The Lord of Suffering - DGM Report


The Lord of Suffering - DGM Report

The Lord of Suffering - DGM Report

"Everyone pities the weak. Jealousy has to be earned." - Arnold Schwarzenegger

The Dark Crusade Epilogue: Fading Light

We've finalized the rules and format of Fading Light, the epilogue event that concludes The Dark Crusade. The guideline document can be found below and covers event types, scoring, and prizes. All unit leaders have had a chance to view and comment and we were able to make some tweaks that made everyone happier with the overall event. Specific dates beyond the first planet are still TBD. It's just too hard to lock-in to a date range a couple months from now and guarantee it'll go as planned. But the "rough" timeline is as follows:

February (28th to March 16th) - Bosthirda
April (TBD) - Planet Two
June (TBD) - Planet Three

The Great Jedi War, which finishes the One Sith story line, is a tentative summer release. Looking like August at this point, but that's pretty rough.

Anything else you need to know, send me an email. I answered a number of questions for your leaders and will be glad to the same for you.

Fading Light - Guideline Document

Armed Forces Requisition Update

This is taking longer than I thought, but no worries. I understand you guys want to take your time making your selections as to what ships and troops to purchase, sell, or what have you. Please continue to take your time. I know some of you have even created competitions and/or opened the decisions up to your members which is great.

Just as an update, we currently have 4/7 units done for their requisitions. Again, take your time. If you need anything further from me, let me know.

Star Wars Product Review Forum

I come up with lots of ideas for stuff. One I mentioned recently is the Star Wars Product Review Forum. I don't expect this idea to change our world, but I thought it'd be cool to have a place to archive our expert knowledge on all things Star Wars.

If you're like me, you buy lots of Star Wars stuff throughout the year: books, games, clothing, toys, etc. And if you're like me, you work hard for your money and don't want to waste it. So when trying to avoid wasting my money I often go to sites like Amazon just to read reviews. I may not even purchase the item from them, but it's an invaluable resource for a consumer.

The thought I had was if we could archive enough quality reviews on various products we're all buying anyway, we might actually be able to drive some traffic to our site. Not dissimilar from the way we all go to Wookieepedia to research things there. That's the idea anyway.

To try and reward people for doing this I will pick out quality reviews from time to time, highlight them on the news page, and give out a Scroll or other appropriate award for the effort.

If you have a review you want to do but we don't have the appropriate category, let me know and I'll create it.

Star Wars Product Review Forum

The Old Republic - Rancor Mounts!

My long-time dream of Rancor mounts in SWTOR has finally come true. I know some purists out there don't like creature mounts but they've had a special place in the place my heart used to be ever since Star Wars Galaxies. Bioware has finally read my thoughts and have decided to act.

Read the Dulfy article about the new mounts and enjoy some pictures of two of the three new Rancor mounts below.

PvP Season 1 Reward Rancor Mount

PvP Season 1 Reward Rancor Mount

Nightmare Mode Dread Palace Rancor Mount

Nightmare Mode Dread Palace Rancor Mount

Personally I am digging on the Cyborg Rancor and will be doing my meager best to gear-up my main character (Juggernaut Tank) to be able to do the Nightmare Mode DP Operation.

See you in game!

Shadow Hand Resources

Things you might find useful that sometimes get lost in the shuffle of reports.

Dark Crusade Leader Board

Dark Brotherhood Comic Book Archive

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Armed Forces Worksheet (MTOE)

Recent News Posts

Hit me up if there's something you need. People do this frequently and I'm usually able to help out fairly quickly.

Coming Soon...

  • Dark Pages - Raken reviews Legacy Volume II

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17

See you out there,


Could the award be the same as Voice competitions - Cluster of Ice per 500 words?

/me goes off to write a 100,000 word review of TOR :P

I don't think product reviews should grant Clusters of Ice. While they are writing, they're not fiction, and in this case we are not awarding all forms of writing with Clusters of Ice, so I don't think it's appropriate.

What I originally wanted was a Dark Side Scroll or something for each "quality" review submitted. We batted that around in the poker room of the Dark Council and eventually decided not to do it that way.

Currently the plan is for me award outstanding reviews with something decent. I'll do my best. You know, assuming we actually get some reviews besides mine =)

I did appreciate the pretty thoughtful discussion/comment on my book review though and that is another cool aspect of using the forums for this.

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