Find the first part of the our joint Fiction with Hoth: here
Find the second part of the our joint Fiction with Hoth: here
And now the conclusion
Sector Ms-5 Florrum
A hidden smile graced Lilly’s lips as she followed the child Quaestor into the Major’s root cellar. House Hoth’s leader seemed too young for such a seat of responsibility. Yet the Mandalorian understood he had power within like the other spark fingers.
“Who is waiting down there?” The boy asked, his shoulders visibly tensing up as he slowed his pace. It wasn’t that he was afraid, he needed to figure out how his first move would go. However the hiss of depressurization as Lilly removed her helmet sent a chill down his spine.
“Don’t worry deary, Mako will be gentle with you,” her voice came in a whisper, so close to the Quaestor’s ear, he could feel his face heat up for but a moment. “At first.”
“So Henymory is down there then.” He had to say something, the Fade’s presence so close to him, it was throwing his mental preparations off balance.
“Now get going spark finger, best not keep Mako waiting when he called you here so politely,” her now gruff voice was accompanied by a little shove toward the door at the bottom of the stairs. It was then that Nathan realized the truth, he wasn’t putting the Satele Quaestor on the defensive. No, he had willingly played right into the Krath’s plan.
“I was right he did show up. Looks like you owe me 100 credits, Major,” Mako spoke as he rose to stand in the center of the room, a restrained man at the Quaestor’s feet.
“I don’t like losing, Deciarius,” Alethia replied, not taking her eyes off of the computer display as she tinkered with some settings. A vintage IT-O interrogation droid hummed menacingly beside her, tethered to the computer by a series of cables.
“Well come on then Nathan, let’s get this over with. Archenksova, this one needs to have words with Turel,” the Krath said as he used his foot to nudge the restrained man onto the floor.
The younger man stepped tentatively toward the Krath, as Alethia grabbed the restrained man and dragged him to a small holding cell along the side of the room.
“So what now?” Nathan said as his eyes looked upwards at his fellow Quaestor.
“Suspect’s choice, you can have me retrieve the information from you, or Major Cut and Pluck and her droid over there can have a turn.”
“Oh, there’s more to it than that,” Alethia chimed in, “I managed to get a shipment of interesting psychotropics off of some of the Plagueians. Well, what was left of them, anyway.”
“And what does your method entail, Henymory?” the Hoth Quaestor’s eyes shifting from Archenksova’s table of electronics and tourture devices to the droid.
“Oh I just need something that has been with you for a few months, after I have that I will be able to trace where you have been and what you have done. Won’t hurt a bit,” Mako’s lips twisted into a devilish grin as his eyes appeared to take on a green glow.
“I will try Henymory’s method. Should I go retrieve something?” Nathan was cut off as suddenly a steel grip grasped him by the shoulders. He fell to his knees as an armored boot pushed, not so gently upon them.
“Oh you have everything we need already, inside you. Major if you would be so kind as to bring the knife. Now Deciarius would you like it in the arm or the neck, either way works for me.” Nathan’s mind raced as Mako talked, inside him, arm or neck, on him for several months. Then his eyes widened as he realized what the Krath meant. The young man began to struggle against Lilly’s hold.
Archenksova strolled over casually, and it was all Nathan could do to maintain his composure as the the Krath and the Imperial loomed over him.
“If you struggle you will lose more than a few drops,” Lilly purred into the Hoth Quaestor’s ear as she held him down. Somehow her words reassured him, and the facade of intimidation put on by Satele’s Quaestor and Aedile seemed to melt away. A second realization hit Nathan as he heard his heart beating loudly inside his body. They needed my heart rate elevated, he thought.
“I’ll try not to make a mess, Lilly,” Alethia added, rubbing a synthahol-soaked swab over Nathan’s arm. She pulled the vibroblade from her belt and gently slid it over the boy’s skin.
“Always hate this part,” Mako said as he grabbed Nathan’s arm and licked the fresh wound, covering his tongue with Nathan’s blood. Sitting down on the dirt floor of the root cellar, the Arcanist focused on the Force. It swirled around him as his eyes closed and he entered a sort of trance. The Force began to show him the path Nathan had taken to the Root Cellar and then further back it went on and on. To Mako it was as if time was going quickly in reverse as he saw Nathan’s recent past.
Lilly released the younger male as her master started his trance. Quickly she applied a bandage to Nathan’s cut.
“What now?” The Hoth Quaestor asked, he could feel the Force flowing around Henymory as the trance progressed.
“We wait,” Alethia spoke from behind her screens.
An hour passed as Mako’s trance wore on. Then his eyes opened, slowly coming back into focus. Instantly Nathan knew that the Krath had seen everything, and a sort of relief washed over the young man.
“You are free to go Nathan. Though you need to let Turel and A’lora know about what happened. Alethia, it would seem you now owe me 200 credits. Wrong twice in the same day, that has to be a new record,” the Arcanist said, his usual emotionless mask fading away to reveal how exhausted yet relieved he was that his counterpart was not a traitor.
“An all-time worst,” she agreed. “But I suppose knowing Hoth’s Summit hasn’t been compromised is worth 200 credits.”
Please make note that there is much more to this report fiction, individuals close to Mako die and Mako experiences a few life changing things. Please make sure to read the rest of the report fiction here
So this report is a bit late, but as you can tell by the extended bit of the fiction I wanted to wait until after the Feud ended to to release it. It has been a long month and a half or so and lots has happened, like the Feud. So without further adieu let's jump right into it
I am very proud of the house’s performance in the Feud, we had tons of participation and entries. While I can’t say yet who won and who lost as the results are still being determined, I know Satele really put its best foot forward. So know that no matter what the end results are I am happy and proud with the house for its part in the Feud.
So now that the Feud has ended let’s talk about what is to come. In Satele’s immediate future Arch and myself are currently going through the roster one member at a time and will be putting in for awards and promotions for those that have earned them. Thats right, the shiny wave is once more upon you. Look for these to be heading your way over the next few weeks.
A new planet: the summit is currently working on getting the last touches on our planet proposal and will be sending out an email to get the members vote on the planet design. We will take the member’s vote into account and is the final stage before we submit this proposal officially to A’lora and Turel. That said I think you will like what we have so far.
Competitions and events: Arch and myself are brainstorming together and are looking to set up and run a small two week light and fun house event. This probably won’t happen for a few weeks or longer but we will be bringing you competitions to do.
There is always more on the horizon so keep looking forward for things to come down the pipeline in the future, Major Cut and Pluck, you have anything to add here?
At some point after the massive shiny dump and the planet proposal, I’m going to be working on a proposal for updating the Clan’s military. If you’ve got anything you’d really like to see, feel free to shoot me [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or PM me on Telegram.
We really have some great battle teams here in Satele. That said I will like to once more remind everyone that here in Satele our battle teams are a privilege not a right, one that is reserved for active members. Also I have a policy of only 10 members per team max, no exceptions, period. If you are not active and just sitting on a battle team's roster please promptly return to house roster and let that precious spot be opened up for someone else that wants to be active. Ooroo is currently maxed out with 10 members. DoB has 8 current members and as such can take on two more. If you are interested in a position on DoB please contact Gresee, Arch, and myself and we will do what we can. Keep in mind the BTL will have the final say on who joins their team.
And now to the only part of the report you probably care to read ;p. The activity log, where you can compare who did more this past month. Our current roster is sitting at 28 in size, several member ended up going rouge from not logging in to the site for several months. This is an automatic process that the site will do. So log in, do some competitions, take some SA Courses, recruit some people. But most importantly remember to have fun! Now go do more things I require more *FUEL FOR THE FIRE! *
Keep in mind this is just reporting basic visual activity and awards. Also if I forgot something you earned I apologize in advance.
Make sure to regularly check the competitions page to find out all the fun things going on. Remember there are tabs at the top now for different types of competitions so make sure to check all the tabs.
The Journeyman ACC Tournament has begun! Everyone be sure to root for Talis as he takes on Taldryan’s Aiden Lee in the first round!
Check out these other reports to find out all the things!
Lots of good info there, keep an eye on the main page for more reports and news.
I’ll keep it short this week, as there’s a lot that’s come out and even more still to come as the Clan leadership brings you feud results and planet proposals. Like Mako, I’ve very proud of Shan’s performance in the feud and I’m looking forward to writing all of those award and promo recs this week. So relax and take a breather, and rest assured that we’ve got more good stuff coming down the line for you.
Alethia Archenksova
Aedile, Satele Shan
Well here we are again, the end of another report. It has been quite the month since the last report I put out. Lots of things have happened and I am certain you are all tired from the Feud still. Rest up and have fun, we will get back to the grind soon so make sure you are ready. Also give me FUEL FOR THE PROMO FIRE!
Mako Henymory
Quaestor, Satele Shan
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All the feels.
Nice report!
Excellent report, was great fun to work together on the story arc.