Tyranus Quaestor Report #3 - Revenge of the Quaestor


Tyranus Quaestor Report #3 - Revenge of the Quaestor


Hello Tyranus and welcome to the third in this series of Quaestor Osseus Orates Incessantly. Your attendance is mandatory but your attention is not.

…But I would rather I had it.

In this report

  1. What to do…
  2. Brief Musings
  3. The Boring Bit


What to do

A common conundrum I find myself in as a member is what to do next. Congratulations and well done to all the Tyranites who participated in May the 4th festivities. But what now?

Rest assured, there is still plenty more where those competitions came from! By my count, there are EIGHTEEN competitions currently running that are available for this House to participate in.

Some are calm fun, like TuQ's puzzle series
- These puzzles always make me giggle from the scenes they reveal.

Others make you curse your fellow Clanmates, like Alaris' WASD-The Revenge
- My fingers hurt, Alaris! And so does my pride!

And some are downright silly, like Advert Nauseum
- Because everyone loves adverts for montral smoothing cream in their face constantly, right? RIGHT?


You can help redesign an entire arm of the Dark Brotherhood with the GMRG Rebirth event To quote from the competition directly: "the winner of this mini-event will be granted the opportunity to be granted access to any single GMRG Accessory of their choice, past or present." Do you want Neko-eared headphones without having to steal them from Alaris? Here's your chance!

Brief Musings

Now with all those competitions laid out, I wanted to take a pause to raise a few points that are important to me as both a member and as Quaestor. May had a lot of activity and there have been massive changes to the club in a short time. Very exciting times BUT there exists the pitfall of becoming overwhelmed or feeling there is too much to focus on.

Feeling like this is A-OK! Maybe some of the changes didn't work out how you feel they should have or your well laid plans are completely obliterated. It's easy to become discouraged and feel like tossing in the towel. Maybe you have reached your goal and suddenly the next step is nowhere in sight. Would you believe you're not alone in that feeling? Yep, you heard it here, folks. Your Quaestor is not infallible!

Remember, this club is about a bunch o' nerds all doing our Star Wars-y thing, not being the very best, like no one ever was. The expectations of achieving first place in every competition and reaching Elder 2 in two months… just don't exist. My expectations as a Quaestor end at "did you enjoy participating in the club today?"

  • If the answer is a resounding YES? Awesome to hear! Hope tomorrow is the same!

  • If the answer is a YES but… Tell me about it! Let's get the fictional tow chain and pull you through that particular ditch whatever it happens to be.

  • If the answer is ever a NO, even a tiny one, please let a member of the summit know. From Slagar to TuQ to Tahiri and I, we exist to ensure the Clan is a supportive place where we can all let our nerd flags fly wild. If there exists issues between membership and their enjoyment in the club, it needs to be fixed ASAP! I solemnly promise that if I can't fix what ails the experience, there's a whole line of very scary hominids, gastropods and ursi that can be dragged in.

Now, I challenge everyone in this house to pick a goal and tell me about it. It can be something lofty like achieving an Elder rank. It can be silly like writing the plot to burn Proconsul TuQ'uan's hat collection. It can even be as little as participating in a competition you would not normally attempt. But if you set a goal, I would be honored to help you reach it. Except if it is usurping me... that would make me grumpy.

The Boring Bit

Now that the feelings are out of the way, now for the most riveting part of the report! See below for the scroll of achievements from the members of Tyranus.

Adept Alaris Jinn di Plagia
4x Crescent w Diamond Star
9x Crescent w Ruby Star
6x Crescent w Amethyst Star
3x Crescent w Sapphire Star
2x Crescent w Emerald Star
3x Crescent w Quartz Star
90x Cluster of Fire
2x Cluster of Ice
12x Cluster of Graphite
5x Scroll of Foundation

Specialist Titius Osseus
1x Amethyst Kukri
1x Crescent w Diamond Star
1x Crescent w Sapphire Star
3x Crescent w Emerald Star
1x Crescent w Topaz Star
2x Crescent w Quartz Star
12x Cluster of Fire
5x Scroll of Foundation

Cymbre Kall
1x Crescent w Ruby Star
1x Crescent w Sapphire Star
6x Cluster of Graphite

Saal Kesyk

1x Sapphire Blade

Battlemaster Katrila

1x Grand Cross 1x Crescent w Diamond Star
1x Crescent w Amethyst Star
1x Crescent w Sapphire Star
1x Crescent w Emerald Star
1x Crescent w Topaz Star 1x Crescent w Quartz Star
5x Cluster of Ice

Knight Ahathr'iss'asapla
1x Grand Cross
1x Crescent w Amethyst Star 1x Crescent w Sapphire Star
2x Crescent with Emerald Star 6x Scroll of Foundation


Singed & sooty,

Titius Osseus
P.S I really should make a better signature. Someone please yell at me about it before July.

First! Awesome report Titius! I also second everything in the Brief musings. Seriously peeps, if you ever need anything, our DM's are always open to chat, especially if there's a goal you want to meet but can't figure out how or are having difficulties, let the summit know. That's our job and we're here to help you get to where you want to go, and what you want to do done ;) <3 <3 <3

Great report!! LETS GO TYRANUS! Look at those numbers

Great report!

Remember everyone, our PRIMARY goal as leaders is to make sure the members have fun. The Secondary goal is to be the best clan ever, but we can’t tackle the second goal until we succeed at the first!

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