Hey all, we’ve a war right around the corner! It’s time for all of us to get ready for the challenges that await us as we face off against the other Clans!.We must remain united as a Clan so that we can overcome our opponents and take every win that we can get. So let us buckle down and prove where Taldryan stands!
A few things of note for all of you:
There are currently two surveys being conducted by myself for you all to fill out. This first is an assement on the recent Clan Taldryan-Clan Odan-Urr event Desperate Measures. The second Survey is an assessment of the Clan and how you feel it is doing. This survey in particular we would like to see you Voice. Rian sent out a very important email detailing plans for the future of Taldryan. Make sure you give it a look, and then respond in some way to the email. Do you like the ideas? Hate them? Let us know! Keep on the lookout for Fiction updates we will be releasing in the coming weeks, the first of which will be out later this week. These updates will be used for building out our clan, not on the main storyline level. More like small anthologies. If you have ideas for one of these, please let us know and you can work with us to get it done!
The running theme that we want you to take away here?
There are several competitions being run in the clan, and all are quite easy to complete.
Mark is running a Competition called Imperfect Reflections II
Rian has a new series called Taldryan Mission: Errand
Alaris has a Poetry Series, a Fiction Series, and a Trivia Series running.
I am running this years Haiku Series Competition, and round 2 of my Graphics Competition Series.
Get out there and show us what you got.
Alaris and Rian have sent out reports recently, here are links so that you can go read them.
There are changes coming to our Clan. Taldryan has it’s share of problems at the moment, and the Summit is hard at work trying to fix those issues, but we need the cooperation of you, the members, to make it happen. This Clan belongs to all of us, so we all need to do our part to help it succeed. I know that I can count on you guys!
An update was released for the Shadow Academy by Laren Uscot M:HM, Check it out HERE.
The Seneschal has released his latest report! Make sure you check it out if you haven’t yet, HERE.
Phase 1 of the GJW ACC Tournament has launched! This will TWO things for Taldryan;
1: Who will be our Champion in Phase 2? The answer is whoever places highest in the tournament from TAL! 2: What is a TAL member wins Phase 1? Then they will have earned a spot in Phase 2 for winning, and then the second place TAL will also compete as TAL’s chosen Champion. We have several members competing in this ACC event; Myself, Mark, Alaris, Rian, Yvanos, and Kookimarissia! BE sure to with these folks good luck!
The Fist staff has released a Gaming Network Report. Check it out Here.
The Combat Master’s report was an intersting read, make sure to give a glance HERE.
And finally our Panda friend Howie has released his most recent MAA report. See what our furry friend had to say HERE.
Some Men Are Coming To Kill Us. We’re Gonna Kill Them First.
A Close Encounter Of The Force Kind
The Playlist Of Ultimate Destiny
I’ve received several interesting questions, and I feel it’s time to actually answer them, so here we go.
Andrelious Asks: #AskTheDoctor Where is your Tardis? Hidden safely aboard our new Flagships
Sang Asks: #AskTheDoctor What’s This Rash? Lupus, it is always Lupus.
Kelly Mendes asks: #AskTheDoctor Do you have any Deathsticks? Absolutely not. I would never carry them on me. I’ve safely hidden them away.)
Evelynn Wyrm asks: #AskTheDoctor What are you a doctor of? Rhylance has Degrees and Advanced studies in the fields of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology, Xenobiology, and Medicine.
Juliana Kelrune asks: #AskTheDoctor Doctor Who? Matt Smith, no question about it.
Thank you to all who submitted their questions! I look forward to more in the future.
We have a lot of work to do guys, but if you work with me and the Summit, we can get through these dark times. Taldryan will not fall!
May the Force be ever in your favor,
Rylance (Aiden Lee), Consul of Clan Taldryan
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A nice report, sir. Hope to see a good showing from Taldryan in the War. o7
Looking forward to all you have planned, Aiden.