If you're old enough to remember this, it was a pretty fun run of television on HBO that was based around the old 1950s comic of the same name. There's two avenues of fiction that we're trying to take in Tarentum, and the first, dealing with Necromancy, ties well into this. Look up the old comic series, maybe check around YouTube for some of the old episodes. If you're into the oddball, macabre, dark fantasy, then get involved in House Mortis. Scion and Zekk have things in the works that will revolve around the dreary and dreadful.
If you've known me long enough, you know I have a huge affection for tales of the macabre. Maybe you've seen me reference the fact that one of my most favorite authors is Edgar Allan Poe. There's a lot of fun to be had among the shadows and the things that go bump in the night. If this is your passion, come have some fun.
Not everyone in Tarentum is about ghost and goblins, bats and witches, or romping around in cemeteries. For this, we have our amazing members among the Grey Wolves, and we're trying to build upon it. We're working together not only as a Clan, but also trying to get things just right to earn the privilege of having a Grey House. Working with our great leadership duo Sarin (Pravus) and Mav, we will be attempting to fine-tune everything, and earn their approval for an additional House. Until that time, however, you can still be involved with the Greys in the Grey Wolves team.
As Mercenaries, Bounty Hunters and Grey Jedi, the Grey Wolves faction (and, we hope, the eventual Grey House) are ultimately loyal to Tarentum, and not bound to darkness and death as are their Sith kin. Though sometimes of opposing viewpoints, the Grey and Sith of Tarentum are ultimately bound by loyalty to each other, and though it may come to conflict infrequently, Tarentum is unified under the rule of our Consul, Farrin Xies. If you find yourself drawn to the middle, towards the life of piracy, bounty hunting, living by your sword, or just walking your own path down the middle, I invite you to join the Grey Wolves. Led by Caesar and Levathan, the Grey Wolves are a fantastic part of our Clan.
Since I'm selling each of our units, I also want to discuss the Order of the Trident.
This faction of Tarentum is personally led by Pel and Hades, built by Pel and Ranarr, and has a small -- but dedicated -- number of Tarenti in its ranks. Why is the Order of the Trident so small? It's an invite-only section of Tarentum that focuses upon our military. Anyone who wants to be within the OoT needs to focus on things like military strategy, ship capabilities and more, because as we enter competitions that take battle plans and other overarching strategy into account, the Order of the Trident will be taking the lead in those events. Hades and Pel are really working hard to make the OoT something to be proud of. If you're interested in a military role, get in touch with them.
I just wanted to take a second and talk about the bonds we build in Tarentum. We have so many Clans and Houses within the Brotherhood, and this Club is made up of fantastic people. Here, we have Clans of Darkness and Light. Clans of Conquerors and Warriors. We have 'hoods within 'hoods. What makes Tarentum so special? Is it being "the Clan of Life and Death" in a Brotherhood of Darkness and Light? Is it being the Clan that was founded from Kaerner and the famed Tau Squadron?
Tarentum is special because of you. Our amazing membership makes us the great thing that we are. We truly are family, friends and kin within Tarentum. We are connected by Telegram, some by Facebook, others by phone calls and texts. We are family. Each of you is a vital link in the chain of our success. There is nothing we cannot do, so long as we are together and bound by the pervading friendship that keeps me here year after year.
When I first joined the Brotherhood in 1997 as Arikan Sol, I joined House Satal Keto. It wasn't the place Tarentum has been over the years, and has become again now. Look at the roster, and you will see all of my closest friends and family. Look at our roster, and you will see the names of those people who want to support you through any trial. Look at the roster, and if your name is listed within Tarentum, you are encircled by those who will always stand with you in every day life, through every ridiculous trial, and will celebrate your every victory.
Tarentum is family. Welcome home.
I'm not going to give out any huge information or spoilers right now. Suffice it to say, I'm working on a Clan event that'll be starting March 1. I'm working on inviting a few noteworthy guest writers to assist, and will be using this as an opportunity for everyone to really come together, to motivate Clan fiction, to build on our foundation, and (for those who need it) find opportunities towards that next Equite promotion. Invites to guest write and assist will be based on your skill set, what is needed (from my end), and activity. I want people staying involved. When you feel like you have some spare time, get a competition or two in. Most of my days, I play Galaxy of Heroes throughout the day; I ought to be submitting to GoH events. Pel plays Uprising, as well as GoH. There's ways to be active, even from a mobile phone. Yes, I know. Grumble all you want about "Brimstoning," but there's ways to stay involved. We want to get each of you promoted.
So, there it is. Be ready for March, get involved, and if you want an opportunity, we might be talking about guest writing and more.
Have a great week and weekend, Tarentum. I love you guys.
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First! Also great report!!! Looking forward to seeing what you guys can come up with!
Great report boss. and to those of you who don't mind going where others won't, come join the Nekros Syndicate. We won't bite.... much.
It's an amazing time to be Tarenti/Tarentae.
Let's hear it for our Summit!!! Who're making all of this happen. Let's hear it for our members!!! Who make Tarentum our home.
Beef this is awesome
Ways to be active from a phone, indeed. That's my main source of contact. In fact, for anyone doubting the possibility of being active with just a phone...I took fifth in a fiction event during the Dark Crusade, with a story written entirely on my Galaxy S3, at a time in my life when I didn't have a home internet connection. So, it's entirely possible to be active and do well with only a phone. They are tiny computers anymore, anyways.
Glad too see Tar is still fighting the good (evil/gray?) fight. Can't wait to see the evolution of your Gray house. Will it be awesome?

My gut says hell yeah! :P