Well, here we go again.
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the first report for House Sunrider. Unfortunately, we have very little time to cover things in detail given that the next Great Jedi War is less than a week away. So, consider this a brief “hello all” during the calm before the storm. We’ll do the proper celebration once we have the major conflict over and done with.
So, first up we have a fiction. It’s a short one, mostly establishing that the two previous Houses have ended, and that the new one is being established. This was written in a largely hands-off style, largely to give those of you crafting personal stories a chance to shape things as you desire. A few events and details have been noted here, but it’s down to you as to how you wish to use them in any of your own fictions.
Palioxis Station Kiast System 37 ABY
And so the Houses had come to their end.
Tisto Kingkang felt as if there should have been more to that moment. In fact, he felt as if there should have been more to all of it. Some grand ceremony, or even a simple official recognition. Instead, each of Odan-Urr’s long-standing Houses were being disbanded, and a new one was being founded in their place. Lounging against the Aka’jor-class shuttle’s moth-eaten seats, Tisto drummed his fingers against the handrests, tapping them in time-with a half-remembered theme played out at the Happy Landings’ bar last night. Like most of those who had attended the final hurrah of the two Houses, he had been nursing a severe hangover that morning. Unlike them, he could at least call upon the Force to suppress the worst of it, and was coherent enough to witness their disbanding.
The shuttle peeled away from Palioxis Station, turning against the bright glow nebula and heading for open space. As it did, the passenger viewports were filled with the sight of multiple warships; scarred, dented and bearing the emerald sigil of Odan-Urr, albeit only for a short while longer. The combined forces of House Hoth and House Satele Shan had been gathered at the station, each handed over to their new crews and ready to begin their new service as part of the Vatali Navy. All but their twin Mon Calamari flagships had been claimed by the Empress, and they were gathering to move off to some other part of the Empire.
The rest of the story can be found here.
The TL:DR Version:
Obviously there’s the big one at work at the moment: The impending Great Jedi War. We have an Epilogue up, quickly introducing a few of the initial elements of the upcoming narrative and how things will be kicked off. That aside, we also have a few interesting big events taking place within Clan Odan-Urr as well.
As a result of merging Shan and Hoth, this has opened up quite a few more entries to our members. To kick start things and give everyone a fair chance of winning in the long-run, all of our members’ activities from last month are being counted for the most recent results. As such, here are the victors for June:
Due to how close we are to the next GJW, there are only two competitions we have running at the moment. Neither of these is especially time consuming, and they are both simply an opportunity to earn a few more credits before the crunch. If you’re interested, take a look below:
Finally, here’s a list of those who have been the most active among our House thus far since its founding.
2 Clusters of Ice
1 Crescent with Emerald Star
4 Crescents with Emerald Stars
3 Clusters of Ice
1 Cluster of Graphite
16 Clusters of Earth
1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
1 Crescent with Quartz Star
1 Cluster of Graphite
1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
8 Clusters of Fire
1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
1 Cluster of Ice
2 Crescents with Topaz Stars
1 Crescent with Quartz Star
1 Cluster of Graphite
51 Clusters of Earth
2 Crescents with Topaz Stars
1 Crescent with Quartz Star
1 Cluster of Ice
1 Cluster of Graphite
Promoted to Journeyman 2
24 Clusters of Fire
3 Clusters of Graphite
So, as is tradition by this point, we gave all of you a few chances to voice any questions you might have over impending events under the tag of #AskTistoAndTarvitz. Here’s what we ended up with, and our answers:
Ethan asks: “Will Tisto finally tie the knot with that one Gamorrean hooker? Will Tarvitz grow a fancy mustache? Can I get a butt-load of credits to buy a kickin' ship for the Wildcards?”
Tisto: Not a thing. Stop spreading misinformation. And as for the credits, we spent them on margarita machines and a zamboni.
Tarvitz: To answer that last question first - Help us win the upcoming GJW, and I'll see what we can do about getting a second ship alongside the Idiot now the basic fleet has been fleshed out
As for the mustache…
Apologies, but I don't think it would work. Not unless he changes careers to professional wrestling.
Len asks: “What do your characters think of the new house? What is on the distant horizon for the new House? #TeamMustache”
Tisto: "Well crap more paperwork..."
As for future things, I think we are fighting pirates or something.
Tarvitz: Well, for Essik it's just business as usual really. He was used to changing between ships, fleets, orders and the like, so this just feels like familiar territory for him. For Tarvitz, he is reserving any judgement until he sees more of it, or at least the threats it needs to end up facing. If they can prove to be an entertaining enough of a challenge, then excellent.
As for what's on the horizon - War and 'splosions. Lots of them, thank you for asking.
Blade asks: “When we put sunrider through their PT test, which space cereal will you be providing them for after the fact? What might that PT test consist of given they are based on a ship. I hear ship lengths are quite a long way to run.”
Tisto: Wheaties. 28 laps.
Tarvitz: Oh we are skipping the cereal and going straight to spinach with that one. If we're going to follow fitness, we might as well follow the master.
Given that our House consists of people who, by any other definition, might as well be one-man armies in of themselves, that might be difficult to decide. And then there is the Force to consider as well.
Please assume that at least one part of it will involve lifting a LAAT/i Gunship and running with it.
That’s all for this month. Next time, WAR.
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In A.D. 2019, war was beginning
Much news. Wow. Good job Tarvitz.