The Hunt is Over
The Third Great Hunt has come to an end. Most of you made an appearance, and some of you a very strong showing. The way that the point system worked made for a very interesting result, and we ended up with one of our own Wren members claiming the top spot. Congratulations to the credit master, Zoron, for taking the crown and temporary title of Huntmaster! We also had a second member in the top three, Occultan, barely sneaking into third with a tiebreaker. Very well done to the both of you!
Our Great Hunt is a yearly competition that will continue to help you bolster your credit count, and keep you engaged with our clan and your fellow Vizsla members. There will be other opportunities for you to earn credits and help your house and clan. If you have an idea that you think everyone would love, feel free to run it as a competition or let us know so that we can fill any gaps you see.
We will be looking into more of the details and fictional direction of the House in the upcoming month or two to help us really solidify who we are and what we do for Clan Vizsla. This is another opportunity for all of you to help create and develop the world we enjoy within the Dark Brotherhood. Farrin and I will be working together to ensure that there is no confusion of what our purpose is, and we hope to bring you some fun along the way in the form of various competitions. As I said before, do not hesitate to let us know what you would like to see, or how we can improve in any areas. We are both reachable via telegram and email.
Our Clan leadership has also asked for individuals who would like to help create Clan details and help fill out the wiki. Just one more opportunity to impact our club and show what you have to bring to our community. If you are interested, please contact Pravus and Drac via TG/email.
Congratulations to the following members on their recent awards and promotions:
Your promotions and awards are a result of the effort that you put into your battleteam, house, clan and the Brotherhood overall. Excellent job guys!
It has been a busy summer. The GJW, Great Hunt, COVID-19, and natural disasters. Nevertheless, we continue to do what we can to make the Brotherhood a great place to escape to. It won’t always be perfect, but we all play our part in making it better than the day before. Life happens, so do not get discouraged if you feel like you are not helping as much as you’d like. We will always be here waiting for you to come back.
In an effort to help you connect with me, here’s a few things that have happened in Warp-land over the summer:
I’m usually around, though more busy than I used to be because of these twins. That doesn’t mean that I am unable to help. So, as per usual, if you are looking for proofreading, advice, suggestions, or whatever, you need only ask. Please do ask! I look forward to writing, creating, and -of course- gaming with you! I’m here if you want to talk or game with a friend.
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Good report.
Great report
Grats to the winner of The Hunt! But super congratulations on the 10 year anniversary!!!