Voidbreaker Report #1


Voidbreaker Report #1


Hello, Voidbreakers!

Welcome to my first report! As most of you know, I have inherited the reins from Leeadra, so that means I’ve got some big (smol) shoes to fill! I guess I’ll start off by introducing myself. I’m Emere Galo, your new Battleteam Leader so think of me as a sort of… liaison between you and upper leadership (though they will gladly assist you as well)! I’m a very easy going individual, love to have fun, have a passion for the arts, love reading and writing fiction (if you need a second set of eyes on a piece of work, I’ll gladly take a look), love video games, and making friends!

During my journey here as Battleteam Leader, I hope to bring more life to the activity on the Voidbreaker and learn more about the crew here. I know a few of you already, and I look forward to getting to know everyone else.

In light of learning a bit about everyone, part of that is going to be me doing the best I can to draw more people from the shadows with fun activities. The list will begin with RP nights, competitions, rewards for participation (within the battle-team), a little bit of world-building with player choices/decisions having a lasting effect on the House or Voidbreaker. There are a few wiki and art projects I'm planning, so keep your eyes peeled, folks!

That loosely covers the plans I have for my tenure! I’m very grateful and excited to have this opportunity to fill this role.

Now for a bit of trivia about me:

Two truths and a lie!

  • I have had two dogs.
  • I was born in Washington DC.
  • I have five brothers.

Comment which one you think was a lie down in the comments!

Anyway, onwards with report goodies!


Fiction update

All this paperwork is a crime, Emere thought to herself as she sat at the desk of the captain’s ready room, staring at the computer terminal. Supply chains, weapons, armor— all things she needed to keep an eye on as a part of her duty. While engulfed in her work, she heard the door of the ready room open, not looking up from the terminal.

“Ever hear of knocking?” Her dark eyes flicked towards the person entering the cabin.

“Yes,” Eevie said cheerfully, walking confidently towards the dark-haired woman. “But that is way too pedestrian.” She leaned in front of the desk, her palms pressing into the surface as she levied her weight there. “You look like you could use a distraction, Em.”

Read the rest here.


Other Reports and News!

Check out the report done by our friendly Quaestor and Aedile!

A SASsy report! Learn more about the changes that have been made to the Shadow Academy.


Our most recent transfer, Cymbre Kall, is joining Clan Taldryan for a job opportunity. Farewell, we wish you the best in your future endeavors!




  • Participated in 1 Competition
  • 18 Clusters of Fire

Luka Zarkot

  • Participated in 1 Competition

Eilen Jath

  • Organized 1 Competition
  • Participated in 7 Competitions
  • 1 Crescent with Diamond Star
  • 4 Clusters of Ice

Emere Galo

  • Co-Organized 1 Competition
  • Participated in 4 Competitions
  • 1 Crescent with Ruby Star
  • 9 Clusters of Graphite

Alaisy Tir’eivra

  • Co-Organized 4 Competitions
  • Participated in 8 Competitions
  • 2 Crescents with Ruby Star
  • 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • 2 Crescents with Sapphire Star


  • Participated in 2 Competitions
  • 1 Crescent with Diamond Star -18 Clusters of Fire

Leeadra Halcyon

  • Participated in 2 Competitions

Cymbre Kall

  • Participated in 15 Competitions
  • 1 Crescent with Ruby Star
  • 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star


  • Participated in 3 Competitions


Competition List

HQD Vacation Series:

Vacation Pictures: Create a picture of your character having some much-needed fun!

Hunt the Qel-Droman: Use the clues to find the three Qel-Dromans skipping House meetings!

  • These are the comps that are currently running! Keep an eye open— others to be open soon!

Fiction/Poetry Comps:

Another Diamente: Write a poem about your character’s interests within the Star Wars universe!

Speaking Beyond the Veil: Your character has an opportunity to reach beyond the veil to talk to someone they’ve lost. Who would they talk to and how would they react?

It came in the night...: Your character is stranded in the wilderness… how will they respond within the questions presented?


Ralph McQuarrie Puzzle Series: Have some fun putting together puzzles for Ralph McQuarrie’s 90th birthday!

A SASsy Event:

Gentlebeing, Scholar, and....plumber?: Play the pipe game to repair the main restroom of the library!

Combing the stacks: Design an artifact for the library stacks on Arx!

Sudoku: Test your skills on an ancient puzzle known as Sudoku!

Asset recovery and presentation: Join a team and recover the artifact for Vance Kordall and Captain Aviana Starstrider!


Ask The Cranky Captain

Alaisy Asks:

  • How do you like commanding the Voidbreaker so far?

    I have no real quarrels. Yet.

  • Have you or are you planning to install an AI announcer?

    Why would I? I have a voice and I don’t trust AI.

  • Did you find any Skitters yet?

    Not yet.

  • Did Lee leave any manuals behind for her loyal apprentice?


  • How’s your captains quarters looking?


Tali Asks:

  • How many times have you stubbed your toe / bumped your head due to ALL the captain's settings being set to Lee?

    None. I changed the settings upon entering.

  • What was your first act as Captain?

    Bought a new chair.

  • What style of leading shall you employ (at least before despairing at cat herding) to get the BT to do your bidding?

    Autocratic. Follow my orders, don’t try to give me your input, earn your checks, don’t get killed. That’s all I ask. If anyone is found disobeying orders, expect corrective action.

  • Did you find the thing Lee left in her office?


Tech Asks:

  • When does the narwhal bacon?

    To that I ask, does it bacon? After some careful research, it does! At midnight to be exact.

  • On a scale of 1 - 10, what is your favorite color of the alphabet?

    Easy! Zebra, duh.

  • Do you even lift bro?

    Do cheeseburgers to my mouth count?

  • Which meme is the best?

    All of them. K?

  • If a gingerbread man sits in a gingerbread house, is the man made of house, or is the house made of man?

    Hmm… Yes! Not exactly an answer, but enjoy this comic instead!

  • In your opinion, what is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?


  • Where can I get a neato spandex super suit like that one you've got on? Oh, and will you be wearing that regularly?


  • Are we getting new crew uniforms anytime soon?

    As long as you don’t ruin missions, and the other two are okay with it, I don’t mind.

  • Can I park my starfighter at one of our docking ports? I don't think it'll fit in the cargo hold.

    Yes. Just know you’ll be the first one ordered to do something about any mid-flight threats.

Leeadra Ask:

  • Do you plan on assisting your QUA and AED in putting pants on the Consul?


  • What is the first thing you plan on changing in the Captain's office?

    Making sure it’s clean from anything belonging to the previous owner.

  • Have you found the thing I left for you yet?

    .... A letter would have been… nicer.

  • Any big plans for the future of the BT?


  • What is your name?

    Jazzy, Queen of this Report

  • What is your quest?

    To seek the fabric that holds the universe together.

  • What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

    What do you mean? African or European swallow? C’mon details! These things matter Lee!

Lucine Asks:

  • Did Lee leave the bar in the Captain's ready room fully stocked? Not that I am saying you'll need it…

    No. I will have to restock on my own accord.

  • What does The Cranky Captain drink?


  • Is a hotdog a sandwich?

    To that, I’ll counter and ask; is cereal cold soup?

  • How does Emere feel about having this responsibility thrust on her?

    If I narrowed it down to one word probably, dutiful. It’s not about the credits for her. She wants to succeed and learn from her failures like everyone else, though her methods would be more or less unorthodox. There is a burden on her shoulders to avoid failure at all costs because she knows that’s the fastest way her crew/team can lose morale and hope and she knows that she needs them in order to succeed.

  • How does she feel about working with the Redhead and the Lekhead?

    She hasn’t been around Tali enough to really get a feel for her. Lucine leaves her feeling a bit wary because she can’t exactly get a grasp on who she is. While generally distrustful, Emere will gladly take orders from either one so long as they don’t ask her to kill one of her crew. Otherwise, her loyalty is unyielding.


Closing Time!

I’m the Captain

Wow, you made it to the end of this? Thank you for reading! If you have any questions for me please don’t be afraid to email me [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or message me on Telegram @JazzyPArt. I look forward to working with everyone!

(She is the captain now)


Nice report, to the point. I think the lie was the you were born in DC? shrug

Great report! And don't worry, Lucine would never ask Emere to kill a crew member.

It think the lie is that you have 2 dogs.

Awesome report Jazzy.

Leeadra, dont leave your shoes lying around!

Since the other two have been guessed, the lie is the 5 brothers!


Yeah Jazzy!

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