Tarentum PCON Report #4


Tarentum PCON Report #4



First, you'll notice, I haven't put out a report since the end of October. If you were on Telegram, or communicating with the Clan in general, you'll know that my wife and I had Baby Beef 2 on December 1st. We now have two little boys, one is 1.5 years, the second now just over a month old. Needless to say, life has been busy, and will continue to be, at my home.

Speaking of babies, congrats go out to Strask and his wife on the birth of their first! Hooray for them! As I understand it, the whole Rurra'bek family is doing well. Strask (Elols) is a proud papa, and here in Tarentum, we couldn't be happier for them. Congrats, old friend! Love to your family.

Additionally, we have a lot of work going on behind the scenes, trying to prepare for the year ahead fictionally, as well as opening up a few new options, as well. Tarentum is presently sitting at 55 members, and I happen to know that more than a few veterans have come back, but we also have some amazing new members coming in and finding a home with us in the Clan of Death. Tarentum has room for everyone! There is a solid show of communication and activity, and I am proud of all of you. Keep up the good work! As we move ahead this year, we really want everyone to find their place, and to see their pivotal role within the Clan expand and evolve. Each of you has a place, and is vital to our success.

As we plan ahead, take some guidance in the sources we have for canon. The Clone Wars and Rebels are fun cartoons that you and your kids can enjoy. Some of the darkest characters, that would fit in sweetly within Tarentum, are persons like Asajj Ventress and the Nightsisters of Dathomir. Or perhaps the sledgehammer of Zabrak vengeance, Savage Oppress. We have members in Tarentum who mimic them in many ways. However, we also have more Grey characters, as well as armed and dangerous Mercenaries. If you fancy yourself as a bounty hunter or Mandalorian, or even as a less-extreme Qui-Gon Jinn, there is definitely a home for you. And, as you come in, as you wander around, and as you see your home and future built within Tarentum, we want you to play games, have fun, and help us delve into our fictional depths over the coming year.

Star Wars Tidings

The Force Awakens has been out now, and if you haven't seen it, please take your time and do so. I really did enjoy it. It's different, I'm not going to lie, but if you look for the avenues where Star Wars can grow and advance from it, you'll be as excited as I am. In light of how long it's been out, the Grand Master has relaxed some of his necessary call to avoid spoilers. There's not quite the threat of punishment, but please remember, we may STILL have some people who haven't seen it. At this point, it's hard to contain spoilers, but just be mindful of whether or not someone in the Clan still has yet to see it. If you want to talk about it, there's still a Spoilers Channel on Telegram that is the preferred route for talking about the movie. Be a team player, and still try and be patient for people who haven't been for one reason or another.

This is a social Club, a place for friendships, and it's been going for decades. We have survived threats of bigotry, apathy, malice and more. We have had people come and go who exhibit the best of humanity, as well as some of the worst. Be mindful of how you act. If you don't want to be here, no one is forcing you. It is a leisure Club. Let me restate that -- it IS a leisure Club. So, if you're here, be the best you can be, as I have seen from everyone in Tarentum thus far. We love you guys, and we want to make this the Year of Tarentum, the Year of the Clan of Death. We can do this.

Avenues For Advancement

You'll notice a few positions have opened up DB-wide. The Headmaster is looking for a Praetor; the Herald is looking for a Magistrate; while Yacks just needs someone to give him a hug every now and again, and to tell him it'll be alright. Don't worry baby, it's ok; you've got a panda by your side. There's open positions, and you should apply! This is definitely an avenue for advancement.

Also, get involved in the regular comps going on, as those will count towards activity and rewards in multiple ways, from medals, to activity counted in promotions. There's a lot to do. Additionally, we DO have some side projects that will be involved in moving forward the Clan's year of fiction and revamping things like the Wiki. We are waiting on a fiction release from the GM, DGM and VOICE, as well as an understanding of how the new timeline in The Force Awakens will alter the Brotherhood. We are looking forward to these changes, and as we receive guidance on how to move the Clans forward, a lot of side jobs will open up, and I want to give you all every opportunity to take part and progress!

My goal, my sincere goal, is to see as many of you advance through the Equite ranks and beyond. If we can get some of you into the Elder ranks, working with the DB, and helping to forward the visions of the Brotherhood as guided by Sarin and Mav, I'd probably scream and giggle with delight. I might be inspired to ship hugs all over the world. And really, isn't that what you want for next Christmas? Or Hannukah? Or... I'm going to have to look up all of the gift-giving festivals and holidays. I promise, I'll do my homework.

To Wrap It Up

Babies in Tarentum. Baby Beef 1 and 2 (some people are calling them Cutlets and such), as well as Baby Strask! We're excited with the new additions to our Tarentum family. As you guys have exciting news, please share! We'll make sure to share our fun times together.

Fictional and Functional advancements and developments coming. We want you and your characters involved! Game with us in TOR, Diablo 3, Battlefront and more!

Apply for DC Assistant positions; get a job! Be a part of something greater, and watch your rank and prestige soar! We have so many talented, creative members in Tarentum, our skills will benefit the Club! I'm sure many of the wonderful DC members we have would love to read through your applications as you send them. Be involved!

Have a great week and weekend, Tarentum. I love you guys.



With those Tarentum baby's we'll have a great Clan Summit in a few years :) But for now... daddy PCON, and the rest of the Summit is doing a great job... as are daddy Strask and the rest of the members with their amazing activity.

I'm curious and looking forward to what's ahead of us. Nice report!

Look at that Tarentum Momentum!

You didn't mention my triumphant return home...surely that's newsworthy :p

Congrats on the babies! They are a big challenge, but also a great joy.

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