Welcome to another Rollmistress report! I have so much great material to cover, so buckle up while I proudly showcase a truckload of Odan-Urr stuff. Some highlights include member and Clan announcements, member achievements and spotlight, a big Jedi Praxeum update, and some thoughts from yours truly on some of our recent events. Before we dig into the report, I want to let everyone know that I am proud of all the effort you’ve put into Odan-Urr as of late. I’ll touch on it again later in the report, but for now I give you all a high five.
Let’s do this!
Everyone join me in welcoming our deluge of new and returning members to Odan-Urr. It is raining Odanites! Look out for them on Telegram and make them feel welcome. Bonus points for extra hugs!!
My favorite section by far, time to celebrate everyone’s achievements! Join me in giving a cheer and a well earned pat on the back (aggressive hugs optional but suggested). Great job everyone!!!
Promotions: (so many!)
There are two big events going on in each of the Houses right now. Now you might be telling me, “ What? I didn’t know this was going on?” or maybe “Can I participate?”. The answer to both is absolutely yes. A key part of acquiring Journeyman promotions is doing competitions. Show your support to your House and put out a strong showing. Try new things even if you haven’t done that sort of competition yet. Ask your House mates if you have any questions. If you are still in Zirael, you can still participate or I can move you to a House. Take your pick.
Hoth presents a House Event called ‘Suspicion on Solyiat’! More details here!
Satele Shan presents a House Event called ‘Last Voyage of the Kesaret’! More details here!
Lastly, Battleteam Garza from Satele Shan presents some Clan-wide events that are fun and easy. Check them out!:
Alright, hold on tight. It’s bragging time!
This used to be where I made a long list of competitions, but to be honest our wonderful House and Clan reports have that fully covered. As such, this new section will solely focus on some of our high-performing members within Odan-Urr. This could be because of either sheer volume or some particular accomplishments. Can’t find your name here? Feel free to reach out to me and I’ll help show you some ways to be the best member you can be. For now, I’ll just say to not forget about all those competitions. Always try to get in as many entries as you can!
Congratulations to all of you and keep it up!
We do so much more than just the numbers that are tracked on the website. We are a community and I’d like to take this time to show off some awesome things we’ve done as a Clan that don’t quite fit anywhere else. Remember when your parents displayed your art on the fridge? This is kinda like that except this entire report is the fridge and this is the place with all the real estate. Thank you for your contributions!! You make Odan-Urr so much fun.
Entries for ‘Desperate Measures Graphics’ competition by the top 3 Odan-Urr artists. The rest of the entries can be found here. In order, submissions by Korroth, Jafits Skrumm and Junazee.
Description: X-wing pursues TIE/sf, Solari pursues Vengeance.
Description: COU Fleet entering hyperspace.
Description: COU Fleet getting ready.
Entries for ‘Forbidden Fruits ‘Pretty Picture Time’. Korroth and Slyvia Artzin (Mako) both submitted entries. In order, Korroth submitted one for Double-Chocolate Darksiders and Mako submitted for all of them. More competition details here.
Text says: Adventure, excitement, scrumptious cocoa, a Jedi craves not these things
Entries for ‘Flowers of Kiast System” (our home) by the top 2 Odan-Urr artists. The rest of the entries can be found here. In order, submissions by Korroth and Slyvia Artzin (Mako).
Description: Brea's Blink, mountain flower of Ihera, Solyiat.
Description: The Glatrium flower commonly found across Daleem.
An Abstract Art competition was ran with some rather nice Odan-Urr entries. A sample of them can be found below. For more details of these competitions and to see all the entries, check them out here and here.
Description: “The Dark Side, "Let Me Destroy You" by Korroth
Description: “Way of the Force: The Dark" by Slyvia Artzin (Mako)
Description: “House Hoth: Friends in the Drift" by Korroth
Description: “Battleteam Garza's Pathfinders: The Search" by Korroth
Honorable mentions: This time around there was just too much art for me to include everything I wanted. I had to cram a lot into one report and that is my fault, but I urge you to check out the links below. Tell your fellow Odanites when you like their work, and if you want something drawn for you, ask in the Clan or House chats. Your fellow clanmates might just draw you something. :D
Fiction written for “Shore Leave: For a Friend’ competition. These were fiction entries written to help other characters, some of the best stuff to read. :):
Desperate Measures Run-ons, group writing between Odanites for an important Lotus mission:
Desperate Measures Solo Fictions
Desperate Measures Cooperative Fictions- Teamwork:
Some more:
Fiction competition about exploring living forever, so many Odanite entries
Fiction competition about spending a little alone time with yourself
Odan-Urr offers all its new and returning members membership in the Master-Student program. If you are interested, I will pair you with a more experienced member of the Clan to help guide you on your path to Knight and beyond. This is not only a great way to get to know the clan, but it offers a wealth of fictional opportunities. I encourage our younger members to request a master, and I encourage our more senior members to think about signing up to be a Master. This is just another way to give back to the Clan and help a new person along. If you’d like to sign up, simply send me a message on Telegram or give me an email!
Current Master-Student Pairings:
The Jedi Praxeum: As some of you might know, Odan-Urr doesn’t use the Dark Brotherhood facilities for its training purposes. One, we are being hunted down by the Dark Brotherhood. Two, it involves us leaving the Kiast system, our protected home, and puts a lot of strain on the Sephi we live along to ferry us to and fro all the time. As such, Odan-Urr has its own training establishments. In particular, I am excited to announce that one of them has been created for Odan-Urr’s’ Jedi called the ‘Jedi Praxeum’.
We still need to finish up a pretty picture for it, but for now check out its wiki page entry here!
This is a highly recommended read and contains a lot of great content. From an environment perspective, we’ve laid out its location on Kiast, the entire campus’ design and layout and its associated general assets. From a training perspective, we’ve laid out the entire school curriculum; which includes Odan-Urr’s version of the Jedi Code, training and exercises for each of the Jedi ranks, and trials for each of the Jedi ranks. Lastly, this document also includes some information on the running of the school itself.
Some key takeaways I want everyone to go home with are the following:
Lastly, this effort would not be possible if I didn’t receive any help. I want to acknowledge everyone who helped out in this project. Thank you to my content creators: Vyr Vorsa, Talis DeMorte, Edgar Drachen, Korroth, and Turel Sorenn. A big additional thank you to Korroth to doing the wiki code for this project. You are a lifesaver. Over the next week or two, I’ll be writing some award recommendations for everyone that participated. Again, thank you all for your help! I am so excited to see what comes next for the Jedi Praxeum.
Jedi Academy Training: Some new students and a few more lessons happened this last month, which made me very happy. So far I’ve got some very positive results and my students have had a lot of fun. Give it try! The only request I have is that you have fun and put some effort into trying to improve yourself. I can do the rest. Currently I do this adhoc, so reach out to me if you want to take advantage of this opportunity.
Getting to know everyone’s Character!: This started out as something I wanted to do to understand everyone’s character, but it has turned into a useful tool for everyone. How does this work? I post a question that makes you think about your character in the Clan chat and pin it for easy access so it stays at the top of the window. Everyone answers the questions, some of which require knowledge of other characters, and I record them in a spreadsheet for everyone to view. This helps everyone out. Check out the current answers so far here.
Your journey doesn’t end at Knight, so therefore neither does my assistance. First and foremost, I want all Knights and above to know that if you have a question or if you need anything, then feel free to reach out to me. I am here to help. Second, from time to time there are projects to work on, which will help you either reach Equite or advance further in the Equite ranks. So keep that in mind.
Alright, August’s advice. This month I’d like to address the following question: “How can I connect with the rest of the Clan?”.
This is a crucial question that everyone has to answer at some point during their time in the Clan. What you need to ask yourself is “What do I like to do?” and then you find other people in the Clan that like to do those same things and you do them! Another thing you can do it help out others in your Clan, whether it be through projects or just to help them out. Lastly, chat with each other. I’ll cover each in turn in a little more detail.
Doing things with other people: There is lot to do in the Dark Brotherhood, some big ones being Gaming, Graphics, Writing, and Puzzles. Reach out to your clan and house mates and chat with them. You will find that some will like to do the same things. Odan-Urr has a discord channel to support our community, particularly for group gaming. The Dark Brotherhood also has a forum board to do group writing but you can also use shared google docs. I’ve even seen people collaborate to draw pictures together. If you ever have any questions; ask myself, your Clan leaders, and your fellow Clan mates.
Help each other: Communities not only give but they also receive. Draw things for others. Write things for others. Make your character meet new people and give them some more friends with the rest of the Clan. Help us document what Odan-Urr looks like and contribute to what it might become. Welcome new members and show them around. All of these are so important in the long run, not only for your own happiness but for the good of the group.
Chat with each other: I can’t say this enough. Just chat with each other. Share things with others, even if you are unsure whether they will find it interesting. We have a lot of people so chances are someone might. You might be pleasantly surprised what comes of it!
So that’s it. I hope it helped. Just be good to each other and make some friends. Let’s share our love of Star Wars with each other.
Some Open Projects!:
Some useful links for everyone (will grow with time):
Everyone give yourself a pat on the back. As a Clan, we really did some great things as of late. Our participation rates are top notch in a wide swath of events, including a stellar ACC performance. Our group activities in the ‘Desperate Measures’ Event were solid, improving in several categories. We continue to cheer for each other and help each other out, which given our new members is especially important. In short, community is key. The rest will come along with it. I think we are well on our way so keep it up. Do all the things together. Write together, game together, create multimedia together even if it’s cheesy, draw pictures for each other. With that said, can’t wait to see what else you all give me to put on the Odan-Urr fridge next month. Proud of you all.
To an even brighter future, good work everyone!
New Joins & Returning Members
Promotions and Awards
Breaking News
Star of Odan-Urr
Member Spotlight
Master-Student Program
Rollmistress Projects
Knights and Equites
Useful Resources
Final Thoughts
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Very nice report from Clan Odan Urr. Lots of stuff you lot have done. Keep it up!
So much great info here. Best rollmistress does it again.
Loved the fridge style reference in regards to highlighting all members. Good stuff Blade.
Great Report so much WOW! I love it!
best rolemistress ever in the history of the universe