Wardens Report - "New Head Honcho"


Wardens Report - "New Head Honcho"


Hello my fellow Wardens,

A quick one today. Not really a full report since it all got covered a day or two ago by both Yacks and Halc.

As you saw on the mailing list, Aiden was promoted to Aedile (congrats boss!) and I have moved into the Battleteam Leader spot. So fire me any questions/concerns you might have at this email.

After chatting with Halc, I will be doing bi-weekly reports, usually landing on the weekends. My big focus is going to be on emphasizing competitions - they are the easiest ways to stay active because you are actually getting shinies and your activity is actually documented for me (and the rest of the Summit) to see.


Most of the news was well covered in the two links above, so I won't re-iterate.


I am in need of a Battleteam Sergeant who can help out and pick up the slack... when I'm slacking. Email myself and Aiden and Halc if you are interested. I will leave this as a Wardens-only offer for a few days before I send it out to the clan as a whole.


Because my mailbox is such a mess, I've sure to have missed a thing or two here and there - apologies, it will be corrected for the next report, I promise.

Bendak - finished ACC Fundamentals and participated in the Akinator competition.

Shaz'air - Hunt the Jedi #9 participation and earned some Clusters for MP gaming

Zoron - Hunt the Jedi #10 participation, ACC Round 4 posts

Final Word

Like I said - short this time around. There are a number of quick competitions (Flash games and mobile gaming) in addition to a host of fiction events that are running. I will get a run down in my next report, and I'll also try to break them down into "time commitment" groups for easy picking. Log in to the site and check them out (added benefit of giving you your AWOL check automatically - yes, the site checks that!)

I am working on a few competitions to be released soon - something to replace Dru's old puzzles (not sure if he's continuing with them or not) for a quick competition that I don't think has been done here yet. Also a NFL Pick 'Em pool for those who are interested (to complement the regular fantasy pool that's being run).


DJK Kenath Zoron (Sith) / BTL / Battle Team Wardens of House Ektrosis of Clan Taldryan

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