Taldryan Consul Report #7: September, I Remember!


Taldryan Consul Report #7: September, I Remember!


##Consul of Clan Taldryan Report 7:

Hey guys, it’s been a heck of an August and a great start to September for our Clan. We are looking at a good position for ourselves in the upcoming War, and if we all stay on this path, Taldryan’s future will be more than secure. Let’s keep this momentum going and prove to this Club how great our Clan can be!


Clan News:

So the first thing I want to talk about:


I want to thank Alaris Jinn, Selika Roh di Plagia, Abadeer Taasii, Dracaryis, and Teylas Remar di Plagia for all of their hard work in putting this event together and pulling it off so successfully.

And now that the competition has come to a close, here are the results!


Great work from all who participated, and great job to Team Selaris for an outstanding victory!

Team Abadeer you all fought valiantly, and I was proud to fight alongside you all!

I also wanted to give a showing for the members of Tal who participated. A special thanks goes out to the following:

  • Arvalis Raith
  • Rian Taldrya
  • Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj
  • Nobilus
  • Alaris Jinn
  • Kookimarissia Mimosa-Inahj
  • Tirano
  • Alexander Anderson
  • Bucky
  • Armags C’Hiesa
  • And, Aeson Rhys

These 11, did an outstanding job, and I am proud to have participated alongside them.

Now the next thing I want to talk with you about,


Introducing the Caelus System!


I want to give a large thanks to Rian Taldrya and Arvalis Raith who have really stepped up to not only create this system, but also they’ve been working on the Wiki and the Fictional storyline that will be accompanying our new home.

Another thanks goes out to all of you who voted and helped decide on the names of every planet and moon in the Caelus System. Expect comps and events going forward to help us really build up this new home for us.

The last important thing I want to bring up it the upcoming GJW.

It is starting in less than a month!

Tal did well in the ACC Preliminary event that will be counted in the War. We Placed 3rd!

We also had three standouts.

Andrelious J. Mimosa Inahj, who tied for highest Tal score, along with participating in the most matches.

Rhylance, myself, who tied for the highest score with Andrelious


Alaris Jinn who came in third for our Clan, but whom also has experience as an ACC Judge.

The next step here is deciding which of these three members will represent Taldryan in the Tournament, and I would like all of your help with that decision. I have created the following Poll for everyone to place their vote. Please choose a single contestant, and if you have a reasoning, please state so in the comment section.

I will not be voting, but I will break a tie if their is one, and I will do so based on the given comments.


Brotherhood News:

Dracaryis and the Fist staff have been very busy of late. With the release of Destiny 2(PS4 represent!!!) and other alterations to existing games, they have had their work cut out for them. Thank you Fist staff for your hard work for our gaming communities. Here are links to the Fist staff’s recent reports:

Report 1

Report 2

The Voice has released the first fiction update that will lead to the GJW, you can find and read it here!

Finally, there are several positions in the DJB that are currently open for application. Feel free to apply and spread the warmth of TAL around!











I’ve recieved several interesting questions, and I feel it’s time to actually answer them, so here we go.

Laren asks: Which regeneration are you? & What treatment would you recommend for a 'flesh wound'? My colleague says it's 'only' a flesh wound, but I beg to differ.

Not the one they wanted, but the one they needed right now. & Flesh Wound = any wound of the Flesh, you’re welcome.

Atty asks: I'm gonna need you to step into my office about that whole chip thing...aka, how will Rhylance react when Atty comes unhappily knocking?

I’m not sure how that discussion is gonna happen, but I can’t wait to find out!

Rasilvenairia asks: How do you feel about gizkas?

Taste like Chicken.

Reidan Karr asks: Wrap anyone up in plastic sheeting lately?

Only when they ask..or ya know...when they’re dead.

Katyusha Neige asks: Are you a qualified medical official?

According to my Degree from the Dark Academy, yes.

Slagar asks: What will you do when you lose to Alaris and I in the Pro Bowl? Have Rhylance wear a Team Selaris T-shirt IC?

Hmm time to put out an intergalactic hit on those two…

Lucine asks: Why is it the list of side effects are always so much worse than the symptoms the medication is prescribed to treat?

That way they need to keep coming back to be prescribed more medicines, and I can keep treating them, and we all make more moneys!

Leeadra Halcyon asks: What is a good price for a locally sourced Kidney? Asking for a friend.

An arm and a leg, if it’s worth it to you.

Laren asks: There's a large event coming up between PLA and TAL. Do you have any recommendations for new and old members alike on how to stay active, engaged, and motivated throughout competition heavy events?

A bit late on the response, but my recommendation is this, Do what you can, when you can. You have to take things at your own pace. If you feel overworked from comps, taking a breather may be the best thing for you. RL will always trump DJB.

Thank you to all who submitted their questions! I look forward to more in the future.


Taldryan we are in a good spot right now. There are a lot of fun things coming your way! Stick with us and the Clan will succeed, and who knows, maybe we can restore Taldryan to it’s former glory!

May the Force be ever in your favor,

Rylance (Aiden Lee), Consul of Clan Taldryan

Thanks for the fun and games, my Taldryan friends! It was a pleasure.

Killing Selika is my job. I'll kill anyone else who tries :)

Great event with great people! Too bad multiplayer gaming doesn't have the same modifier as fiction :(

Nice report! Congrats on your new system!

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