Details for Novitiate 1

Rank information
Number of members at Novitiate 1:
Percentage of members at Novitiate 1:
XP Threshold
Order/Path rank information
Order Male rank name Female rank name Number of members
Loyalist Initiate Initiate 0 (0.0%)
Force Disciple Initiate Initiate 186 (5.49%)
Mercenary Initiate Initiate 0 (0.0%)
Sith Initiate Initiate 3047 (90.01%)
Jedi Initiate Initiate 152 (4.49%)
Displaying members 51 - 75 of 3385 in total
PIN Rank Name
10736 Initiate Ahriman D'Vrim
15153 Initiate Ai’dam Katero
6138 Initiate aiden ken
11841 Initiate aiden partridge
4862 Initiate Aiden Winstar
15158 Initiate ai'idem ke'roa
13580 Initiate Aijou
12256 Initiate Aionos
10535 Initiate Airathel
6350 Initiate Ak'hafta Cole
11229 Initiate Akira Nightshade
13217 Initiate Akkaden Mareck
12009 Initiate Akkakin
15144 Initiate Akki
6311 Initiate Akrebus
11318 Initiate Akyyi Serlon
9484 Initiate Alaan
9737 Initiate alamae von
14253 Initiate Alastair18
8778 Initiate Alastor
14408 Initiate Albert Richthofen
14041 Initiate Alchemist_white
6366 Initiate Alcron
12279 Initiate Aldius
12558 Initiate Aldor Proga Vitaan