Taldryan Consul Update


Taldryan Consul Update

Greetings folks,

I just wanted to drop a quick report out tonight. I have to apologize for the brevity of this one. Unfortunately real life has been punching me in the kidneys repeatedly lately (metaphorically, and a couple times literally), so I've been getting pulled every which way without much chance for DB stuff. On top of that, I've been fighting the burn out, that even manages to touch me at times. So for that, I'm sorry, and know that I'm working on getting myself out of the hole and getting started on some stuff again in the near future.

A couple quick hits before I piss off into the black hole of the real world again...


The Sword of Taldryan

Obviously, huge congrats to Omega about his appointment to Dinaari Quaestor. He's already hit the ground running and has opened up applications for his replacement as the Harbingers CO. Dinaari is currently going through a huge transition into becoming Taldryan's Gaming House, and acting as Battleteam Leader will leave you in a great position to help shape that destiny. I hope to see some great applications!


Competition Roundup

The current competition availability is pretty heavily biased toward gaming at the moment, but hopefully Howie, the House Summits and I will be putting together some more options for everyone in the near future.


As I said, this one was a quick and short report. Hopefully we'll have something more substantitive for you in the near future. But at least the weather has been nice? Take it easy folks.

Oh so Sexy

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