Star Wars Episode 7 News


Star Wars Episode 7 News has released news that principle filming for Episode 7 will begin in May!

The movie is also to feature a trio of young new leads along with some familiar faces. It will be set 30 years after Episode 6. That means we are looking at around 34 ABY.

Thoughts on what we might be looking at?

Jacen Solo's time period. Possibly the Yuuzhan Vong but I don't know if Disney will go down that route.

At 34 ABY? If it involves one Anakin Solo, there will be many an angry fanboy.

I still think we need Lando Solowalker to show up.

Also, the term we use is "principle photography", for some reason. Film industry has a lot of terms that make no sense.

I'll be honest I'm a bit disappointed we are well past the Thrawn timeline. If they are going to keep to some of the expanded universe I think it is a very likely chance we are looking at least the Solo Twins. Possibly along with Ben Skywalker. For it to involve Anakin Solo, they would have to push his death back by like 7 years. I'm hoping that will keep him out of it.

Thrawn = Canon. How much else they leave in, I don't know. That also puts us squarely past the Vong timeline. It will be interesting to see just how much of the EU they leave intact, given that pretty much all of the established EU falls within the gap they will be skipping.

It would make sense for most of the successor books to Thrawn's timeline, dealing with Pelleaon and the Imperial Remnent in place. How they go about integrating that with the New Republic, IE: the X Wing novels etc, will be interesting to see as well.

Well, I've been more or less resigned to an EU wipeout for several months, so... if they do reboot stuff, oh well.

Having said that, even if they reboot it, I'm sure a lot will subconsciously seep back in, as it's not like [Insert future author] isn't going to think "Oh, hey, name dropping that cool Thrawn dude would be cool, hehe." The Vong War... if it still happens at all, might have to be "reimagined" a little, but they've messed about with "how long" wars ran for many times in the past, and the broad brushstrokes of stuff have still lingered.

Coolest part of this though? Reboot or no reboot, it will be set almost exactly when the Dark Brotherhood is right now!! :D

And, thus, we prepare ourselves for the wave of new Brotherhood joins using the names of the new trilogy characters. And it was an exciting time for the Dark Brotherhood :-D

No matter what happens, the fandom is to big to please everyone. I think the new movies will be more or less stand alone within the larger universe. Yeah, they're going to mess up the timeline no matter what they do, but that was to be expected. However, I don't foresee them doing the Vong, Swarm War, etc. for one big reason: mass appeal. These movies are going to try and have interesting characters and plots that remind the casual viewer of what they saw before: Jedi, Sith, and lightsabers. In short, we're going to end up watching a re-run of what I most frequently see for the Test of Wisdom.

And the influx will be grand; maybe a few good members will stick it out. I remember the ROTS influx quite well...

They will probably take the more action packed turn that JJ Abrams took with the new Star Trek movies as well. Not sure how I feel about that idea.

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