Stepping Down From Ragnos Quaestor


Stepping Down From Ragnos Quaestor

Hi everyone,

I've decided to step down from Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos.

I've been busy with other things in life, and unable to devote as much interest and time to the role as is ideal. I'd rather give someone who is more engaged with the club and has more time to do stuff an opportunity with the position.

I love doing stuff with the DJB and CNS, and I've also really enjoyed my time on Summit. I've also learned a lot from the various people I've gotten to collaborate with in this role. I can't wait to find out who my successor will be and see what they will do with HMR.

I'll leave it to DarkHawk and Muz to figure that out.

Thanks guys.

Have a good one!


Locke, it is gonna be weird without you on Summit. Thank you for everything, seriously. You 'da bomb!


Thanks for all your hard work Locke!!

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