Tarentum Quaestor Report


Tarentum Quaestor Report

Greetings Tarenti!

First off tonight, I'd like to formally announce some position appointments that have occurred over the past few days. We basically got an entire new Summit, so that's pretty exciting. I'm very pleased with how things turned out, and I look forward to many great things happening over the next several months.

Hades is our new Aedile. He's been a Tarenti forever, and has been a leader at pretty much every level of the House over its history. Even when he's not in a position he's the kind of guy who volunteers his time on projects, stays in touch with everybody on IRC, plays TOR and participates in competitions. I am very pleased to have him on the team. His main responsibility will be to get Ravaged started up again, but as Aedile he pretty much has his hands in everything.

Farrin is our new Rollmaster. He's our newest DJK and has shown a great deal of promise so far as well as a great attitude. As Rollmaster he'll be in charge of staying in touch with our Journeymen and keeping them on track to their next promotions, but in addition to that he's also going to be exploring our options for recruitment. That includes the Facebook page and posting content on the Tarentum website.

Starrett is the new BTL for the Knights of Tau. He's fairly new to us but from the beginning he has engaged with the Summit and offered to help out. I am glad to be able to give him a shot at leadership and look forward to working with him to keep building up our activity level.

Darth Aeternus is the new BTL for the Jen Kaari. Also known as Korras, he's been around here forever. He's been on the Dark Council, he's been Consul and everything on down from there, he's a Darth... what more could you ask for?

All in all, I'm certain it'll be a great team. Thanks for volunteering, guys!

Baby Beef

We already had an email thread about this, but I'd like to reiterate my congratulations to Sith, who is now the proud father of a little boy. In just around 13 years or so, I'm sure Tarentum can expect a new member with whom the Force is extraordinarily strong. Congrats again, Beef!


Ok ok, I know. The competitions for the last round of Ravaged are still hanging out there un-judged. I promise I'm getting to them. I'm waiting for some last info from Raiju and we had all that turnover with the Summit members, and I worked all this weekend writing various reports and bringing everything up to speed, but those competitions are next on my list. We'll get them done and awarded ASAP so we can move on to the next portion of the competition. Sorry for the delay guys.


Since my last report, the Seals for Fading Light were awarded. Here are the highlights:

  • Altheseus Levathan was awarded 18 Seals of the Crusader
  • Anshar Kahn Tarentae was awarded 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
  • Anshar Kahn Tarentae was awarded 19 Seals of the Crusader
  • Archean Tarentae was awarded 5 Seals of the Crusader
  • Ayden Dane was awarded 1 Seal of the Crusader
  • Ayden Dane was awarded 32 Clusters of Fire
  • Aynar d'Tana was awarded 23 Seals of the Crusader
  • Aynar d'Tana was awarded 1 Legion of the Scholar
  • Dox Romanae was awarded 3 Seals of the Crusader
  • Dranik Tarentae was awarded 2 Seals of the Crusader
  • Frosty Romanae Tarentae was awarded 5 Seals of the Crusader
  • Garloaf was awarded 1 Seal of the Crusader
  • Hades was awarded 10 Seals of the Crusader
  • Jabis Ravenhawk was awarded 5 Clusters of Fire
  • Kalmah Sidhe was awarded 2 Seals of the Crusader
  • Maxamillian von Oberst-Tarentae was awarded 6 Seals of the Crusader
  • Orion Aries Rial was awarded 103 Clusters of Fire
  • Orion Aries Rial was awarded 3 Seals of the Crusader
  • Raiju Kang was awarded 18 Seals of the Crusader
  • Rax Von-Klug was awarded 1 Seal of the Crusader
  • Rax Von-Klug was awarded 1 Legion of the Scholar
  • Rax Von-Klug was awarded 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
  • Saronyx was awarded 9 Seals of the Crusader
  • Scion Altera was awarded 10 Seals of the Crusader
  • Shujiru Raunien was awarded 5 Clusters of Fire
  • Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae was awarded 1 Seal of the Crusader

Final Thoughts

It can sometimes be hard to tell, but I believe things in Tarentum are gradually improving. We have a strong leadership team that is fully fleshed out now, and email threads like the one for Beef's baby give me hope that a lot of you are actually reading your emails. We lost two people due to the new rolling AWOL policy, but Arch transferred back within a few hours. All of these are good signs.

For my part, I'm refocusing the Summit on competitions. I want to make sure that we always have something running, and that the whole House Summit is involved in running a wide variety of competitions to pique your interest. We had some good feedback from Oberst and Starrett earlier about what kinds of competitions we should be offering and we will constantly evaluate that to try to give you guys what you want.

My mailbox is always open. I always welcome suggestions, praise and constructive criticism. We do this for you guys, so if you're not having fun it means I'm doing something wrong.

That's all for now guys!

Let's rock and roll, Tar!

Beautiful report, mate. Looking forward to seeing what you guys do!

Great report buddy! I'm eager to get Tarentum back to where we were in the past... Clan Tarentum starts it's path back NOW.

Great report! I can't wait to see the new Tarentum Momentum!

W00t! Baby Sith!

Go Tarentum Momentum! Just because I didn't come back....like I said I would.......doesn't mean I'm not rooting for a Tar resurgence!

It's okay, Tarentum, I'll look after him ;)

Besides HOU I'd Love to see my old Clan become a clan again good Luck Tarentum you guys can do it. And Hades Do a damn good job that I know you can do as Aedile.

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