Shadow's Bane Leader Report #10


Shadow's Bane Leader Report #10

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21st Day, Ninth Month, 38 ABY


Shadow’s Bane, report in!

Since my last report there has been a few changes…if you haven’t notice. Red Moon was closed and the active members where transferred to us. I’d also like to welcome our former Quaestor, Lady Teu Bukhari, to our ranks. I want all of you to encourage other Journeymen to be active so that they may one day join our ranks. But don't just encourage them, be an example for all of them and stay active.

We currently have the Project D.I.E. Run-on in full swing, please join in if you haven't already. Myself, Teu, and Sebz are all on Team Zero (the assault team), it would be nice if we can have Shadow’s Bane represented as the ones who took down the compound’s defenses.

OT is killing my free time. There is a lot of it right now between retirements and people taking vacations, we also had a few people transfer to other departments. I making more money than I need right now so I’m not complaining, lol. As soon as it calms down a little bit I am going to continue work on the Battleteam’s wiki page. If anyone wants to help out please email me, your service will be rewarded.


JH Armad
- Promoted to Jedi Hunter, congrats
- Awarded a Dark Cross
- Crescent with Emerald Star x5
- Crescent with Sapphire Star x2
- Crescent with Topaz Star
- Cluster of Fire
- Cluster of Ice
- Joined the GMRG

OPM Teu Bukhari
- Awarded a Steel Cross, congrats!
- Crescent with Topaz Star
- Crescent with Emerald Star
- Crescent with Sapphire Star x2
- Crescent with Amethyst Star x2

GRD Sebz Janren
- Promoted to Guardian
- Passed Mandalorian Studies
- Cluster of Ice x2

SBL Jeric Cyrin
- Cluster of Ice
- Crescent with Sapphire Star
- Crescent with Topaz Star
- Scroll of Indoctrination

If I missed any activity let me know and I will make sure to include it in my next report.


Weekly Word Search : Week 2 starts tomorrow
Project D.I.E. : Run-on
Consul’s Blackguard : Ends tonight!!

For a full listing and club-wide competitions go to the Competitions Page to check them out.


If there is anything anyone needs shoot me an email, I always have my iPhone with though on most night when working a double I may not pay attention to it. Remember I do have an open door policy and would be glad to help anyone with anything.

His Honor, Battlelord Jeric Cyrin of the Sith Order
Leader of Battleteam Shadow’s Bane

"Those who ask for mercy, are too weak to deserve it."

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