This is going to be a short one for this month, folks, consisting of the bare basics. Well, that and some nonsense about a war.
Oh, and the wheel of gifs ended up on anime Batman, so that's twice in a row that there has been an animated series as a theme. I'll be sure to omit them for next time to allow for something more original.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Great Jedi War has entered its second phase and a new series of competitions have been put up for people to enter and try their luck. We have quite a broad range of those available alongside the long-term competitions which are running the length of the GJW, so my advice would be to pick and choose those that you can find easiest to complete. Even if you stand no chance of winning, even if you are throwing stick men into an art competition or the Star Wars equivalent of Half-Life: Full Life Consequences, I encourage you to take a stab at any you have time to participate in. At the absolute worst, you end up getting a few extra credits out of the experience.
Yes, the Scimitar is not on pause during this time, and we are still accounting for activity during this period. While participation in Great Jedi War competitions will be reserved until we can confirm who has signed up to what, and who has ended up with an extra nova or two, clusters and efforts from earlier last month have all been taken into account.
The winners for July are as follows:
Congratulations to those who won crescents, and to the others, you should know that there were a fair few of you who barely fell short of fourth and fifth place.
So, the Great Jedi War. This is going to be the meat of this report, and please consider this to be a TL:DR version of all those available at the moment. If you want a quick cliff-notes list to pick out those that interest you the most, this is it. We'll be breaking this down one by one, starting with the fastest and easiest options and ending on the ones which will take the longest to complete. After that, it's entirely up to you as to which ones you decide to participate in.
*New Acquisitions - Write up an item that either the Collective or Severian Principate might be using, which has been stolen and handed over to the Arx Capital Exchange. All it requires is a few simple listings and a little originality.
*Laser Overload - Earn as high a score as possible, starting from the first level and going all the way through to the end. See this update for one major addendum on how to submit scores.
*Hunt the Jedi - Find someone on our wikia in the fastest time possible and submit their name. You will only be able to see the information once you subscribe to the competition.
*War Were Declared - Write a letter from someone serving the Brotherhood on the front lines back to their loved ones. Must be based on Star Wars, the Brotherhood, or real-world stereotypes relating to recent events. Irony is a requirement in the finished product. Character limit - 100 words.
*Sudooku II - The same as Sudooku I. Break down the logic puzzle and try to arrange the numbers in the correct order.
*The Story so far.... - It's a timed Shadow Academy exam based upon the events leading up to/surrounding the current GJW. Give as many correct answers in as fast a time as you can.
*Dauntless Scavenger Hunt - Play multiple Pursuits in Dauntless.
*Ye Olde Cluster Race - Play games, earn clusters, take part. You only need one good gaming session to be marked down as a participant.
*Overwatch PvP Ladder - Play a game of Overwatch against someone else, ignore the team-based gameplay, kill someone or get killed. As above, only one good PvP match is needed to be considered a participant.
*Make a Mav - Create a character sheet with unique aspects for the Grand Master.
*Comic - Create a comic based upon your run-on or the Prologue fiction. Stick figures will be accepted.
*The Offering - Create an object which can be offered as a gift to the leaders of the Principate. This must be physical rather than drawn. Lego creations will be accepted.
*Record of Deeds - Create a wikia page for one of the leaders/major personalities of the Collective or the Severian Principate.
*New Friends? - Draw a scene between one of the non-Triumvir members of the Principate and your main or alt characters. Stick figures will be accepted.
*Hearts and Minds - Create a propaganda poster.
*Combat Writing - Find someone, write about fighting them, make it entertaining.
*Multi-Objective Prompt - Choose between fighting Principate mutineers or keeping Brotherhood officials alive and then write a story about it.
*Small Team Co-op Fiction - Team up with someone and write a story.
*Battle Plan - Team up with someone, think up interesting ways to blow up Collective ships after bumping into them, write/draw a plan about it.
*Clan-Wide Run On Theaters of War - Join up with others in your clan for a run-on and shoot things/stab things/write character developing things.
*Voice Acting Audiobook - Write a script, voice it in an audiobook format. This can be on your lonesome or with up to eight other people.
That's all for this month. Have fun and expect another update once this is all over.
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Nice report Tarvitz.
Great report, Tarvitz. Nice sum up of the available comps.
Great Report Tarvitz! Glad to see there is some Hype left in COU!