Taldryan Proconsul Report #2: F is for Fiction


Taldryan Proconsul Report #2: F is for Fiction


Today’s random report art is brought to you by Mighty Otaking. [Source].

This is poster for the fantatsic TIE Fighter Short Film. Honestly, if you haven’t seen it go watch it now. If you have seen it? Go watch it again.


Onwards and...well...onwards?

Now that we are slowly getting information on the general direction of where the DB is moving fictionally, myself and Yacks can now start getting a handle on where we want to see Taldryan go. As Yacks mentioned in his last report, we have a few areas that we are working on including getting our Dominion in shape as well as working through all of our military forces.

On top of that, we will be continuing with our “allies” the Gray Paladin and building our storeis around this. While you won’t be seeing any 6-month Vendetta-like event coming your way (because honestly, no one needs that), you should be seeing a coherent direction that our competitions will follow (as well as the usual fun little competitions that are just for shits and giggles).


Go Go Gamers

Just wanted to give a shout out to some of our more prevalent gamers in recent weeks. Artorias has been a beast recently with the amount of PVP matches that he’s been participating in, as well as running a JA Ladder. Omega and Raist have also been hitting the gaming hard.

I know there are even more of you out there getting into the swing of things. There’s a number of platforms for you to get involved in, and I’m sure you can find another member of the Clan to either play with, or against.


Fiction you say?

The current foundation of this club is fiction, so the latest Voice report will get its very own section (Shad, bask in this great honour). There’s a lot of information to take in, but it will give you a good idea as to the general direction the current leadership is going in

There will be a Fiction Society to go along with the GMRG and SA Society. There’s still a lot of stuff in the air, but for the most part the CI and Fiction-related competitions will be the main source of advancement in the society.

In terms of where the DB is fictionally, we were given a few more specific details as to what actually happened during the Dark Crusade and GJW, because it was fairly apparent that no one knew wtf happened :P Basically, Antei went boom and the entire DC is now homeless, roving the galaxy on various DC-vessels. No one knows who Esoteric was, and it was the One Sith who came after us, but much of their threat was a fabrication. They were the boogeyman we were sent to kill, but in the end we were misled.

As for where we go from here? Specifics are still light, but the goal is to eventually merge with whatever canon will come out of the movies. In reality, this means not knowing anything concrete until about September when they start releasing all of the post-RotJ books and comics that will explain what happened between RotJ and The Force Awakens. However, expect a lot of things to change for the club and your characters in a fictional sense since I don’t think a lot of the EU will survive the movies.

Last, but not least, lots of changes coming with the Character Sheet. Mostly tweaks to what’s currently there. We’ve had some time now to get used to the sheets, so it’s a good time to round out some of the rougher edges.


Wide World of DB

The Fist put out a report this week that has basically confirmed that gaming in the club is nor primarily PvE versus the more traditional PvP. As such, you will need to focus on the more PvE platforms if you wish to earn those higher game-based rankings going forward, as that is where you will truly earn the most CFs (if that’s your thing). If you just like gaming though? Go nuts! Just don’t cheat. We in Tal abhor it and it’s just not cool.

There was a GM report out, detailing some general leadership changes. One of the main focuses of this report? Don’t cheat and don’t be a dick :P

There was a position for CNS RM open earlier in the week, and applications close on the 28th if you’re interested.

As announced by Sir Worst-a-lot, every Elder can now request a Legacy title! Yay?

Last, but not least, the Herald put out a large report detailing information on some competitions that will allow you to have your work used by the DB itself. There was a large update on Warbanners, mostly just giving us a run-down on all the additions that have occurred to your choices as of late, along with general information on just what the role of the Herald is and what they need from us when requesting any items from them. Please have a read since everyone likes pretty shiny things.


Rollmaster Corner

Hello all! I have returned from vacation. It was delicious. I require more pizza and beer!

First of all, I would like to welcome Satanousto Clan Taldryan! He’s already taken up a spot in Dinaari, so please welcome him when you get a chance!

Otherwise, things are going well for our journeymen. As a reminder, Gorefest is coming up this weekend – so that means double Clusters of Fire for any and all that participate! That is of course, if you’re a member of the Grand Master’s Royal Guard – so if you haven’t taken the exam? Please do!

Journeymen Activities

Below are the highlights of our journeymen during the past week!

Jedi Hunter Artorias: Earned a Pendant of Blood, 2 Clusters of Ice, and 67 Clusters of Fire!


Competition Round up

Taldryan Hosted Competitions

Taldryan Friday Night Trivia #1 – Young Nero is hosting trivia in #taldryan at 7pm Eastern (4pm Pacific) on Friday, March 27!

Hunt the Jedi #20 – Another glorious competition from the Proconsul!

Taldryan Gatekeeper Trials, March 2015 – Best PVP Score wins!

Speed Sporcle Challenge #9 – Hosted by our very own Zoron! Answer questions on sporcle!

Speed Sporcle Challenge #10 – Hosted by our very own Zoron! Answer questions on sporcle

JKA: Winter Cup – A Jedi Academy bracket hosted by our very own Guardians Bobecc and Artorias!

Return of the Return of the Taldryan Trivia #4 – Another Raist hosted trivia competition!

House Dinaari - House of Horrors – Most Diablo 3 kills wins!

Brotherhood Wide

Monthly Mobile Gaming: ZigZag – Another glorious mobile competition!

Revenge of the meme – Another hilarious make a meme competition!

TOR: Blood Hunt Hardmode Speed Run – Fastest time on the Blood Hunt flashpoint wins!

Droidtacular – Create a droid competition!

DJB March Madness Bracket Pool – NCAA Basketball March Madness pool!

Star Conflict PvP – Play Star Conflict, most Clusters of Fire wins!

GMRG Gorefest: Feburary 2015 (in March) – Double Clusters of Fire for GMRG members! Runs the weekend of the 27th to the 29th!

GMRG Gorefest: March 2015 (in April) – Double Clusters of Fire for GMRG members! Runs the weekend of the 10th to the 12th!

GMRG Gorefest: April 2015 – Double Clusters of Fire for GMRG members! Runs the weekend of the 24th to the 26th!

Diablo 3: Season 2 Greater Rift Ladder (Non-Seasonal Characters) – Highest greater rift completed wins!

Diablo 3: Season 2 Greater Rift Ladder (Seasonal Characters) – Highest greater rift completed wins!

Star Wars v Game of Thrones – Write your character as in Game of Thrones!

Jedi Academy: The Art of Dueling – Jedi Academy duels – most CFs wins!

April Fools' Day! – James and Arion are running some sort of April 1st based competition!

Herald One Year Event: Design your own Lightsaber – Just like the title says – from the Herald’s Office!

Herald One Year Event: Design your own Robes – Just like the title says – from the Herald’s Office!

Herald One Year Event: Design your own Medal – Just like the title says – from the Herald’s Office!

Revenge – Write a revenge story!

Canon Fodder Episode 1 - The Inquisitor – Write a story from the perspective of Star Wars Rebels’ Inquisitor


Le Fin

As always, feel free to e-mail me any questions or comments you may have, or alternatively, just bug me on IRC if I’m around.

Oh, and a big thank you to Yacks for my new sig-banner.


Glowing generic praises to you and your report!

That's a lot of green. Needs more blue.

Oh look at wittle greenman Halc, he soo cute :P

spent so long on the Mighty Otaking link I forgot about the report

I love your signature footer lol

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