Wardens Report - "This is Your Brain, and This is Your Brain on Reports"


Wardens Report - "This is Your Brain, and This is Your Brain on Reports"

Rise and Shine Wardens

Hello Wardens. I've missed you and I'm getting back into my DB groove so that means I get to bug you all again. OK well that's a sufficient report intro.


News and Other Reports

In my opinion the biggest news since the last Wardens Report is Quejo stepping down from his position as Aedile of Ektrosis. Quejo earned a Grand Cross of the Darkside for being such a great leader. But now we need a new Aedile. Check below for Rians report about Ekky AED applications for more info.

Taldryan Reports

DB-Wide Reports


Competitions and Things We Earned



  • Aiden Dru earned a Crescent with a Topaz Star



This Report is over. Oh yeah It's also my 21st birthday so I shall spend the rest of my day sleeping and consuming mass amounts of alcohol :P As always feel free to contact me in IRC or e-mail.

DJK Aiden Dru / BTL / Battle Team Wardens of House Ektrosis of Clan Taldryan E-mail: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

DJK Kenath Zoron / BTS / Battle Team Wardens of House Ektrosis of Clan Taldryan E-mail: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

21? Damn youngin's :P At least you can legally drink now :P

/me hazes Dru

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