"Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the beard with which fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart."
-- An Excerpt from The Bearded Tome: Chapter 25, Verse 6
Greetings Folks, and welcome to the return of Yacks' report. Our beloved Proconsul Howie has been spoiling me lately, making sure the reports get out unhindered and letting me relax a bit, but today we return to some sense of normalcy. And now we forge onward.
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
Invictus by William Ernest Henley
The above is a poem made famous in recent years by an amazing film about a rugby team. It is used as a source of inspiration in that, and it is something that I have used for inspiration in my own life. It also grants me some inspiration in the upcoming series of events that I have nearly completed working on, for you the good people of Taldryan to participate in.
Much of the upcoming competitions and events will be centred around the idea that the members of Taldryan are the Masters of their own Fate, and as such we will be letting the members of Taldryan build the legacy of Taldryan going forward, and hopefully help guide us through the unsure times ahead. In order to pave the way toward this end, I have finished adding the most skeletal of updates to the wiki page for Taldryan's home planet Karufr. This brings the page in line with the direction that we're looking to retcon our history into... not one of conquering massive Dark Jedi fleets that would have been crushed by the New Republic immediately, but one of intrigue and espionage. To a lesser extent the Kr'Tal System page already had some of this information, but Karufr's information has been put together in a skeletal form to help give everyone an idea of the new shared history.
In the coming weeks and days, we'll be seeing events that help grow Taldryan's story moving forward, helping to solidify our ties with our fictional allies the Gray Paladins, as well as expanding out some new enemies and maybe even establishing more allies. Who knows, the future will have to tell us.
Recently the Clan Summit made the decision to change House Dinaari into once more a primarily gaming oriented House. Within that purview, Omega took over the reigns and has started off with a bang as Quaestor. One of the primary vehicles Omega and crew have been using to start drumming up some gaming support, both within Taldryan and without have been the Dinaari Presents series of competitions, where they host a gaming competition for everyone to take part in.
The current iteration of the series is currently taking place in the form of a Diablo 3 competition: Rush the Elites. The premise of the competition is simple... kill the demons. Kill the cows. Kill the horribly eye rending pastel horse abominations that replaced the cows. Kill all the bad things, and profit.
If you own D3, fire it up sometime tonight/tomorrow and make sure you fly the Taldryan flag high to support our lads over in Dinaari!
Despite the fact that the summer doldrums have hit the Brotherhood especially hard this year, the club, and the news do continue onward. Here's a small sampling of what is happening out in the big bad DB, and in Star Wars fandom at large...
Well, ironically I am writing this epilogue while I am exhausted and nearly falling asleep at my keyboard, but the sentiment is true. Over the last few months Taldryan has started to lapse into the interwar slump, where people kick off their shoes and put their feet up, and start napping the hours away until the next big vendetta pops up. I've been guilty of it myself. But we're going to start ratcheting that backwards starting now. We will be the masters of our fate. We're currently sitting in the most exciting time in over a decade for the Star Wars fandom, and I'll be damned if we as a Clan don't make the best of it.
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Awesome artwork, as always. And I'm recovering from the aforementioned stroke :-D