Character Snapshot (Master Draca Zul)

Character Snapshot for Peacekeeper Ria'd Stesca (2020/09/20, Peacekeeper Ria'd Stesca vs. Privateer Sage "The Boss" Cormac)

Peacekeeper Ria'd Stesca

Equite 1, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Male Zabrak, Jedi, Defender
Height: 1.9 m / 6'3" - Weight: 92.07 kg / 203 lbs
Age: 27 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Ria'd Stesca is a typical Zabrak. Tall, lean and an impressive specimen to gaze upon.

He possesses the trademark cornial horns typical to his species, of which there are seven small ones dotted about over his scalp and over his hairless head. He is curiously devoid of the facial and body tattoo's the Zabrak don in their warrior culture. His skin tone is light, again, uncharacteristic among his yellow or red skinned bretherin.

With mystical grey eyes, along with an average body build for someone of his height that is subtly toned with muscle and a strong imperial accent, it creates a rather exotic and handsome demeanor.

Loadout: Ria'd Stesca (Snapshot)
Who Am I? (General Aspect)

Ria'd Stesca is driven by an unsatisfied urge to discover just who he is and where he came from. He was an orphaned child before becoming a Jedi, and the most he knows is he was born on Dathomir, a member of the Nightsister cult until he was rescued as an infant by the Jedi.

This need for gratification at times can often be distracting for the young man, especially when it can interrupt his duties.

A Jedi In A Sith's Galaxy (General Aspect)

Ria'd Stesca isn't stupid, and understands, perhaps better than most Jedi, that the Brotherhood is run by dark siders. Despite being a Jedi himself, he finds himself not bothered by them at all, and instead simply wishes to ride the waves of the Force and allow it to do what it will.

This has upon occasion put him at differences with other light sided Force users who see the dark side as an enemy that must be stopped.

Why So Serious? (Personality Aspect)

Ria'd Stesca doesn't often like to let his emotions get the better of him, feeling they are a gateway to a weakness that can be exploited. This isn't to say he's unemotional, far from it, just that he is more reserved and analytical than most.

He likes to take a step back and weigh his options, and often comes across as unsociable because of it.

True Pacifist (Personality Aspect)

At heart, Ria'd Stesca hates conflict and will often go to great lengths to avoid it by whatever means he can. He will use his skill in Diplomacy to try and calm a situation should the need arise.

This has, upon occasion, landed him in trouble when he should have jumped to action instead of being so passive.

Stonewall Fighter (Combat Aspect)

Truth be told, Ria'd would rather not fight if he didn't have too. However, one must not mistake his pacifism for weakness as he will draw upon his weapon should he have too.

When in close combat, Ria'd Stesca will use a combination of his mastery in Soresu and Sliding Hands to wear down his opponent until they tire, give up, or he is forced to end the conflict with a swift swing of his lightsaber.

However, this style of fighting is highly defensive and is based entirely on being reactive to his opponent. His style also falters against opponent's who's stamina can eclipse his own, at which point he merely delays the inevitable.

Teamwork Makes The Dream Work (Combat Aspect)

In a battlefield situation, you will often find Ria'd Stesca on the front lines supporting his allies with a myriad of defensive Force Powers.

Abilities such as Healing, Control Self, Battle Meditation and more to support his side as best he can.

However, his emphasis on powers that help a group leaves little to be desired In a one on one confrontation, where his defensive skills merely delay the inevitable.

Skill Feats
Force Feats
Accelerated Healing I Sokan Shield Wall I Field Triage I Energy Dispersion
Granted Feats
Zabrak: I Always Know Better Zabrak: Didn't Hurt! Synergy II Order Feat: Jedi Force Pulse II
  • Basic
  • Zabraki
  • Defensive battlefield tactics and strategies of the Clone Wars.
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Sliding Hands
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form III (Soresu)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None