Wildcards New Leader Report #1


Wildcards New Leader Report #1


Picture by Ozosi Vym

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Plans
  3. Questions
  4. News
  5. Conclusion


Hello and welcome to the Not-Related-To-Porgs report, brought to you by Ozosi/Kris, the one who plans to rule the DB. Cue evil laughter.... looks around I’m joking guys!


Anyways! To bring some news regarding Battleteam Wildcards, I have assumed rule— I mean... leadership of the team and plan to make this team one of the greatests. I want to be transparent about my ideas for The Wildcards, so they are as follows:

  • Bring unity to the team and create a culture of which everyone is allowed their time with the Spirit Stick, which means that everyone has a chance to speak their mind. All members will be heard, but this does not mean that everyone will get their wish come true or happy ending. I want to empower the members, but not to overwhelm the idea mill or the story/world building with conflicting ideas and such.
  • Bring activity with recruitments as well as story building within the realm of each member’s character having a chance to connect with another member. What this means is that I want to have newer members come in, or at least get fresh eyes into the story. I also want to make story arcs with each member so that everyone gets their own piece of the storyline.
  • Elect an informal deputy. I understand that this person would have no real power, but this person would be useful to me as I would like to have someone to share the experience and potentially be groomed into the next leader, should I ever leave this position. This person would be assisting with information gathering for reports, activity checks with the members, assisting with wiki development, competition development and more. This will be an internal application only for Wildcard members.
  • Continuing on from 3, I have accepted on person as the deputy already now. Tisto! You shall be my deputy and assist with the team.


May I ask if you have any immediate plans for Idiot's Array or how to make use of it as a resource in storylines?

So the immediate plans for Idiot’s Array is to make it a hub for communication for the Wildcards and be a place of refuge for people who need assistance. I want to eventually expand on this.

How do you feel about members contributing content to the Idiot's Array? Like personalizing spaces in it or creating NPCs.

I would really appreciate this if there were NPCs for the Idiot’s Array, expanding the culture of the team with not just the “real” people but also the non-playable “people”.

what excites you most about Wildcards as a concept?

I’m excited about the diversity of the team. We have so many people who are from different stories coming together to work as a team. I’m so excited about the potential to be the greatest team and really make people want to be in the team.

Who is Ozosi's first call in a dangerous situation? Where is Ozosi in terms of connection to the underworld? Does she spare her enemies?

Ozosi would probably call Celevon or Tisto to the battle. Second question would be that she comes from a group of mercenaries who did a lot of undercover work and did some trading on the black market. This trading has gotten her into a lot of trouble in a few instances…. So much that she will eventually be noticed by a group of mercenaries who will capture her and torture her. Third question is that Ozosi has come close to sparing completely, but has never done it. She hasn’t exactly killed either. Her companions from the merc days did all the killing for her but she never intended to spare them.





Please be sure to send me a note for any additional information as well as if you wish to apply for the Deputy position for the Battle Team Leader of The Wildcards.

Thank you!

Ozosi Vym
Knight of Odan-Urr
Battleteam Leader of Wildcards/Praetor to Herald
Porg Master

Awesome first report, Kris. Keep up the good work!

Great first report, Kris!

Looking forward to what's coming next!

As my first act as unofficial Deputy all Wildcards will have a pancake placed on their heads when I pass out.

Great report, Kris. Exciting to see what becomes of the team. :)

Well put together report Ozosi. I wish you nothing, but good fortune as the lead with Wildcards.

Well done first report! Good Luck!

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