"M-m-m-m'lord, she came out of nowher-"
The man was silenced as, with a small gesture of the Consul's finger, an invisible blow whiplashed across his face and propelled his shackled form to the ground. Sighing loudly at the waste of time, Farrin rose from the chair he had received the man from in the Captain's quarters and motioned the two marines to the prone figure.
"Remove him to the brig with the rest of the survivors. This one knows just as little as the rest."
Earlier in the day the Republic-class Star Destroyer Revenge, which the Tarentum Consul had taken up residence aboard recently, had received a distress signal aboard the Altera Station. The Revenge and the cruiser Requiem had quickly arrived to discover the gunship Huntsman - which had docked at the Altera for repairs - disappeared. The station had lost all power except for life-support systems for a brief period of time, and when the power had returned the ship was gone as were three of its officers. Those three had been found semi-conscious and barely coherent, and it was in that state that the three had been delivered to the Revenge.
Though it was difficult to get much of a sensible story out of any of them, with some help from the ship's medical droids and their stimulants Farrin had pieced together the fact that the three were the only crew aboard the ship; as it was in station for repairs, the rest of the officers and crew were on liberty and the three men were standing watch. What happened next Farrin still couldn't quite piece together, but the one thing each was adamant on was the fact that "she" was responsible. The ship's medical droids had reported that the three men were teetering on the edge of insanity, so that was likely all they were going to get. In the meantime, Farrin had sent orders for there to be a system-wide search conducted for their lost ship.
Farrin watched as the marines escorted the officer from the Captain's quarters, the man spouting gibberish quietly as they dragged him away. Shaking his head, the Tarentum Consul started sat back down. As he did so, the datapad on the desk chimed its announcement of a new message. Looking up to ensure the door had hissed closed, Farrin grabbed the pad and keyed in his access code. After the few seconds it took to skim the message, a grin played across his lips.
We'll avoid Yridia for now. Thanks for giving us time to get out. Hope those boys I left behind aren't too shaken...

Welcome to my second report (my Consul's Address totally counts, for those keeping score at home) as your Consul, my fellow Tarenti. I was actually blown away by the fact I'm just now hitting my 30 day mark as Consul... it feels like it's been longer, though I've no idea why. As you can tell from the news page, there's been a ton of stuff going on within the DJB, but also within the Clan itself, so let's get right into it.
DJB-Wide News
- Plagueis has a new CON, so congrats to Teylas! Since he got moved up a spot in the PLA chain, he's currently looking for someone to replace him as PCON. You've got a week if you're interested in applying.
- Bubba is currently looking for a Professor for the newly revamped (again) Department of CORE Studies. Applications there are due by Saturday. As someone who's worked for Bubba and the SA for a while now, I can attest it's a wonderful job and you should definitely apply. (Please Bubba, please let me out of the cage now. I'll be good, I promise).
- These two things are mostly interrelated, so I'm including them in the same bullet point... Mav announced Phase 2 of the rollout of the new Paths/Orders system, and it's all about the Non-Force Users. The latest Herald report also went out and had a lot of cool stuff for those NFUs. I haven't heard many people express interest in going NFU in Tarentum, but if it's a direction that you're thinking of going - and I wouldn't overly blame you, seriously, the Herald's staff has put together some really kickass stuff for them - let us know and we'll support you and help you out with it.
Tarentum News
- In case you've been living under a rock, Reanimated - the three-part event started by Raiju before he stepped down as Consul - has concluded. I'm proud of the effort many of you put in to this competition and I hope y'all enjoyed it as much as we did putting it together. Meleu, like the rockstar that he is, put together a Wiki synopsis of it that I highly recommend. One thing in particular I want to highlight from his synopsis comes at the very end, and that's the overall Champions of Reanimated (across all three parts). This is purely an unofficial title - you're not getting this awarded on your dossiers - but if for nothing else than bragging rights I'm proud to announce that Pel is the First Champion of Reanimated; Ranarr Kul is the Second Champion of Reanimated; and Kaiburr is the Third Champion of Reanimated. Well done to all three of you!
- In other news you'd have had to be living under a rock to miss, Tarentum has so well-shown that we're on the right path back to attaining our former glory that the Dark Council has approved our application to open our first House since we were re-Clanned. House Mortis, led ably by Meleu (and assisted by Etah), will house the dark elements of the Clan, including the Battleteam Order of the Trident. There's a lot of really interesting things coming down the pipe with Mortis, so I'm truly excited. In order to support their mission, I've decided that going forward all Dark path Tarenti of rank EQ3 or below will be placed in the House; EQ4+ are not required but strongly encouraged. "What about if I'm a Gray path member?" Well, it's funny you should ask...
- Earlier this evening, I put in a request to the MAA's Staff for the creation of a new Battleteam, Grey Wolf. I won't spoil the big reveal yet (I'll let Caesar, their soon-to-be Battleteam Leader do that) but I'll just say Telona just might be stealing that ship for a reason...
- Beef, Frosty, and I have been hard at work ensuring that many of our members - some of whom haven't seen proper recognition in some time - were properly rewarded for their efforts during Reanimated, and I'm proud of the incredible number of medals - DCs, ACs, even SCs - that we were able to award. I'm especially proud of our recent promotions - Magik to the rank of Knight, Xenna to Acolyte, blackhawk to Novice, Solas to Neophyte, and Dazta to Acolyte. I've always maintained that we've got some true rockstars for members here in Tarentum, and you guys prove me right every single month. Keep it up, y'all!
I'm not sure I knew completely what I was getting in to when I took on the position of Consul a month ago, and the support and encouragement I've received from so many has truly been a blessing. However, after the past 30 days, I know even more than I did before that Tarentum is the Clan I will always want to be a part of. We might not be the biggest Clan, or win the most DJB-wide events, or anything else... but this group is a family. It's an honor to serve as your Consul, and I know that together our next 30, 60, or 100 days will far surpass even the last 30.
Onward, my friends - for Tarentum!
I don't want to be a kiss ass but... Great Report!
...we're still not calling you "daddy," freak. But we're proud to have you as Consul. Great job, Farrin.
Tarentum Momentum!