Voice Supplemental #8.2 - Voice Staff Applications


Voice Supplemental #8.2 - Voice Staff Applications


Voice Staff Applications

Hello All,

I’ll keep this short and the point. Following discussion with each of my staff, there will be some changes within #TeamVoice. I am opening both Praetor and Magistrate positions for applications. Atty will be transitioning to a Magistrate role to help train the new staff on queue management.

The Praetor's primary duty is working on the various major projects going on, in addition to helping reign in the Voice's crazy ideas, and helping with site queues as needed.

Magistrates' primary duties involve maintaining the Character Sheet fiction Competition queues in addition to helping and providing feedback on Voice-related projects.

Both of these jobs have pretty big steps to follow in, but also a lot of potential for growth and development.

If interested in either, or both of these positions please fill out the application form.

Applications will close September 14th, 2021 at site rollover.

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, feel free to reach out to me via email, telegram, or discord.


slowly raises hand

Oh come on Wally, a former DCer coming back as the next DCers Magistrate? Who would even do that?

Agreed, Alaris!

It is madness!

Hell, why not?!

Apply, folks!

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