Vizsla Consul Report #1 (again)


Vizsla Consul Report #1 (again)



Members of Clan Vizsla-

Welcome to my first report as Consul.

A normal first report would be filled with thanks and gratitude for being selected, the opportunity to lead, etc. This report will be anything but normal. My taking this position is anything but normal. In fact, I wish I wasn’t writing it at all.

A couple of days after Matt passed, Bubba asked me if I would take the position for a while. I agreed. I wasn’t prepared as so many who apply for jobs in the DB are. I didn’t have any plans other than playing Diablo 4 and slowly working my way towards the clan title. I certainly wasn’t focused on the fiction, fleet status, member retention method, events with other clans, etc.

But I wasn’t prepared to lose my friend, either.

And it is because I want to do right by him that I’m in this position now. And you can damn well bet I will give this my best effort, because that’s exactly what he did and what he would expect.

So with that, thank you to everyone who kept this train running in Matt’s absence, particularly Mako, Tater, and Esca. I’m glad to be on your team, and I look forward to writing the next chapter in Clan Vizsla’s history with you.


Clan Title Update

A lot of you are getting close to the Clan Title. As a reminder, the only way to get the title is by earning 2 million credits for the clan. There is no vote. It’s not a cool kids’ club (even though having the title is cool). It’s not a popularity contest. Earn credits, earn the title. That’s it. There are plenty of ways to do that, and you can find them here. One thing to remember: If you leave for another clan, your clan credits reset to zero!

You can view all current Ad Vizsla Title Holders here. I’ll build a super cool graphic for this at some point. That way everyone can see that Zoron has managed to rake in enough clan credits to earn the title three times over. I’ll consider him a reminder that the title is achievable, you just have to do the things.


Open Position: Magistrate to the Consul

I am opening applications club-wide for one of my M:CON positions effective immediately.

While there is no rank requirement to apply, I will preference members who have some experience with the competition system. I firmly believe that leaders in this club bear the responsibility to provide content for members.

I will also charge this Magistrate with some wiki work and anything else Mako and I can think up.

Any member interested in applying should send an email to both myself and Mako no later than 1 April 2025.

For members outside of Clan Vizsla, please give your clan leadership a heads up if you want to apply. While I am 100% on the “go where you want” train for the DB, I also think it is bad form to just suddenly take a position and vanish. I will ask Consuls about non-Vizsla applicants, so assume that they are at least one of your references ;).


Future Plans

Great Hunts: These will continue. Great Hunt X is up next. Mako and I are already brainstorming. Expect it to be big.

Joint Events: We will do events with other clans. Sarin was already in the initial planning stages with another clan for a joint event, and that Consul and I are already in discussion. Everything else is a secret.

More details to follow.



Donny : What are your plans for the immediate future with the ongoing Fero storyline?

  • Thanks to Esca, the storyline will continue. I’m pumped to have an internal clan story group running.

Donny : How many new title holders will you help push across the 2 million mark this year?

  • As many as possible. If you look at the table above, we have a bunch of people who are getting close.

Donny : Will Vizsla look to compete against or with another clan in the near future?

  • This one is easy. Yes. Sarin was already in talks with another clan for a joint event and I intend to see that come to fruition in the coming months.

Azler : How involved do you plan, or at least hope to be in member interaction from participating in gaming nights to RP/Envoy threads?

  • Likely more involved with gaming than things like RP. I have pretty limited free time, so I’ll almost always default to relaxing with a video game vs. writing fiction or participating in an RP. That’s simply my personal preference. For major events, I anticipate I would bring out all the stops and do all the things.

Tater : What’s our vision going forwards going to be?

My vision is simple: Do things, earn credits, reward members.

  • Do Things: I want to finish the projects Sarin started: Clan Fleet re-work, lore rework, and starting up joint clan events. Once I get through his list, I’ll have had enough time to think about my own ideas.

  • Earn Credits: Self explanatory.

  • Reward Members: I’m watching promotion/award assessments like a hawk. I like writing and giving out awards, both here and in real life.


In Closing

I never once thought I’d be here again. I assumed my time in leadership positions in the DB was over. But I’m here and to the best of my ability, I’m going to give you all my best as Consul. Vizsla is something Sarin was very proud of, and I want nothing more than to do right by him, and that means doing right by all of you.

So please, if you have ideas, things you want me to try out, don’t hesitate to send a message or drop into a voice chat.

This is the Way.

-Dracpool, out.


Credits not words!

Circumstances aside it is good to be able to work with you Drac. Credits Not Words.

RIP Sarin aka Pravus aka Matt

This is the way.

Proud of you guys and knowing the Clan is in good hands bring a sense of peace.

Good luck my friends.

Credits Not Words.

Beautifully well written!

Excellent report Drac!

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