Details for Novitiate 1

Rank information
Number of members at Novitiate 1:
Percentage of members at Novitiate 1:
XP Threshold
Order/Path rank information
Order Male rank name Female rank name Number of members
Loyalist Initiate Initiate 0 (0.0%)
Force Disciple Initiate Initiate 186 (5.5%)
Mercenary Initiate Initiate 0 (0.0%)
Sith Initiate Initiate 3043 (90.0%)
Jedi Initiate Initiate 152 (4.5%)
Displaying members 1576 - 1600 of 3381 in total
PIN Rank Name
9241 Initiate Toss
14209 Initiate Felicia Yt'oub
9546 Initiate Adrian Ravenna
9529 Initiate weird techy
9531 Initiate Bercuda
9533 Initiate Dark Ether
9535 Initiate Hoar
9537 Initiate OL PHUDJ PAK- KHARR
9542 Initiate Nevar
9510 Initiate druid_d2x
10730 Initiate Zheng
9582 Initiate Trevo
9597 Initiate kel-jin
9651 Initiate Mor'raug Thauras
9596 Initiate Naamgever
9601 Initiate the pirate
9641 Initiate heksenspul
9649 Initiate kingrick
9645 Initiate Darious Scelero
9653 Initiate Rifter
9685 Initiate Exukar
9702 Initiate Dominik Ordo
9710 Initiate Oppressa
9672 Initiate Angel Sims
6614 Initiate Aebman