It's time for another report from the Quaestor! I just want to say that I've been busier in the past couple of weeks doing Tarentum stuff than anything else except my real life job, and the next few months are starting to look pretty awesome. So without any further delay let's have a look at what's going on in Tar!
No doubt you've heard the word once or twice lately. The fiction for the prologue is finally finished and released! Check out the main website below, and be sure to look under the Story menu to read the fiction.
Ravaged is going to be a long-term story arc following Tarentum in the aftermath of the Dark Crusade. As the name suggests, it promises to be an interesting and tumultuous time for us as we try to heal our wounds and find our place again.
Five competitions are just about to open for the prologue. It's a great mix of everything so there should be something there to tickle your fancy. More than in the past, Raiju and my focus for this has been on giving opportunities for all members to help drive the story and be main characters in it. Some of the competition names are labeled because they have specific hooks into the story or because the winner's writing can become Tarentum canon. For more information, check out the website!
As you heard in prior reports, we're in need of some military NPCs. Rax has graciously been helping us update our wiki articles and has created NPCs for the CO of the Corsair and the Doomsday. There are many more positions left to fill, so if you're interested in creating some characters, helping out your House and possibly earning something shiny in the process just let Raiju or I know!
The ACC open beta is going on and you can get involved! It's a competitive writing platform where two or more people get together to write parts of the same story. The best writer wins. It's also one of the few ways to win Clusters of Ice. The whole thing has been re-coded, re-developed, and re-built to bring it in line with the rest of the modern website and really the modern club. This place is pretty different now than it was a few years ago.
You have to do a few things to get into the ACC, but they're not that hard:
That's it! Once you're qualified you can get in there and fight! I'm just about done with my qualification, so if you ever want to beat up your Quaestor, hurry up and do those SA tests! Once I'm qualified I'll take any Tarenti challenger.
The long awaited AWOL check just happened. Unfortunately we did lose a few members to the Rogues in the process, but I'm sure all of them know they are more than welcome to return whenever they wish. If you're still with us, buckle up!
Of course, losing members is bad. The only way to grow our roster is for us to get out there and recruit. Please don't recruit from other DB units; that's not cool. But if you're a member of another club, if you have real friends in real life who also love Star Wars, or if you have other ideas for how to con(vince) others into joining the Dark Brotherhood, give it a shot! If you have questions about how to recruit or want to get more involved in recruiting, you can get in touch with Xantros, the Recruiting Tribune... or with Hades, who was just appointed as an assistant to the Recruiting Tribune. Congrats, Hades!
Here's a quick rundown of activity since Raiju's last report:
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1) Nice report! 2) One of the ships in the Tarentum fleet is named in honour of Doomsday? Howie very much approves.
Yes it is. Though for the life of me I cannot remember who proposed it.
Also, yes a great report! Looking forward to the events.
Just read the story. Great prologue! Looking forward to kicking ass in the upcoming events.
Nice event site, guys. Good stuff.
We named the first Doomsday after we got the Bulk Cruiser. I believe that came with one of the Sith Rites of Succession. It was something I'd been wanting to do since I was IWCOM, but was never allowed to do in the EH. And since the DB leaders at the time didn't think it appropriate, I got Beef and Rekio on board with naming one of Tar's ships after him.