[Shadows Unveiled] Prelude


[Shadows Unveiled] Prelude

Shadows Unveiled Prelude

The Council Chamber
The Dark Ascent
Arx System
40 ABY

Darth Nehalem was in a good mood. He sat leaning back in his seat and hummed softly to himself. Before him and the rest of the Council, the Headmistress, Ciara, continued to deliver her report. Progress had been good, and the Clans had been continuing their secret projects without any hesitation or suspicion.

“Construction is now over a month ahead of schedule,” Ciara said. She waved her hand and the projection changed to a holoimage of the current status of the facility, along with the projected final design above it. She smirked as she looked at the image, her emerald eyes dilating slightly.

The new temple, a grand repository for the Brotherhood’s decades of research and knowledge, would be a sight to behold. And it would be a great bit more safe and secure than keeping it here on Arx.

Zxyl leaned forward in his seat.

“I’m just glad we fixed the navigation issues to get there. Losing those shipments was costly,” the Mandalorian said, rubbing the bottom of his helmet where his beard would be. “And what of the little experiments? It hasn’t been easy shuffling those supplies around without the Clans catching on. Sooner or later they will realize we are playing the same game with all of them."

“Based on the feeds from the Inquistorius, it varies from Clan to Clan. Each are playing their parts, some researching, some merely locking away. Between them all, we should have plenty of data to understand the usages of these crystals. And how to combat whatever that hag has up her sleeves,” Ciara said.

Read the complete fiction here.



  • The Dark Council meets to discuss their ongoing plans.
  • The Grand Master is in a good mood, happy with the progress.
  • The Headmistress gives info on the secret plans for a new temple to house Shadow Academy stuff.
  • The Clans have each been secretly supplied with crystals to experiment on or lock away, with resources from ACE being redirected to help further their studies or defenses.
  • After a long absence, the Voice returns, battle-worn, but with a prize of information about the new enemies on the horizon.
  • They are called The Children of Mortis and are led by a mysterious figure known as The Father.
  • The Grand Master issues an order for all clans to attempt to get as much intel as possible on this group.


More Info

At long last, we are starting to peel back some of the curtains on our new enemy faction. One of the biggest takeaways we got from the last GJW was that people were burnt out on the Collective and really wanted to see some strong Force-users as an enemy again. The CoM should deliver that in spades, and I am very excited to start sharing more info beyond the crazy actions of the Seer and her control of the crystal abominations.

The initial wiki page of revealed information can be found here. The updated faction page can be found here.

Info regarding this faction will be a slow drip as we head towards our next vendetta. In addition to new fiction releases giving a glimpse into how the CoM function, expect to see some competitions focused on learning more about this group. These competitions will link with new information being released to the club based on participation or success of objectives.

The very first of these competitions is kicking off now, and can be found here.


They'll never let go

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People it's right there in the symbolism!! goes off to become a crazed cultist


Children of Mortis??? led by someone named Father??? reasonable to believe Mortis is Father???

Or they just worship them and are a cult... Guess we'll wait and see!

The plot thickens...

They are very much a cult. Given The Father has been passed for generations, while the "real" Father in Mortis has been dead for 60 years (and I would never co-op a major important canon figure like that) its a safe assumption that this Father is just using that terminology.

This may be because I've been watching the 2017 DuckTales reboot with my nephews but are we sure some temple servant didn't stab a few wooden poles into the joints of the corpse of the "Father" and is now keeping the locals under his thumb in order to avoid having to work for a living??

almost forgot....woo-hoo

Awesome fiction. Looking forward to seeing how this plays out.

Excited and a bit horrified to figure out what the Father and this galactic conspiracy cult are up to. Great post!

Huh. This will be interesting

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