Team Battle Leader Report #1 6th of February 2017


Team Battle Leader Report #1 6th of February 2017

Caesar Is Back In Business

Hi Ladies and Gentlemen of the Grey Wolf Battle Team. For those who don’t know me I am Caesar Grey Wolf, and I am back running this great Battle Team of ours. I formerly ran Grey Wolf when it first began, and I took a rest for a while but now I am back. I live in the U.K just 60 miles from the city of London, and I work nights with a company who delivers newspapers.

I live at home looking after my elderly Parents, and have a cat and my two boys Bill and Bob who are Degus and they come from the country Chilli.

I have been with the DJB for just over 8 years and have enjoyed being in most Clans around the DJB, but Tarentum I have stuck to like glue, and I enjoy my time here.

And I am glad to serve you guys again as BTL, I like to thank Kah (Sam) and BlackHawk, Lucifer and Ranarr and The Clan Summit for their support and encouragement to me over the past years and for giving me the chance to lead once more.

Well that’s enough about me. Time for business:-


Yes we have a New house called Liath


Grey wolf was originally set up as a Grey Jedi Force, user Battle team, due to the New House this has changed to a Non-Force user Battle team, with rogues and mercenary’s, Fiction on this is being ironed out so watch this space. AWARDS AND MEMBER SPOT

Don’t forget to contact Kah and Black Hawk, to let them know what you have done since your last merit award so that, they can award you with nice shinny’s, for your efforts. And of course you can email me or Kah or Black Hawk, or catch us on Telegram, as we are always hanging round on there if you need to just talk need support and help we are there for you guys always, I promise we don’t bite.

Comps Ranarr’s Comp Kah’s Comp Kah’s Comp Kah’s Comp Kah’s Comp Frosty’s Comp My Comp My Comp

Thanks for reading this report lots more to come once, we have things going smoothly. Once again I like to Thank GW and House Liath members for their hard work continuing doing comps and your support.

I look forward to my next report on March the 6th.


Welcome Back!

Great report Ceasar!! :) Welcome back!

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