Tyranus Quaestor Report 3: New Year, New Hat


Tyranus Quaestor Report 3: New Year, New Hat


Welcome to my first report of 2023!

The new year is here and the plans are already under way to make this year even better than the last, so I’m going to keep the intro short and get right into it.

Table of Contents

  1. News
  2. Activity Report
  3. Competitions
  4. Final Thoughts



Clan Plagueis News

Slagar put out a report yesterday taking a look at the clans member numbers and participation numbers through 2022 and seeing how it stacked up against previous years. I’ll give you a very quick TL;DR on it, y’all kicked some serious butt and made me very proud to be a part of this amazing clan, I can’t wait to see Tyranus crush it even more this year!

This wasn't the only key piece of information from Slag’s report, we also learnt that on Monday, February 6th we take on the next Plagueis Event…

Ascending Confederacy

This is going to be the first major event of the year and pick up in the aftermath of the Pro Bowl and see some huge lore changes within Plagueis. I’m really looking forward to competing with and cheering on every single member of this House throughout the event. Keep an out for more updates as we keep this hype train a-rollin’


House Tyranus News

It was a heck of a year here in Tyranus, I made my triumphant return to leadership and everyone in Tyranus gave me such a warm welcome back. We saw the return of old members and had a few new joins and each and every one of you stepped up your game during the GJW and Pro Bowl to make both events an incredible success!!

I’ve seen the potential that the members of this house possess but I definitely think that we can still take things to the next level. I’ve already started reaching out to the members of Tyranus to touch bases in regards to the coming year and see how I can help with those new year goals. I want to see how we can help you have some more fun, get involved and earn some more shinnies!

Speaking of shinnies…

Activity Report:

Welcome to my favourite part of the report, SHINIES!

Neophyte Hevan Slavis

  • 1x Crescent with Sapphire Star

Hunter Sarai Andromeda

Battlemaster Doku Rivendare

Warlord Khryso Mallus

Reaver TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia

  • 1x Crescent with Ruby Star
  • 1x Crescent with Emerald Star

Brotherhood News

While the last month has been a pretty quiet one on the surface, we have seen a few interesting announcements from the DC, both big and small. The biggest announcement we saw has been years in the making, the long awaited and much anticipated switch over to a XP driven promotions system. This has been a long time coming and I am certainly excited to see how this changes things in the Brotherhood, though I will miss both reading and writing about all of the amazing things you’ve done to earn your promotions, at least we still have award recs! More details on how this is going to work will be coming in the not too distant future but I highly recommend taking a look at the GMs report.

I’m sure you’ve noticed that some of the emails you’ve received recently have received a bit of a facelift, well this is a project that the DC has been working on for a little while now, you can find more information on the current updates and more to come in Socorra A.K.A. Sock’s report.

For those interested in roleplaying within the club, Wally put out a report discussing the new Roleplaying course in the shadow academy, the new DB roleplaying handbook, and the (once again) new society.

And finally, the Herald announced the release of some new dossier skins, check out all of the new goodies!


DJB-wide Competitions

As always, this is just a sample of the competitions available to you right now, you can find more here


Final Thoughts

My next report will roll around once we are into our event, Ascending Confederacy, but fret not, you will definitely be hearing lots from me in the coming weeks working to get everyone hyped UP for both the event and the coming year.

As always, I have an open door, so if you have any questions or want to chat, feel free to hit me up by email ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) or on Discord.

Until next time,

  • TuQ

Wooo! Hat time!

It sure looks like the same hat 🤨

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