Marvel to publish Star Wars comics starting 2015


Marvel to publish Star Wars comics starting 2015

Marvel Comic

Breaking news this morning, Marvel will be publishing Star Wars comics starting in 2015. This isn't an unsurprising development, considering that Disney owns both Marvel and LucasFilm, what is surprising is that it took this long to announce the change.

You can read the official statements on the following sites:

That kinda seems like a slap in the face to Dark Horse, especially while acknowledging that Dark Horse had had such success with the rights.

It is, but honestly? Why wouldn't you keep the rights in House. If I own a Comic book company, and not a minor little player, but Marvel... of course I'm going to take the rights and put them where I get the profits from their work.

It's sad for Dark Horse, but this move was incredibly predictable.

Yeah, it's purely a business decision (and a good one from Disney's perspective). Two things were going to happen:

  1. Disney moves Star Wars to Marvel
  2. Disney buys Dark Horse

I think the second option may have caused some paradox or space-time tear lmao.

Yeah, this was all inevitable. Regardless of how well Dark Horse has done (and they've done a fantastic job with the IP), it was always going to be Marvel publishing it in the future as soon as the sale went through. It was all a matter of "when". Since the movie is coming out in 2015, then it would make sense to start publishing it at that time as well as you can then do a fairly clean ret-con of things as well to bring into in-line with whatever the movies do

Yeah, this news isnt surprising at all. Although I do hope that whatever Marvel SW comics do come out next year, start happening a lot sooner than the movie's release date. Cause that would be BARELY 2015. Star Wars comics/graphic novels = win.

Still a bit sad to see Dark Horse lose it, even though it was totally obvious from the instant Disney got the rights.

I'm gonna miss the Dark Horse comics that's for sure. Over the last two years I have collected an issue of every single Star Wars comic they printed, variants and all. It's just not gonna be the same. Well here's hoping they don't completely ruin the EU...

Young Avengers/Jedi Academy crossover!

Marvel... shrug... like Yacks said, the writing was on the wall the moment the Mouse entered the room.

The question I still want answered is if Darth Vader will be a secret boss in Kingdom Hearts 3 :P

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