling jungles of Aeotheran. But the tranquility was shattered by the sudden flicker of an emergency holo.
"My Lord," the voice of Ensign Valerius crackled through the comm, "a large, unknown object has dropped out of hyperspace at the edge of Aeotheran atmosphere. Given its current velocity, we are unable to intercept it in time. Find shelter immediately."
The Archpriest's heart pounded. An unknown object? From hyperspace?. He rose from his seat, his mind racing. Aeotheran, his beloved home, was in grave danger.
The holo flickered, revealing a horrifying sight: a colossal asteroid, a blazing comet of rock and fire, hurtling towards the planet. It struck the northern region with a cataclysmic force, triggering a 6.4 earthquake that reverberated across the globe. The impact was so devastating that an inactive volcano erupted, spewing forth lava and ash causing an electromagnetic storm that rages across the world, igniting widespread forest fires.
The tsunamis, unleashed by the quake, struck with devastating force, engulfing the Gilded Coast and the city of Kal Rasha. The once-vibrant metropolis was now a scene of utter devastation, its towers and spires that were not toppled by the quake now lay submerged beneath a tidal wave of destruction.
Quentinshadows watched in horror as the disaster unfolded before his eyes. Aeotheran, his home, his sanctuary, was being torn apart. He knew he had to act, but how?
As the Archpriest stood there, contemplating the devastation, a flicker of determination ignited within him as he sent a call out to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood for aid. He would not stand idly by and watch his world perish. He would fight, with every ounce of his strength, to save Aeotheran.
To be Continued!

House News:

Been a bit since my last report, over the last few months I have been working on a House mini event the release TBA, This event will be like my racing event where participation determines its outcome also this time it will be a Brotherhood wide event not just for the clan, just have a few more details to work out before its release with it being multiple acts and the final act will be a long running series.
I am very excited to see how this turns out, like the races you as participants control the narrative and outcome! I also will be adding an option to tag your clan in your submissions so at the end of the event Aeotheran can see the top clan who came to their aid!

This is the current layout of the event structure and all comps associated with each act will be announced on release.

Act 1: Survive the Night
Act 2: Answering the Call
Act 3: Search and Rescue
Act 4: Rebuilding


Wow how time flies when you're having fun the Pro Bowl VIII is already here and finished. Hope all had fun and go Frog dogs lol.

New Player Section:
For any new members here is a list of useful links that can help you earn better ranks, gear, and just make things more fun.
Shadow Academy
Active Competitions
Brotherhood Chat

These are just a few helpful links to get you started on your journey here at the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.
There is also a Master and Apprentice program for those seeking students or want a master please contact a member of house or clan leadership, here is a link on basic info on it.
[Master and Apprentice](

Final Notes:

My door is always open. Feel free to message me in discord or by email, I look forward to the future of Shar Dakhan!

Discord Id: Quentinshadows
Email: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Archpriest Quentinshadows Quaestor
Tempus Fugit Memento Mori " Time flies remember your death"

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