[Vizsla] Proconsul Report - April


[Vizsla] Proconsul Report - April

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Clan Vizsla Proconsul Report


Vizsla, welcome to another clan report. Starting we want to express our appreciation for the incredible level of activity we have had since the beginning of the year. We have some events coming up shortly and some job opportunities for those interested in being part of the Summit, so check out what we have going on below!

We are working with the Dark Council and membership to make advancements to the Vizsla storyline and move us into a new era. If you have any interest in contributing to the conversation and/or hosting RP's to advance these storylines feel free to reach out to Hector or myself. I wanted to give a brief snippet below, written by Esca and reviewed by Rulvak and I, as a teaser of changes on the horizon.

The Anvil, Daemunn

Bootfalls echoed through the halls of the Anvil followed by the crack of wood on stone. Rulvak Qurroc moved with purpose towards the Vizsla leadership chambers, finally returning from his mission. Behind him, a uniformed woman worked to keep up with him, her weight shifting to a wooden cane as she followed. Her green eyes darted around, piercing through the locks of brown and blonde. She studied the once familiar area now in the process of reconstruction.

“Tell me again, why am I here?” she hissed to Rulvak, her annoyance obviously apparent.

Qurroc didn’t respond, instead he continued forward, pressing through the members of Viszla. Hushed whispers rang out around them as they passed. They ranged from concern to pure curiosity.

“Who is that?” a gruff and intrigued voice.

“Why’s she with Rulvak?” a concerned mutter followed.

“Is that…” another trailed off, offering recognition.

Ikarri Itinen stood at the entry to the chambers of leadership, his gaze falling upon Rulvak and his guest. He noticed the murmurs carrying through the halls and raised an eyebrow in surprise. Who was this woman that Rulvak had brought back? And just where had Rulvak been all this time?

“Rulvak. Welcome back,” Ikarri greeted, offering a hand out to shake. “I see you’ve brought a guest?”

The woman glowered through her bangs, studying Ikarri intently. He could tell she was analyzing him, sizing him up. Ikarri’s eyes lowered to the woman’s cane, taking in the full appearance of the woman. Before another word could be spoken, the doors behind Ikarri opened and the clan’s consul, Soccora, emerged. She offered a nod to Rulvak, welcoming him back before her gaze fell upon the woman. Her eyes widened slightly in recognition and she tilted her head ever so slightly before speaking in a low, hushed tone.

“Cortel…? What are you doing here?”

Magistrates Needed

With two open positions, we will be accepting applications for Magistrate to the Consul until 5/26/24. Please email Socorra and me together with your application. It does not need to be overly detailed, but we would love any ideas you can bring to the table and a commitment to the following responsibilities. Depending on interest and number of applicants we may close one or both opportunities early if we find candidates we believe will fit the role so don't wait until the last minute.

Magistrate responsibilities:

  • 4-6 monthly Clan competitions (organized or co-organized based on the comp type)
  • Creation or update of one Wiki article for the Clan per Quarter
  • Be active in Chat, answer questions, etc
  • Encourage activity for both Clan and Club wide competitions
  • Work alongside the Clan Summit to provide engaging fiction updates for the Clan

May 4th Event


The upcoming May 4th event is right around the corner. If you’re not part of a team already, head to Discord and find some partners or sign up to be assigned to a team. Teams are composed of 2-4 members, and all team entries need to be completed by EOD April 30th. If you have any questions or need help getting a team setup feel free to reach out on Discord to myself or the general chat who can guide you on doing so.

Current Teams
Haro's Squad Hector's Squad Sarin's Squad
Ikarri Hector Sarin
Haro Vynn Kodo
Rulvak Sinya'ni Valhavoc
Arcia Kanal Dracaryis

Welcome to our new members!

Member Name Current Rank Join Date Recruited
Razealth Novitiate 3 3/7/2024 Round-Robin
michel01 Novitiate 2 3/11/2024 Round-Robin
hartofluke Novitiate 3 4/7/2024 Recruitment
Seren Crypt Novitiate 3 4/8/2024 Recruitment
Reecioes-jasmyn Journeyman 2 4/9/2024 Recruitment
Vender Novitiate 4 4/13/2024 Recruitment
Espadawolf Novitiate 4 4/13/2024 Recruitment

Competitions and Activity

(3/3/24 - 4/25/24)

We have had an incredible level of activity over the last few months, with 41 unit-specific competitions created since 3/3/24, resulting in 210 entries for those competitions. In the Shadow Academy, we’ve completed 37 courses, and our members have earned 272 crescents, 3,942 Clusters of Fire, 16 Clusters of Ice, and 4,548 Clusters of Earth, along with 65 Clusters of Graphite… in total bringing the Clan to 8,591! Clusters earned in just under two months of activity.

I can’t wait to see by the end of the year what these results look like as we continue to drive activity and engagement. Thank you for your contributions and willingness to check out the events going on within the Clan and Club as a whole.

Credits Earned

Member Affiliation Credits earned for current clan
Mandalorian Declan Roark Vizsla, 653860
Darth Aeternus Vizsla, 138660
Master Dracaryis Vizsla, 11340 since last affiliation change,
Mandalorian Darcy Avarik Vizsla, 689370
Valhavoc Vizsla, 1014310
Vynn Salm Vizsla, 2661450
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae Vizsla, 534000
General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos Vizsla, 775800
Eminent Ikarri Itinen Vizsla, 910260
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla Vizsla, 6010080
Ghost Rulvak Qurroc Vizsla, 2242450
Aedile Raistlin Vizsla, 866730
Arcia Cortel Vizsla, 677500
Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr Vizsla, 1182000
Mauro Wynter Vizsla, 48640 since last affiliation change,
Tribune Kanal O'neill Vizsla, 1377060
Battlelord Ra'gnar Vizsla, 547100
Aiden Dru Vizsla, 162560
Corsair Chrome Vizsla, 1065670
Reaper Hector Von Ricmore Vizsla, 1770210
Dr. Malfrost Xeon Vizsla, 340720
Nightsister Sinya Ani Vizsla, 293010
Battlemaster Haro Zylrun Vizsla, 1305230
Fenris Skagg Vizsla, 141520
Jabis Ravenhawk Vizsla, 68000
Lieutenant Draex Verr Vizsla, 97300
Mandalorian Legion Vizsla, 138360
Mandalorian Vailhanz Vizsla, 44810
Mandalorian Drun'der Chuanach Vizsla, 90100
reecioes-jasmyn Vizsla, 11880
Kodo Obrim Vizsla, 24860
Vender Vizsla, 7290
Espadawolf Vizsla, 7080
Vaelor Bladesin Vizsla, 0
Razealth Vizsla, 2250
hartofluke Vizsla, 60
Seren Crypt Vizsla, 0
michel01 Vizsla, 0


Member PIN Member Name Current Unit Promotion Date New Rank Unit when Promoted
16818 Drun'der Chuanach Vizsla 3/17/2024 Trainee Vizsla
16818 Drun'der Chuanach Vizsla 3/24/2024 Runner Vizsla
16818 Drun'der Chuanach Vizsla 4/8/2024 Courier Vizsla
17209 Espadawolf Vizsla 4/13/2024 Apprentice Vizsla
17209 Espadawolf Vizsla 4/13/2024 Novice Vizsla
17209 Espadawolf Vizsla 4/22/2024 Proselyte Vizsla
17204 hartofluke Vizsla 4/7/2024 Apprentice Vizsla
17204 hartofluke Vizsla 4/7/2024 Novice Vizsla
17171 Kodo Obrim Vizsla 4/20/2024 Neophyte Vizsla
16813 Legion Vizsla 3/15/2024 Knight Vizsla
17193 michel01 Vizsla 3/11/2024 Apprentice Vizsla
17191 Razealth Vizsla 3/7/2024 Apprentice Vizsla
17191 Razealth Vizsla 3/7/2024 Recruit Vizsla
17206 reecioes-jasmyn Vizsla 4/9/2024 Apprentice Vizsla
17206 reecioes-jasmyn Vizsla 4/9/2024 Recruit Vizsla
17206 reecioes-jasmyn Vizsla 4/16/2024 Trainee Vizsla
17206 reecioes-jasmyn Vizsla 4/22/2024 Runner Vizsla
17206 reecioes-jasmyn Vizsla 4/22/2024 Courier Vizsla
14025 Rulvak Qurroc Vizsla 3/9/2024 Adept Vizsla
17205 Seren Crypt Vizsla 4/8/2024 Apprentice Vizsla
17205 Seren Crypt Vizsla 4/8/2024 Recruit Vizsla
17208 Vender Vizsla 4/13/2024 Apprentice Vizsla
17208 Vender Vizsla 4/13/2024 Novice Vizsla
17208 Vender Vizsla 4/22/2024 Proselyte Vizsla

In Closing

I just want to extend my appreciation again. It feels like there has been a solid revitalization over the last few months, with members joining, returning, and creating competitions and activities for everyone to participate in. Huge congratulations to Rulvak Qurroc for his promotion to Elder 1 and assignment of the Ad Vizsla title, both honors well earned for years of contributions. Along with shout-outs to Vynn Salm for earning a Ruby Scepter, Zoron for earning an Amethyst Kukri, along with Haro and Socorra for their Sapphire Blades for their Sacramental awards.

Keep up the activity. I have several things I’m considering implementing thanks to Declan sending over a lot of information and ideas from Vizsla’s founding days, so look forward to those announcements in the coming months.

Socorra and I are always open to feedback and ideas as well. If something comes to mind, feel free to reach out to us via Discord or email.

Mmmm. Stats.

Credits, not words

Can we just talk about Zoron. I mean....he is a credit machine. It's probably time he gets a statue or something.

This report is fire.

shouldn't vynn and qurroc be ad vizsla's by now?

@Brimstone - They are already

I actually toyed with the idea of buying a Corvette and naming it, "Zoron bought this" when I was Consul. 6 million earned is just insane!

Also outstanding to see so many newer members killing it.

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