Tyranus Quaestor Report #4 - What a bore!


Tyranus Quaestor Report #4 - What a bore!


Well, we made it to Report #4 under the regime of the maniacal Titius Osseus. I must be doing something right!

Or maybe it was the threat of beatings until morale improves… A true mystery. Anywho, this will be the shortest report yet because July is dummy hot, I have work to do and I think mentioning more competitions will break the site again...

In this report

  1. Confessionals
  2. Wall of Things Done
  3. Ominous Tidings


Confessions from the heatstroke ward

Report number 4. If these were musicians, we would be serving canapés and some champagne while they played a light piece in the background. While a nice idea, it was shot down in favour of more wardroids fictionally and I confess to abhorring Social Roleplay sessions in reality. But beleaguering that point got my cerebral cogs turning. As you will see in the second section, lots was achieved since the last report. But I still have the nagging feeling that I am sitting on a pillar with my head in the clouds. So I pose this to the fine members of House Tyranus: What do YOU want to see? Feel free to express your interest on Discord through Direct Message or in #plagueis chat. I will even accept email. But…

Tell me

Wall of Things Done

See below for the scroll of achievements from the members of Tyranus.

Adept Alaris Jinn di Plagia

1x Crescent w Amethyst Star
2x Crescent w Sapphire Star
5x Cluster of Fire
5x Cluster of Ice

Specialist Titius Osseus

25x Cluster of Fire 3x Cluster of Ice 3x Cluster of Graphite
2x Scroll of Foundation

Cymbre Kall

1x Amethyst Kukri 2x Crescent w Ruby Star 14x Crescent w Amethyst 11x Crescent w Sapphire Star
63x Cluster of Graphite

Magistrate Saal Kesyk

1x Crescent w Sapphire Star
56x Cluster of Fire

Seer Eiko

1x Steel Cross

Azmodious Equesinfernum

1x Grand Cross
1x Crescent w Ruby Star
5x Crescent w Amethyst Star
3x Crescent w Sapphire Star 1x Crescent w Emerald Star
90x Cluster of Fire
15x Cluster of Graphite

Battlemaster Katrila

1x Sapphire Blade 2x Crescent w Diamond Star
5x Crescent w Ruby Star
6x Crescent w Amethyst Star
1x Crescent w Emerald Star
1x Crescent w Topaz Star
73x Cluster of Fire
5x Cluster of Ice
24x Clusters of Graphite

Scout Hevan Slavis

1x Steel Cross
8x Cluster of Ice

Knight Ahathr'iss'asapla
1x Crescent with Emerald Star 1x Scroll of Foundation

Sarai Andromeda

1x Dark Cross

Ominous tidings

I am staying very mum on any developments as your Summit has a project in the works that will hopefully start with a bang and not blow up in my face in particular. Until then, keep on rocking Tyranus.


Singed, sooty and still signatureless,

Titius Osseus

I want to see Titius go boom…off the the ACC I go!!

Those numbers. LETS GO!

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